Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Software Engineering

Major: Software Engineering
Code of subject: 7.121.01.O.001
Credits: 5.00
Department: Software
Lecturer: Serhiy Ivanov
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the principles of innovative activity in the field of IT, the structure and functioning of IT enterprises, the development of a business model of one's own startup, as well as the presentation of one's own idea to potential investors.
Завдання: ІНТ. The ability to effectively solve specialized tasks and practical problems of an innovative nature during professional activities related to all aspects of software development from the initial stages of specification creation to system support after commissioning. ЗК02. The ability to communicate in a foreign language both orally and in writing. ЗК04. The ability to communicate with people who represent other professions and have different levels of skills (experts of other knowledge domains) ЗК05. The ability to generate new ideas (creativity). СК01. The ability to analyze domains, classify and specify software requirements. СК02. The ability to develop and implement new scientific and/or applied software engineering projects. СК04. The ability to develop and implement new competitive ideas in the software engineering domain. СК06. The ability to efficiently manage financial, human, technical and other project resources in the software engineering domain. СК07. The ability to consider problems of informational technologies and interdisciplinary problems critically, integrate corresponding knowledge and solve difficult problems in wide multidisciplinary contexts.
Learning outcomes: РН04. Detect informational requirements and classify data for software design. РН05. Develop, analyze, substantiate and categorize software requirements. РН10. Modify the existing algorithmic solutions for detailed software design and develop new ones. РН12. Take reasonable management decisions under uncertainty and requirement changes, compare alternatives and assess risks. РН14. Predict software and information technologies evolution. РН17. Collect, analyze and evaluate information required for solving scientific and applied problems using scientific and technical literature, data bases and other resources
Required prior and related subjects: Corequisites: Research Methods and Tools in Software Engineering (Coursework)
Summary of the subject: "Innovations and entrepreneurship in software engineering" is a professionally oriented discipline of software developer education. Innovative activity is an integral part of the modern world, because the constant development of science and technology encourages enterprises to permanently implement innovative solutions for the production of more progressive products and the improvement of their economic and operational indicators. IT enterprises are more affected by innovations than other industries, because the development of IT technologies is extremely fast and to ensure the competitiveness of products, IT enterprises must constantly implement innovative solutions, measures and processes. The main attention during the teaching of the discipline is given to the development of a business model of one's own innovative idea, which is the basis for further creation and management of entrepreneurship, as well as the analysis of the main mistakes during the development of an IT startup. The course examines the features of interaction with potential investors, legal aspects of protecting ideas, and risks that should be anticipated during innovative activities.
Опис: Definition and classification of IT enterprises. The role of innovations in evolution of IT-enterprises. The concept of IT-startup. Evolutional model of development of IT-enterprises. Criteria and reasons of business success and business failure. Planning IT enterprise development. Business planning and business plans of innovation enterprises. The structure of IT enterprises of different types and scales. Main and auxiliary services, Interaction between the departments of an enterprise. Communication with customers. Searching for customers. Collaboration models. Project types. Human resources. Searching for team members. Forming a team. Team work. Typical mistakes. Contracts in IT. The structure of a typical contract. Trade secrets and intellectual property. It outsourcing and its features in Ukrainian IT area. Risks for customers and their mitigation.
Assessment methods and criteria: The protection of practical works includes the presentation of one's own innovative idea and the software implementation of the main functionality of the proposed innovation, as well as the design of related artifacts based on this idea (business plan, justification of the marketing strategy, etc.). Questioning takes place during practical classes and during the exam. Testing takes place at the Virtual Educational Environment during the exam. The exam includes both written (test) and spoken (individual interview) components.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (45%): 6 practical work assignments, of which #1, #2 and #3 take 10% each and #4, #5 and #6 - 5% each Final control (55%, exam), testing (35%), spoken part - (20%) The score for practical work #1 and #2 depends on the date they have been submitted. The maximum score for practical work #2 is 10 points if it has been delivered within first 10 weeks. Otherwise the score will be decremented by 1 point per one week of delay. If practical work #1 is delivered within 10 first weeks of the fall term, it can get maximum 10 points. If the work has been delayed till weeks #11, 12 or 13, it can only be scored no more than 8 points. Being a cornerstone for the rest of works, practical work #1 cannot be accepted after week#1, since in this case there is too little time left for the remaining work. Practical work #1 should be defended first. The rest practical works can be passed in an arbitrary order. Practical work #1 can get a maximum score it if provides a full analysis of both Ukrainian and foreign markets, compares features of explicit and implicit analogues and emphasizes the strengths of a software product to be developed, and explains in detail why the product should be created and whose problems it would solve. Practical work #2 gets a maximum score if all the basic components typical of a business plan are elaborated. Practical work #3 gets a maximum score if the MVP presented in it implements the most doubtful feature whose feasibility is not obvious for potential investors (the role of investors is performed by the teacher and group mates). Practical work #4 gets a maximum score if the software requirements are valid and full and the work has been flawlessly planned. Practical work #5 is scored based on the reasoning behind the price strategy and model. Practical work #6 is scored based on whether the preset startup evaluation method has been applied correctly and the competitive products have been properly taken into account.
Recommended books: 1. Успіх в бізнесі. Від нуля до мільйонів : [монографія] / Криворучко Сергій Васильович ; [передм. О. Горбановської ; худож. А. Брем]. – Київ: ЛАТ&К, 2018. – 464 с. (Є в бібліотеці) 2. Бізнес-план у підприємницькій діяльності / Зарицька О. А., Симак А. В., Войцеховська В. В., Поліщук І. М., Мирощенко Н. Ю.; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка": навчальний посібник. – Львів: Новий Світ-2000, 2020. – 279 c. (Є в бібліотеці) 3. Бізнес-планування та управління проектами / Ільчук П. Г., Фещур Р .В., Якимів А. І., Когут І. В., Лучко Г. Й., Скворцов Д. І., Шишковський С. В.; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", ТзОВ "Айкю холдинг": навчальний посібник. – Львів: Новий Світ – 2000, 2018. – 215 с. (Є в бібліотеці) 4. Economics and Business Basics : methodol. guidelines for non-economics majors ; Min. of education and science of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic Nat. Univ. ; [ed.: H. I. Skoryk, O. V. Hoshovska, M. B. Shvetsova, O. O. Lynnyk]. Lviv: – Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2017 – 60 с. (Є в бібліотеці) 5. Від нуля до одиниці. Нотатки про стартапи, або як створити майбутнє / Тіль Пітер; за участі Б. Мастерса ; пер. з англ. Р. Обухів ; [ред.О. Замойська ; відп. за вип. А. Мартинов]. – Київ: Наш Формат, 2016. – 224 с. (Є в бібліотеці) 6. Міжнародні економічні відносини у сфері інвестиційно-інноваційної діяльності: навчальний посібник для студентів спеціальності 292 "Міжнародні економічні відносини" першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти / Босак А. О., Чернобай Л. І., Шпак Н. О., Ясінська Т. В. ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". –Львів: Міські інформаційні системи, 2021. – 135 с. (Є в бібліотеці) 7. Психологія інновацій та реклами: навчальний посібник /Закалик Г. М., Партико Н. В. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. – 248 с. (Є в бібліотеці) 8. Управління персоналом в умовах інтелектуалізації й трансформації суспільства: ідеологія, технології та пріоритети [Текст] : монографія / Г. М. Захарчин, Й. С. Ситник, А. О. Касич [та ін.] ; за науковою редакцією Г. М. Захарчин і Й. С. Ситника; – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. – 277 с. (Є в бібліотеці)