Home/ Majors directory/Public management and administration/Public Marketing and Marketing of Areas
Public Marketing and Marketing of Areas
Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.016
Credits: 4.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: senior lecturer Oleh Duma
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation of competences in the development of the marketing program of the community, city, administrative-territorial unit
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying of the module the student has to:
- Must know: methods of the organization of communication interaction and permission of conflict situations in the course of formation and realization of administrative services, by means of modern information, communication and innovative technologies;
- To be able: to identify, classify and describe marketing tendencies of development of popularity of territorial unit for interested persons;
- To be able: to combine the theory and practice, and also to make decisions and to develop the business strategy of the public organization;
- To be able: to show ability of use of various methods, including modern information technologies, for effectively communication at the professional and social levels.
Required prior and related subjects: Analysis of state policy
Economic analysis of state policy
Summary of the subject: Concept of marketing of territories as basis of management of development of territories. Features of a complex of marketing in marketing of territories. Commodity policy in marketing of territories. Competitiveness of territories. Price policy in marketing of territories. Distribution methods in marketing of territories. Marketing communications in marketing of territories. Public marketing and relations with the public
Опис: The concept of territory marketing as the basis of territory development management
Features of the marketing complex in the marketing of territories
Commodity policy in the marketing of territories
Competitiveness of territories
Price policy in the marketing of territories
Distribution methods in the marketing of territories
Marketing communications in the marketing of territories
Public marketing and public relations
Assessment methods and criteria: current control (40%);
total control (examination): written and oral form (60%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Student research paper (20%)
Practical classes (20%)
Exam (60%)
Recommended books: Карий О.І. Місцеві ініціативи та залучення громадськості до здійснення місцевого самоврядування. Навчальний посібник для посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування /Карий О.І., Панас Я.В./ Асоціація міст України – К.: ТОВ «ПІДПРИЄМСТВО «ВІ ЕН ЕЙ», 2015. – 176 с.
2). Duczkowska-Piasecka M. Marketing terytorialny. Jak podejsc do rozwoju z korzyscia dla wszystkich. - Warszawa: Difin, 2013. - 241s.
3). Pogorzelski J. Praktyczny marketing miast i regionow / Pogorzelski J. - Warszawa: Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer bisiness, 2012. - 238s
Public Marketing and Marketing of Areas (курсовий проєкт)
Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.00.O.018
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Duma O.I.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: Tasks of the academic discipline:
-provide the student with theoretical knowledge on the development and implementation of territory marketing
- to develop skills in using marketing tools
- to form the competences of management of marketing activity of communities or organizations
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying of the module the student has to:
- Must know: methods of the organization of communication interaction and permission of conflict situations in the course of formation and realization of administrative services, by means of modern information, communication and innovative technologies;
- To be able: to identify, classify and describe marketing tendencies of development of popularity of territorial unit for interested persons;
- To be able: to combine the theory and practice, and also to make decisions and to develop the business strategy of the public organization;
- To be able: to show ability of use of various methods, including modern information technologies, for effectively communication at the professional and social levels.
Required prior and related subjects: Analysis of state policy
Economic analysis of state policy
Summary of the subject: Concept of marketing of territories as basis of management of development of territories. Features of a complex of marketing in marketing of territories. Commodity policy in marketing of territories. Competitiveness of territories. Price policy in marketing of territories. Distribution methods in marketing of territories. Marketing communications in marketing of territories. Public marketing and relations with the public
Опис: The concept of territory marketing as the basis of territory development management. Features of the marketing complex in the marketing of territories. Commodity policy in the marketing of territories. Competitiveness of territories. Price policy in the marketing of territories. Distribution methods in the marketing of territories. Marketing communications in the marketing of territories. Public marketing and public relations.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control (50%);
total control (examination): written and oral form (50%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Course project presentation (100%)
Recommended books: Карий О.І. Місцеві ініціативи та залучення громадськості до здійснення місцевого самоврядування. Навчальний посібник для посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування /Карий О.І., Панас Я.В./ Асоціація міст України – К.: ТОВ «ПІДПРИЄМСТВО «ВІ ЕН ЕЙ», 2015. – 176 с.
2). Duczkowska-Piasecka M. Marketing terytorialny. Jak podejsc do rozwoju z korzyscia dla wszystkich. - Warszawa: Difin, 2013. - 241s.
3). Pogorzelski J. Praktyczny marketing miast i regionow / Pogorzelski J. - Warszawa: Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer bisiness, 2012. - 238s