Clinical and Pharmaceutical Aspects of the use of Medicinal Products ( specil couurse, P. 1)

Major: Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.00.O.013
Credits: 3.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Roksolana Konechna
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - know the basic principles and the most important aspects of clinical pharmacology of medicines; - know the basics of clinical medicine, the main symptoms and syndromes of the most famous diseases of the internal organs; - know the clinical and pharmaceutical aspects and the main types of medical therapy; - to be able to properly control the effectiveness of medicinal products; - be able to choose the right approaches to medical treatment and prevention of major pathological conditions, - know the conditions of rational use of drugs and ways to prevent their side effects; - know the basic principles of pharmaceutical burns when using over-the-counter medicines with self-medication.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Pharmaceutical technology of drugs. Requirements: Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry, Scientific researches, and seminars on their subjects.
Summary of the subject: Subject, task and connection with other disciplines of the clinical and pharmaceutical aspects of the use of medicinal products. Basic principles of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology. Side effects of medicines. Principles of Good Clinical Practice. Clinical and pharmaceutical aspects of the use of medicinal products in rheumatology. Clinical and pharmaceutical aspects of the use of drugs in allergy. Clinical and pharmaceutical aspects of the use of drugs in infectious diseases. Clinical and pharmacological aspects of the use of alcohol in medicine Clinical and pharmacological characteristics of ethyl alcohol.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written report from laboratory work,control work, oral questioning – 40 points; • final control (exam /test) - 60 points (written-oral form).
Recommended books: 1. Klinichna farmatsiya : pidruch. dlya stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / za red.V.P. Chernykh, I.A. Zupantsya, I.H. Kupnovyts?koyi. — KH. : NFaU : Zoloti storinky, 2013. — 912 s. 2. Klinichna farmakolohiya: Pidruchnyk u 2 t. Tom 1 / O.M. Bilovol, O.F. Vozianov, I.K. Latohuz ta in. – K.: Zdorov?ya, 2005. – 608 s. 3. Klinichna farmakolohiya : pidruchnyk / za red. O.YA. Babaka, O.M. Bilovola, I.S. Chekmana. —K. : Medytsyna, 2010. — 774 s. 4. Klinichna farmakolohiya: pidruch. dlya stud. vnz: v 2 t. / S.V. Nalotov, I.A. Zupanets, T.D. Bakhtyeyeva ta in.; za red. I.A. Zupantsya, S.V. Nal?otova, O.P. Viktorova. – KH.: Vyd-vo NFaU: Zoloti storinky, 2007. – T. 1. – 348 s.