Clinical Pharmacy

Major: Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.02.E.026
Credits: 4.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: associate professor, PhD, Oksana Lopatynska
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the basic principles of medical and pharmaceutical ethics and deontology, which are important in the practical work of pharmacist in the hospital and pharmacy in the relationship between doctor-pharmacist-medical staff or pharmacist-patient. • be able to obtain, organize, analyze and present information about the pharmacological effect of drugs for physicians, medical staff and patients. • to know the principles and methods of pharmacoeconomic analysis considering marketing and pharmacological characteristics of drugs. • to know the general principles and methodologies for drugs choice. • be able to develop a plan of effective, safe and affordable pharmacotherapy, considering social status and functional condition of patient. • to know the methodology of pharmaceutical care, especially outpatient based on the providing them with medicines, prescribed by physician or OTC-products. • be able to provide pharmaceutical care.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Laboratory and functional diagnostic • Pharmacokinetics Co-requisites: • Pharmacology • Pharmacotherapy
Summary of the subject: The object and tasks of clinical pharmacy. The legal, social, ethical and deontological aspects of clinical pharmacist. The concept of pharmaceutical care. Drugs design and development. Clinical investigation of drugs. OTC-drugs, their place in the self-medication of patients. Information supportt of health care. The stages of drugs therapy. Factors that influence the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. Violation of acid-base balance in the body. Role in pathological processes development. General principles of correction. The features of vitamins using in medical practice. Drugs side effects, prediction and consequence. Drugs interaction. The features of the pharmaceutical care of patients of different ages and conditions (pediatrics, geriatric practice, pregnancy and lactation). The fundamentals of pharmacoeconomic analysis. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness and safety of drugs using. The role of pharmacists in providing optimal and effective drug therapy.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written report on laboratory work, oral questioning (10 points), current tests (30 points) • final control (credit) - 60 points (written-oral form).
Recommended books: 1. Основи клінічної медицини: симптоми та синдроми в практичній фармації: навч. посіб. / І.А. Зупанець, С.Б. Попов, Ю.С. Рудик та ін.; за ред. В.П. Черниха, І.А. Зупанця. – Х.: Золоті сторінки, 2010. – 92 с. 2. Передерій В.Г., Ткач С.М. Основи внутрішньої медицини. У 2-х томах. – Вінниця: Нова книга, 2009. – Т 1. – 640 с. Т 2. – 784 с. 3. Середюк Н.М. Внутрішня медицина і терапія. – К.: Медицина, 2007. – 686 с. 4. Клінічна фармація: підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів / за ред. В.П. Черних, І.А. Зупанця, І.Г. Купновицької. — Х. : НФАУ : Золоті сторінки, 2013. — 912 с.