Chemistry and Technology of Medicinal Substances

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 6.226.01.E.081
Credits: 7.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Professor, Dr.S. Vira Lubenets
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - know synthetic substances with medicinal effects on the cardiovascular system, for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and cancer, which are used in modern medical practice; - know the possible methods of obtaining of chemical active substances of synthetic drugs, technologies of major types of chemical reactions, which are used for the synthesis of drugs; - be able to choose the best one method among the existing methods of synthesis, to check the quality of raw materials and, if necessary, purificate it up to the required standard; - be able to carry out a stepwise synthesis of any drug substance with the required physical and chemical properties, and the degree of purification, with selection of optimal conditions, organize checked in laboratory conditions production of the drug in a production environment.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Organic chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Methods of organic synthesis; Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Co-requisites: Medicines Quality Control, Industrial Technology of Pharmaceutical Manufactures, The Scientific Aspects of Ecology of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Production
Summary of the subject: Chemistry and technology of medicinal substances with effects on the cardiovascular system (synthetic cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic agents, substances that improve blood flow to organs and tissues, peripheral vasodilatators, antagonists of calcium ions, substances that provide affect on the angiotensin system; antihypertensive compounds, substances that affect on platelet aggregation and the reference blood substances that enhance renal function highlighting) compounds for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases (sulfanilamides, antituberculosis, antiviral) compound for the treatment of cancer (alkylating agents, antimetabolites).
Assessment methods and criteria: - thematic test control and written individual tasks - 40 points - final control (control measure, exam) - 60 points (written-oral form)
Recommended books: 1. Ол. Швайка. Основи синтезу лікарських речовин та їх проміжних продуктів. Вид. друге, виправлене й доповнене, Донецьк, 2004. 2. Р.С.Вартанян. Синтез основних лекарственних средств. МИА Москва, 2004. 3. В.О.Ковтуненко. Лікарські засоби з дією на центральну нервову систему. Вид.-торгова фірма “Перун “Київ-Ірпінь,1997. 4.Л.С.Майофис. Химия и технология химико-фармацевтических препаратов. М.:Медицина, 1964. 5 Л.Н. Яхонтов, Р.Г. Глушков Синтетические лекарственные средства. М.:Медицина, 1983