Occupational Injury and Its Prevention

Major: Industrial and Occupational Safety
Code of subject: 7.263.01.O.002
Credits: 7.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Ph.D., asoc. prof. Stupnytska N.V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: РН05. Develop and implement effective measures aimed at regulating and ensuring civil safety РН07. Use modern information and communication technologies, specialized software when solving practical and / or scientific tasks. РН11.Resolve problems in new or unfamiliar situations in the presence of incomplete or limited information, assess risks, to carry out appropriate research. РН15. To analyze and evaluate the state of providing civil protection, man-made and industrial safety of objects, buildings, structures, engineering networks РН17.Select the necessary information in special literature, databases, other sources of information, analyze and objectively evaluate information. КОМ1Understanding and unambiguous accommodation of their own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to those studying. КОМ2 To communicate with a foreign language orally and in writing in the scientific, industrial and socio-social spheres of activity. АіВ1Manage workers or educational processes that are complex unpredictable and require new strategic approaches. Contribution to professional knowledge and practices and / or evaluation of the results of teams and collectives АіВ2Responsibility for the contribution to professional knowledge and practices and / or evaluation of the results of teams and collectives АіВ3The ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy
Required prior and related subjects: Pre-requisites Life Safety. Security of potentially dangerous technologies and industries,
Summary of the subject: The state of occupational injuries in Ukraine. Basic terms and definitions. Causes of occupational injuries. Basic measures to prevent injuries and professional diseases. Methods of analysis of industrial injuries. Procedure for investigating accidents and / or acute occupational diseases. Basic principles and accident insurance tasks. Psychological reliability of a person with examination. Hygienic classification of labor on the indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors of the production environment, the severity and intensity of the labor process. Harmful and dangerous factors when working with computer equipment. Industrial traumatism and ways to decrease in metal processing. Causes of injuries in the shops of chemical and thermal treatment. Industrial traumatism and ways of reducing construction. Traumatism when operating cylinders and pressure vessels.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: Performing individual practical tasks (30%); Performance of settlement and graphic work. (20%) Execution of control work (20%) Assimilation of theoretical material - Test control (50%) Final control: Differentiated credit (score). The score for the course is exposed by the sum of the calculations of the current control.
Recommended books: 1. Ступницька Н.В. Конспект лекцій з дисципліни «Виробничий травматизм та його запобігання» для студентів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти галузі знань 26 «Цивільна безпека» спеціальності 263 «Цивільна безпека» спеціалізації «Промислова безпека і охорона праці». 2. Методичні вказівки до виконання практичних робіт курсу. 3. І.П.Пістун, Р.Є.Стець, І.О. Трунова Охорона праці в галузі машинобудування Навч. посібник.- Суми „Університетська книга” 2011,- 557 с. 4. І.П.Пістун, Р.А Яцюк, І.О. Трунова Охорона праці при виконанні зварювальних і термічних робіт. Навч. посібник. – Л. ,,Львівська академія друкарства” 2011.-443с 5. Катренко Л.А., Катренко А.В. Охорона праці в галузі комп’ютингу. – Львів.: Магнолія, 2012.- 543с. 6. Катренко Л.А., Кіт Ю.В., Пістун І.П. Охорона праці. - Суми.: Університетська книга, 4 вид.,2011.- 495с. 7. Ткачук К.К., Зацарний В.В., Сабарно Р.В. та ін Охорона праці та промислова безпека Навч. Посібн.- К.: Лібра, 2010.- С.560.