Technogenic Hazards and Protections

Major: Industrial and Occupational Safety
Code of subject: 7.263.01.E.022
Credits: 6.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Cand. physical and mathematical N. , Associate Professor Kachan Stepan Ivanovich
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes PH01. Apply specialized conceptual knowledge, including modern scientific achievements, to solve scientific and applied problems in the field of civil security. PH02. Effectively manage complex work processes in the field of civil security, including unpredictable and those that require new strategic approaches, objectively evaluate the performance of staff and staff. PH03. Integrate knowledge from different fields to solve theoretical and / or practical problems and problems in the field of civil security. PH04. Develop and implement socially significant projects in the field of civil security and related interdisciplinary projects, taking into account social, economic, technical and legal aspects. PH05. Develop and implement effective measures aimed at regulating and ensuring civil security. РН07. Use modern information and communication technologies, specialized software when solving practical and / or scientific problems. PH12. Determine the indicators and characteristics of products, processes, services in terms of their compliance with the requirements of standards when solving practical and / or scientific problems. PH13. Assess the compliance of legal, organizational, technical measures to ensure man-made safety and occupational safety to the requirements of the law during professional activities. PH14. Carry out forecasting, risk assessment during professional activities and the ability of relevant units to respond to emergencies and events. PH15. Analyze and assess the state of civil protection, man-made and industrial safety of facilities, buildings, structures, utilities. PH16. Make effective decisions in difficult unpredictable conditions, define goals and objectives, analyze and compare alternatives, evaluate resources. Learning outcomes of professional orientation (RNPS): RNPS 1.2. Solve specific problems in the analysis of man-made threats in the field of civil security and make effective decisions on the choice of means of protection. Communication (COM) COM 1. Clear and unambiguous communication of one's own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students. COM 2. Communicate a foreign language orally and in writing in the scientific, industrial and social spheres of activity. Autonomy and responsibility (AiV) A&I 1. Management of work or learning processes that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches. AiV 2. Responsibility for contributing to professional knowledge and practice and / or evaluating the performance of teams and teams. AiV 3. Ability to continue studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: Life Safety Safety of operation of buildings and structures Safe operation of engineering systems and networks Related and the following disciplines: Safety of technological processes Occupational hygiene and occupational diseases Occupational risk insurance
Summary of the subject: The course "Man-Made Threats and Means of Protection" combines a system of knowledge and skills on security issues in the performance of professional duties by staff of facilities. Global man-made accidents and catastrophes have recently become, paradoxically, a common occurrence in our daily lives. Almost every day we witness, and often, unfortunately, participants and victims of "man-made" cataclysms - fires, large-scale railway, air and car accidents, mass diseases and poisonings. Until recently, all this was perceived as an inevitable and uncontrollable disaster, and therefore, we fought not with it, but with its severe, sometimes tragic consequences. Many reasoned answers to these and other extremely important questions can be found in the special course "Man-made threats and means of protection." The course considers the basics of civil protection as a set of organizational, engineering, sanitary and other measures implemented by state executive bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, in particular, public, to prevent emergencies and eliminate their consequences. In fact, the special course allows the student to clearly orient in finding out the causes and nature of certain emergencies, and then - to take timely and adequate measures to protect and eliminate their consequences. Also, the special course "Man-made threats and means of protection" presents a detailed scheme of functioning of public security management systems in this area and supervision.
Assessment methods and criteria: In the process of current and semester tests, the following methods are used to control the learning outcomes of students: testing, blitz-surveys, oral interviews. Assessment of the level of students' mastery of the theoretical material of the course takes the form of passing a test in the ANS (tests for reliability, relevance, recognition) upon completion of the lecture section. The lecturer appoints the date and time of the test. To perform practical work on individual tasks (calculation tasks, analysis of the production situation)? assessment of the quality and completeness of individual tasks, oral examination. Control work ? evaluation based on the analysis of the following factors: the correctness of the calculation of the work; correct execution of illustrative material; compliance with the requirements for the design and structure of work. Differentiated credit is determined by the sum of points for all types of work. Procedure and criteria for scoring and grades: The form of semester control of the discipline "Man-made threats and means of protection" is a differentiated test, so the semester grade is set as a summary of the current control of all types of mandatory work provided by the work program, namely: - max 60 points for mastering the theoretical material of 15 lectures (testing in VNS; the number of points for each of the lectures is due to the complexity of the study material, the amount of study material submitted for self-study); -max 40 points for practical work (4 works - max 10 points for work, of which 8 points - for the correctness of the individual task, 2 points - for the regularity of work and the level of knowledge demonstrated in the oral answers); Part-time students perform two tests (20 points each).
Recommended books: 1. Методичні вказівки до дипломного проектування з розділу «Цивільна оборона» для студентів хімічного профілю/ Укл. С.М. Орел., та інш.– Львів: «Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2002.– 64 с. 2. Оцінка обстановки у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Навчальний посібник. В.Є. Гончарук, С.І. Качан, С.М. Орел, В.І. Пуцило.– Львів: «Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2004.– 184 с. 3. Стеблюк В.Г. Цивільна оборона. Київ. Урожай, 1994 р.-228с. 4. Шоботов В.М. Цивільна оборона: Навчальний посібник.– Київ: «Центр навчальної літератури», 2004.– 438 с. 5. Основи цивільного захисту. Навчальний посібник. Васійчук В.О., Гончарук В.Є., Качан С.І., Мохняк С.М.– Львів: «Видавництво НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2010.– 380 с. 6. Довідник для виконання розрахунково-графічних робіт з «Безпеки життєдіяльності» і «Цивільного захисту» для всіх спеціальностей і форм навчання / Укл.: Качан С. І., Мохняк С.М., Васійчук В.О., Гончарук В.Є., Гіщак Х.Я. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2011. - 29 с. 87.Качан С.І., Орел С.М., Пуцило В.І. Оцінка радіаційного стану під час аварій на атомних енергетичних станціях. Методичні вазівки до розрахункових робіт з дисципліни “Безпека життєдіяльеості” і “Цивільна оборона” для студентів усіх спеціальностей. - ДУ “Львівська політехніка” .-Львів 2000.- 24 с. 8. Методичні вказівки до виконання розділу «Безпека у надзвичайних ситуаціях» в дипломному проекті (роботі) для студентів енергетичного профілю навчання / Укл.: Качан С.І., Васійчук В.О., Гіщак Х.Я., Мохняк С.М., Гончарук В.Є. - Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка», 2013. - 65 с.

Technogenic Hazards and Protections (курсова робота)

Major: Industrial and Occupational Safety
Code of subject: 7.263.01.E.023
Credits: 2.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Ph.D., docent Kachan Stepan Ivanovych
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • the current state of elektrotravmatizmu in electrical and his high level in Ukraine; • Fundamentals of electrical safety theory; • the protection system against human electric shock; • the formation of a modern regulatory framework and principles of electrical networks with a guaranteed level of electrical
Required prior and related subjects: Electric Systems of Electricity Utilization; Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health, Сivil Defense.
Summary of the subject: The status and problems of electrical safety. Effect of electric current on the human body. Criteria for electrical safety. The concept of increasing the level of security. State policy in the field of civil protection of the population and territories from manmade and natural disasters. Fundamentals of synthesis electrical networks with a high level of electrical safety. Monitoring of hazard occurrence of emergency situations. Provision of measures and actions within a unified system of civil defense on energy facilities. The practice of electrical safety. Types of protection from electric shock. A special feature in the field of civil protection.
Assessment methods and criteria: • writing a term paper
Recommended books: • Маліновський А.А., Никонець Л.О., Гапанович В.Г. Теорія та практика електробезпеки, навчальний посібник для студентів базового напряму "Електротехніка", Львів, видавництво НУ "Львівська політехніка", 2005, 243 с. • Теорія та практика електробезпеки. Методичні вказівки до виконання лабораторних робіт для студентів напряму 6.0906 "Електротехніка". Львів, 2003, 59 с. • Никонец Л.А., Малиновский А.А., Шелех Ю.Л. и др. Научные основы (теория) электробезопасности, Друк НВФ "Українські технології", Львів, 2008, 222 с. • Васійчук В.О., Гончарук В.Є., Качан С.І., Мохняк С.М. Основи цивільного захисту: Навч. посібник / Львів, 2010.- 384 с.