Geoformational modelling

Major: Geospatial Modeling
Code of subject: 7.193.02.O.002
Credits: 5.00
Department: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Lecturer: Associated professor, PhD Yuriy Andreychuk
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the academic discipline is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in creating digital cartographic models of the area and individual objects with the help of GIS technologies, in-depth study of the tools of modern geoinformation systems, mastering the methods of data collection, structuring and formalization necessary for creating in the environment instrumental GIS of high-quality cartographic materials, study of techniques of geo-informational modeling and analysis as one of the methods of forming cartographic models.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: professional competences: FC2. Knowledge of modern principles of nature management, the interaction of nature and society with the application of rational use of natural resources, ecological aspects and the basics of environmental legislation. FC5. Ability to apply knowledge and necessary practical skills in planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and regulating the activities of specialized enterprises and institutions. FC6. The ability to apply scientific knowledge and practically implement it for the development and implementation of mechanisms of geoplanning, territorial planning, monitoring the development of regions, drawing up strategic plans and programs. FCS1.4. The ability to use computer technologies to create electronic maps and to carry out artistic design of maps and atlases of various topics, to use technical and artistic graphics, color and chiaroscuro plastic when designing cartographic works. FCS1.5. Ability to create general geographic and thematic maps and atlases. FCS2.5. Ability to apply knowledge of graphic and attributive information processing in GIS.
Learning outcomes: PH1. (PR05. Plan and carry out scientific experiments, write scientific papers by specialty) PH2. (PR10. Solve practical problems of Earth sciences (by specialization) using theories, principles and methods of various specialties in the field of natural sciences) PH3. (PR11. Use modern methods of modeling and processing of geoinformation when carrying out innovative activities) PH4. (PR12. Independently plan the implementation of an innovative task and formulate conclusions based on its results)
Required prior and related subjects: Digital cartography Cartographic modeling GIS, banks and cartographic databases Technologies of web mapping
Summary of the subject: Geoinformation modelling is an important part of geoinformatics, which deals with the study of methods of automated compilation and application of maps based on spatio-temporal modeling techniques and geodatabases. The educational discipline "Geo-information modelling" based on the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by students at the bachelor's level of training, aims to deepen this knowledge and study modern methods of creating digital cartographic models of the area and individual objects with the help of GIS technologies. The work program takes into account the experience of using computer technologies and, in particular, GIS to solve the problems of complex information provision of geoinformation systems and, in particular, the creation of digital cartographic materials.
Опис: The essence and principles of geoinformation modelling. Principles of implementation of GIS tools for solving spatial modeling problem. Modeling methods of discrete and continuous phenomena of different origins.. Theoretical aspects of geo-mapping. Geoinformation software package ArcGIS. GIS tools ArcGIS. Fundamentals of geospatial analysis. Methodology geospatial analysis. Classification of analytical tools of GIS (measurements function, data selection, classification, overlay function, neighborhood features, connectivity functions). GIS technology for spatial analysis and modeling. Analytical capabilities of modern GIS tools. General characteristics. Kartometric operation. Operations of choice. Requests. Request by location. Request for attributes. Reclassification. Cartographic algebra. Local operations. Arithmetical operators. Operators of comparison. Logical operators. Algebraic operations. Trigonometric operations. Operations of neighborhood. Operations in sliding (or variable) window. Distance operation. Analysis of visibility. Zonal operations. Global operations. Statistical analysis. Spatial analysis. Overlay analysis. Analysis of relief. Digital relief models and their construction. Digital relief model based on TIN-model. Analysis of relief using digital models. Analysis of hydrographic network. Network analysis.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of students' learning in the process of current and semester controls: current control over the performance of tasks in laboratory classes and their oral defense; Frontal poll; verification of written works; individual defense of course work.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • Laboratory work, verbal examination (40%). • Final control (60% control measure, exam), written-verbal form (60%)
Recommended books: 1. Бондаренко Е.Л. Геоінформаційне картографування. – К.: Фітосоціоцентр, 2007. – 272с. 2. Геоінформаційні системи і бази даних: монографія.- Кн.1 / В.І. Зацерковний, В.Г. Бурачек, О.О. Железняк, А.О. Терещенко. – Ніжин: НДУ ім.. М.Гоголя, 2014.-492с. 3. Світличний О.О., Плотницький С.В. Основи геоінформатики: Навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. О.О. Світличного. — Суми: ВТД «Університетська книга», 2006. — 295 с.

Geoformational modelling (курсова робота)

Major: Geospatial Modeling
Code of subject: 7.193.02.O.006
Credits: 2.00
Department: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Lecturer: Associated professor, PhD Yuriy Andreychuk
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the academic discipline is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in creating digital cartographic models of the area and individual objects with the help of GIS technologies, in-depth study of the tools of modern geoinformation systems, mastering the methods of data collection, structuring and formalization necessary for creating in the environment instrumental GIS of high-quality cartographic materials, study of techniques of geo-informational modeling and analysis as one of the methods of forming cartographic models.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: professional competences: FC2. Knowledge of modern principles of nature management, the interaction of nature and society with the application of rational use of natural resources, ecological aspects and the basics of environmental legislation. FC5. Ability to apply knowledge and necessary practical skills in planning, organizing, motivating, controlling and regulating the activities of specialized enterprises and institutions. FC6. The ability to apply scientific knowledge and practically implement it for the development and implementation of mechanisms of geoplanning, territorial planning, monitoring the development of regions, drawing up strategic plans and programs. FCS1.4. The ability to use computer technologies to create electronic maps and to carry out artistic design of maps and atlases of various topics, to use technical and artistic graphics, color and chiaroscuro plastic when designing cartographic works. FCS1.5. Ability to create general geographic and thematic maps and atlases. FCS2.5. Ability to apply knowledge of graphic and attributive information processing in GIS.
Learning outcomes: PH1. (PR05. Plan and carry out scientific experiments, write scientific papers by specialty) PH2. (PR10. Solve practical problems of Earth sciences (by specialization) using theories, principles and methods of various specialties in the field of natural sciences) PH3. (PR11. Use modern methods of modeling and processing of geoinformation when carrying out innovative activities) PH4. (PR12. Independently plan the implementation of an innovative task and formulate conclusions based on its results)
Required prior and related subjects: Digital cartography Cartographic modeling GIS, banks and cartographic databases Technologies of web mapping
Summary of the subject: Geoinformation modelling is an important part of geoinformatics, which deals with the study of methods of automated compilation and application of maps based on spatio-temporal modeling techniques and geodatabases. The educational discipline "Geo-information modelling" based on the knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by students at the bachelor's level of training, aims to deepen this knowledge and study modern methods of creating digital cartographic models of the area and individual objects with the help of GIS technologies. The work program takes into account the experience of using computer technologies and, in particular, GIS to solve the problems of complex information provision of geoinformation systems and, in particular, the creation of digital cartographic materials.
Опис: The essence and principles of geoinformation modelling. Principles of implementation of GIS tools for solving spatial modeling problem. Modeling methods of discrete and continuous phenomena of different origins.. Theoretical aspects of geo-mapping. Geoinformation software package ArcGIS. GIS tools ArcGIS. Fundamentals of geospatial analysis. Methodology geospatial analysis. Classification of analytical tools of GIS (measurements function, data selection, classification, overlay function, neighborhood features, connectivity functions). GIS technology for spatial analysis and modeling. Analytical capabilities of modern GIS tools. General characteristics. Kartometric operation. Operations of choice. Requests. Request by location. Request for attributes. Reclassification. Cartographic algebra. Local operations. Arithmetical operators. Operators of comparison. Logical operators. Algebraic operations. Trigonometric operations. Operations of neighborhood. Operations in sliding (or variable) window. Distance operation. Analysis of visibility. Zonal operations. Global operations. Statistical analysis. Spatial analysis. Overlay analysis. Analysis of relief. Digital relief models and their construction. Digital relief model based on TIN-model. Analysis of relief using digital models. Analysis of hydrographic network. Network analysis.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of students' learning in the process of current and semester controls: current control over the performance of tasks in laboratory classes and their oral defense; Frontal poll; verification of written works; individual defense of course work.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Completion and defense of term paper is estimated at 100 points
Recommended books: 1. Бондаренко Е.Л. Геоінформаційне картографування. – К.: Фітосоціоцентр, 2007. – 272с. 2. Геоінформаційні системи і бази даних: монографія.- Кн.1 / В.І. Зацерковний, В.Г. Бурачек, О.О. Железняк, А.О. Терещенко. – Ніжин: НДУ ім.. М.Гоголя, 2014.-492с. 3. Світличний О.О., Плотницький С.В. Основи геоінформатики: Навчальний посібник / За заг. ред. О.О. Світличного. — Суми: ВТД «Університетська книга», 2006. — 295 с.