Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Software Engineering
Code of subject: 7.121.01.O.012
Credits: 3.00
Department: Software
Lecturer: Software Department
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The master's qualification work is performed at the final stage of the the educational and professional program of the second (master's) level of higher education, specialty 121 "Software engineering" and covers the learning outcomes of RN2-RN9, RN11, RN13, RN16 and RN17.
Завдання: ІНТ. The ability to effectively solve specialized tasks and practical problems of an innovative nature during professional activities related to all aspects of software development from the initial stages of specification creation to system support after commissioning. ЗК02. The ability to communicate in a foreign language both orally and in writing. ЗК03. The ability to carry out scientific research at the corresponding level. ЗК04. The ability to communicate with people who represent other professions and have different levels of skills (experts of other knowledge domains) ЗК05. The ability to generate new ideas (creativity). СК01. The ability to analyze domains, classify and specify software requirements. СК02. The ability to develop and implement new scientific and/or applied software engineering projects. СК03. The ability to design software and model the processes of software subsystems and units’ operation. СК04. The ability to develop and implement new competitive ideas in the software engineering domain. СК05. The ability to develop, analyze and apply specifications, standards, rules and recommendations in the software engineering domain. СК07. The ability to consider problems of informational technologies and interdisciplinary problems critically, integrate corresponding knowledge and solve difficult problems in wide multidisciplinary contexts. СК08. The ability to develop and coordinate processes, stages and iterations of the software lifecycle based on state-of-the-art models, methods and software development technologies.
Learning outcomes: PH02. Evaluate and select effective methods and models for the development, implementation, maintenance of software and management of relevant processes at all stages of the life cycle. РН03. Create and study models for information processes in applied areas РН04. Detect informational requirements and classify data for software design. РН05. Develop, analyze, substantiate and categorize software requirements. PH06. Develop and evaluate software design strategies; substantiate, analyze and evaluate design solutions in terms of quality of the final software product, resource constraints and other factors. РН07. Analyze, evaluate and apply at the system level modern software and hardware platforms for solving complex problems of software engineering. РН08. Develop and modify the software architecture in order to meet user requirements. РН09. Make a reasonable choice of paradigms and programming languages for software development; apply modern software development tools in practice. PH11. Ensure quality at all stages of the software life cycle, including the use of relevant models and assessment methods, as well as automated software testing and verification tools. РН13. Configure software and control its versions and software documentation during the whole software lifecycle РН16. Plan, organize and perform software testing, verification and validation. РН17. Collect, analyze and evaluate information required for solving scientific and applied problems using scientific and technical literature, data bases and other resources
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Research Methods and Tools in Software Engineering Research Methods and Tools in Software Engineering (coursework) Master's Thesis Internship
Summary of the subject: The master's thesis must solve a complex software engineering problem and assumes research and/or innovation. The qualifying work should not contain academic plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification. Qualifying work should be published on the official website of the University or its department, or in the repository of this institution.
Опис: The explanatory note should have the following structure: title page; task for the master's thesis; abstract in Ukrainian; abstract in English; summary in Ukrainian (is the defense in English is planned); summary translation into English (is the defense in English is planned); content; list of abbreviations and terms when appropriate; introduction; analytical chapter; theoretical chapter; software implementation chapter; research chapter; conclusions; literature resources; appendices
Assessment methods and criteria: Master's thesis can be defended only if its originality lies in the range 70–100%. A master’ thesis should be defended publicly. A student shows the results of their master’s thesis within 15 minutes, both providing a presentation-supported speech and demonstrating a video that records the main features of the developed software. After that the examining committee ask questions that can concern the work itself and/or everything that the student is supposed to know since they have completed a range of disciplines within their master study. Everybody present is allowed to ask questions is the head of the examining committee does not mind it. When there are no more questions, the secretary announces the supervisor’s and the reviewer’s marks. On the same day, after all the candidates have passed the above-said procedure, the examining committee secretly discusses the final marks. If the opinions split, the head of the examining committee has a winning voice.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: When assessing a master’s thesis, the examining committee takes into account the theoretical, scientific and practical maturity of a candidate along with the supervisor’s and reviewer’s marks. The mark is in the national scale (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “non-satisfactory”), then it is mapped into the 100-point scale using the average interval values.
Recommended books: 1. Регламент перевірки на академічний плагіат кваліфікаційних робіт студентів, рукописів дисертацій та монографій, рукописів статей, поданих до публікування у періодичних наукових виданнях, в університеті [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: 2. ДСТУ 3008:2015. Звіти у сфері науки і техніки. Структура та правила оформлювання/ Нац. стандарт України. – Вид. офіц. – Київ: ДП "УкрНДНЦ", 2017. – 31 с. 3. ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006. Система стандартів з інформації, бібліотечної та видавничої справи. Бібліографічний запис. Бібліографічний опис. Загальні вимоги та правила складання / Нац. стандарт України. – Вид. офіц. – К.: Держспоживстандарт України, 2007. – 47 с. 4. Положення про атестацію здобувачів вищої освіти та роботу екзаменаційних комісій Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: 5. IEEE Std 830-1998. IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications. – ІЕЕЕ, 1998. – 37 с. IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions, in IEEE Std 1016-1998 , vol., no., pp.1-23, 4 Dec. 1998, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.1998.88828. IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation, in IEEE Std 1063-2001 , vol., no., pp.1-24, 20 Dec. 2001, doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2001.93368. 6. Методологія та методика наукового дослідження: навчальний посібник / В. О. Вихрущ, Ю. М. Козловський, Л. І. Ковальчук. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. – 328 с. 7. Методологія і принципи наукових досліджень: навчальний посібник / Х. С. Соболь, Н. І. Петровська, О. М. Гуняк. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. – 92 с. 8. Комп'ютерні науки та інформаційні технології : матеріали 4-ої Міжнар. наук.-техн. конф. СSIT' 2021, 22–25 вер. 2021, Львів, Україна / Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка", Ін-т комп'ют. наук та інформ. технологій – Л., 2021.