Scientific Fundamentals of Transportation Processes and Systems

Major: Transport Technology (by type)
Code of subject: 8.275.00.M.027
Credits: 3.00
Department: Transport Technologies
Lecturer: doctor of technical sciences, doctor of department of transport technologies Oleh Hrytsun
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge: 1. Possession of sufficient knowledge regarding the improvement of means, technologies and conditions of transportation of goods and passengers, as well as methods of operational management of loading and unloading processes, which will provide the opportunity to critically analyze the situation in the field of transportation (KN1); 2. Knowledge and understanding of scientific principles, which are in the basics of formation of demand on transport services (KN4); 3. In-depth knowledge of regularities of freight and passenger flows formation, organization of their control, and the development of methods of transport processes organization based on the principles of logistics (KN6); 4. Knowledge and understanding of methodologies of design and modernization of methods, technologies, and technical means of transportation for the organization of international, mixed, combined, intermodal transportation due to regulatory requirements of current standards and specifications (KN8); 5. Acquisition of in-depth knowledge and understandings that relate to the specialty 275 Transport technologies (by types), which will be sufficient to organize and conduct scientific research successfully and successfully publicly defend their results on scientific seminars and specialized scientific councils (KN12). Skills: 1. Apply knowledge to solve analysis and synthesis problems in transportation systems (SC2); 2. To use in scientific-pedagogical practice the knowledge of transport technologies, apply the methodological tools of cognition, analyze obtained research results within existing theories, and make reasonable conclusions (SC12). Communication: 1. Ability to apply different methods, particularly current informational technologies, for effective communication on professional and social levels (COM2). Autonomy and responsibility: 1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions (AaR1); 2. Ability to be responsible for the work performed, make decisions independently, and achieve the goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics (AaR3).
Required prior and related subjects: Modeling in transportation systems Intelligent transportation systems Research methods
Summary of the subject: 1. Theory of traffic flow. 2. Application of traffic flow models. 3. Use of traffic flow models to assess its characteristics and road capacity. 4. Regularities of transport processes. 5. Modern technologies for managing transport processes and systems. 6. Elements of probability theory. Distribution density and numerical characteristics of random variables 7. Basic problems of mathematical statistics. Methods of establishing and sequence of constructing distribution laws. Criteria for agreement 8. Continuous distributions of random variables. Uniform distribution. Normal distribution law 9. Application of the Gram-Charlier distribution to determine the parameters of the distribution of transport flow characteristics 10. Logarithmically normal distribution. Determination of passenger transport traffic intervals 11. Gamma distribution and Erlang distribution. Determination of passenger transport efficiency 12. Exponential distributions. Determining the distribution of cargo volume 13. Sample observations and sample size 14. Confidence estimates and methods for determining them
Assessment methods and criteria: The maximum total number of points for the discipline is 100 points. The maximum possible amount of points for mid-term assessment is 40 points, of which 25 points for the defense of individual research training and 15 points for the defense of a report on practical works. The maximum possible amount of points for the final assessment is 60 points, of which the written component is 55 points; the oral component is 5 points.
Recommended books: 1. Форнальчик Є.Ю., Могила І.А., Трушевський В.Е., Гілевич В.В. Управління дорожнім рухом на регульованих перехрестях у містах: монографія / за заг. ред. Є.Ю. Форнальчика. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. – 236 с. 2. Автоматизовані системи управління дорожнім рухом: підручник / За ред. В. І. Шаповала. – Київ: Видавництво КПІ, 2020. – 362 с 3. Теоретичні основи транспортних процесів: підручник / О. О. Коваленко, І. В. Бондар. – Одеса: ОНАХТ, 2019. – 330 с. 4. Методи дослідження транспортних систем: навчальний посібник / За ред. М. М. Шапошника. – Харків: ХНАДУ, 2018. – 382 с. 5. Доля В.К. Прогнозування параметрів транспортних систем. / В.К. Доля, Я.В. Санько, Т.О. Самісько. – Х.: ХНАМГ, 2012. – 312 с. 6. Поліщук В. П. Теорія транспортного потоку : методи та моделі організації дорожнього руху / В. П. Поліщук, О. П. Дзюба. – К. : Знання України, 2008. – 175 с. 7. Організація та регулювання дорожнього руху: підручник / За заг. ред. В. П. Поліщука; О. О. Бакуліч, О. П. Дзюба, В. І. Єресов та ін. – Київ: Знання України, 2019. – 467 с.