Technology of Galenic Medicines

Major: Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 6.226.02.E.095
Credits: 4.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: associate professor, Ph.D. Iryna Hubytska
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the general methods of production of phytopreparation and organic medicine; • know the technology of obtaining of separate preparations from raw natural material; • know the theoretical bases of extraction with the purpose of obtaining of preparations from raw natural material; • be able to obtain extraction medications in laboratory conditions; • be able to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of preparations from raw natural material according to the methods of normative documents.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Pharmacognosy, Processes and Equipment of Pharmaceutical Industries Co - requisites: Pharmacology, Phytoterapy.
Summary of the subject: Classification of preparations from raw natural material. Herbal collections, powders, liquors, flavored water, essential oils, juices as dosage forms, characteristics, technology of production, application. Theoretical bases of extraction: methods, methods, content, features and conditions of the extraction process. Phytopreparations obtained by extracting: extracts, tinctures. Biogenic stimulant preparations, novogalenical preparations, preparations of individual matters, organic preparations (preparations from raw animal material): description, technology of obtaining, application.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning (20 points); • final control – 80 points (control measure - exam): written-oral form.
Recommended books: 1. Технологія ліків промислового виробництва у двох частинах, В.І.Чуєшов, Є.В.Гладух, І.В.Сайко, О.О.Ляпунова, А.А.Січкар, Т.В.Крутських, О.А.Рубан. Харків, НФаУ, «Оригінал», 2013. 2.Промислова технологія ліків. За редакцією В.І.Чуєшова. Харків.Вид-во НФаУ, 2003. 3.Ю.І.Сидоров, І.І.Губицька, Р.Т.Конечна, В.П.Новіков. Екстракція рослинної сировини. Львів. Вид-во НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2008. 4.Технологія лікарських препаратів промислового виробництва. За редакцією проф. Д.І.Дмитрієвського. Вінниця. Нова Книга, 2008. 5. Солодовниченко Н.М., Журавльов М.С., Ковальов В.М. Лікарська рослинна сировина та фітопрепарати. Харків, Вид-во НФАУ, 2001.