Management, Marketing and Pharmaceutical Merchandising

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 6.226.01.E.087
Credits: 4.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Lesya Zhurakhivska
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: know the principles and subjects of medical and pharmaceutical merchandise, commodity characteristics of medicines range and medical devices; • know the methods of quality control of raw materials and finished pharmaceutical products and conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of inorganic, organic and biological origin substances; • to be able to create and manage pharmaceutical companies, provide them with medicines and medical devices, to make operational accounting and make report on the pharmacies activity; • be able to systematize products by applying rational methods of classification and coding; to create appropriate conditions for storage of pharmaceuticals and medical devices in accordance with the properties and applications.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Pharmacy technology of drugs, Chemistry and technology of medicinal substances Co-requisites: Management and marketing in pharmacy, Organization and economy of pharmacy
Summary of the subject: Classification and Coding of goods. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of medicines quality. Nomenclature of medicines consumer properties. The standardization of medicines. Requirements to materials for the products manufacture of pharmaceutical and medical purpose. Means and methods of sterilization. Commodity transactions in pharmacies. Packaging, closures, packaging materials. Medicines and finished dosage forms. Organization of storage of pharmaceutical products and medical devices in pharmacies and hospitals.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control: control work – 10 points, defence of practical works – 30 points; • final control - 60 points (examination): written-oral form.
Recommended books: 1. В.І. Гридасов, Л.М. Оридорога, О.В. Винник Фармацевтичне і медичне товарознавство: Посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. – Харків: Вид-во НФаУ «Золоті сторінки». 2002. – 160 с. 2. І.І. Баранова, С.М. Коваленко, Ю.О. Безпала та ін. Медичне та фармацевтичне товарознавство, частина ІІ: Посібник. – Харків: Вид-во НФаУ: Оригінал. 2016. – 304 с. : іл.. 3. Демьяненко В.Г., Бреусова С.В., Демьяненко Д.В.,проскочило А.В. Медицинское и фармацевтическое товароведение, часть 1,2: Пособие. – Харьков: Изд-во НФаУ, 2012. – 168 с., 141 с.