Public Organizations Functioning and Electronic Government

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.07.E.102
Credits: 5.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: PhD, Ass prof. ILychok B.I
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Following the completion of the module the student should know: • subject area and methodological basis of e-government; • the essence, goals and main tasks of e-democracy; • Fundamentals of public policy and public administration of e-government development; • foreign and domestic experience in implementing e- government; • organizational and legal support of e-government; • e-government information infrastructure and information resources; • electronic administrative services; • information security in e-government.
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerekvizyt: Public administration, Municipal administration - Korekvizyty: State regulation of Economy
Summary of the subject: Conceptual principles of e-government. - E-democracy and e-government. - Public policy and public administration of information society and e-government development. - Foreign and domestic experience in implementing e-government. - Organizational and legal support of e-government in Ukraine. Standardization in e-Government. - e-Government information infrastructure. - e-Government information resources. - Electronic administrative services. - Information security in e-government.
Assessment methods and criteria: Testing the knowledge of the lecture course topics; verbal questioning; performance at the seminars (essays, presentations, discussions); situational tasks solutions, problem solving; fulfilling current control works; final control (examination).
Recommended books: 1. Електронне урядування. Опорний конспект лекцій. Дзюба С.В., Жиляєв І.Б., Полумієнко С.К, Рубан І.А., Семенченко А.І. За ред. А.І. Семенченка. – Київ, 2012, 264 с. 2. Електронне урядування та електронна демократія: навч. посіб.: у 15 ч. / за заг. ред. А.І. Семенченка, В.М. Дрешпака. – К., 2017. Частина 2: Електронне урядування: основи та стратегії реалізації / [А.І. Семенченко, А.О. Серенок]. – К.: ФОП Москаленко О.М., 2017. – 72 с.