Academic English Communication

Major: Software Engineering
Code of subject: 7.121.01.O.006
Credits: 3.00
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: Marianna Dilai, Ph.D., Associate Professor Solomiia Albota, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: introducing the basic principles of scientific and academic communication in a foreign language.
Завдання: The ability to effectively solve specialized tasks and practical problems of an innovative nature during professional activities related to all aspects of software development from the initial stages of specification creation to system support after commissioning. The ability to c ommunicate in a foreign language both orally and in writing.
Learning outcomes: 1. communicative competence, including competence in oral and written communication, in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish); 2. ability to employ a wide range of methods, in particular advanced information technologies, for effective communication in professional and social spheres; 3. ability to realize the need for lifelong learning with the aim of professional development and acquisition of new knowledge and skills. 4. сollect, analyze and evaluate information required for solving scientific and applied problems using scientific and technical literature, data bases and other resources.
Required prior and related subjects: Methods and tools of scientific research in software engineering
Summary of the subject: Rhetorical, stylistic and genre characteristics of the modern academic English. Lexical and grammatical features of academic English. Academic genres. Academic writing as a complex social, cognitive and verbal activity. Writing abstracts and articles in English. Peculiarities of thesis writing and presentation of research findings in English.
Опис: Using English in an academic context. At academic institutions Academic vocabulary. Word combinations. Fixed expressions. Politically correct language Grammatical features of academic English Types of research papers. The main requirements for research papers. Stages and steps of the writing process. Composition of the research paper. Rhetorical modes of academic writing. Defining. Exemplifying. Giving evidence (tables, diagrams, circle graphs, line graphs, bar graphs). Describing. Classifying. Comparing. Explaining. Hypothesizing. Calculating. Direct and indirect quotations. The note-making and paraphrasing process. Documentation. Numeric documenting. Parenthetical documenting. Plagiarism. Compiling the list of references. Referencing format in English-speaking countries. Referencing format in Ukraine. Writing models. Formal letters. CVs. Reporting and Designing Surveys. Writing abstracts and summaries. Academic publications. Presentation skills.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Assessment of language skills, namely making a presentation and writing an abstract. 2. Class discussions and questioning. 3. Tests in VLE. 4. The final examination consists of a written test (progress test).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: class discussions and questioning (30%), making presentation (10%), writing abstract in English (10%), final test (50%).
Recommended books: 1. McCarthy M., O'Dell F. Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 176 p. 2. Yakhontova T.V. English Academic Writing. For Students and Researches. Lviv, 2002. 3. Hyland K. English for Academic Purposes. New York: Routledge, 2006. 4. Norris C.B. Academic writing in English. University of Helsinki, 2013. 5. Swales J.M. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.