Industrial Internet of Things

Major: Information management systems and technologies
Code of subject: 7.122.01.E.027
Credits: 5.00
Department: Automated Control Systems
Lecturer: Associate professor, Ph.D. Yurii Opotyak
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: ЗН1. Possessing sufficient knowledge in the field of information technologies, which will provide an opportunity to critically analyze the situation in information management systems and technologies and determine key trends in their improvement and development. ЗН2. Understanding of tools and strategies related to the diagnosis and analysis of the state of development of information management systems and technologies at a level that will allow employment by profession, the ability to effectively use theoretical knowledge in practice in the creation and implementation of information management systems and technologies. ЗН4. Theoretical and practical knowledge of information management systems and technologies at the level of the latest achievements, which are the basis for original thinking and innovative activity, in particular in the context of research work. ЗН5. Knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented disciplines of specialty 122 "Computer Science". ЗН6. Obtaining knowledge that will provide the ability to analyze and critically consider problems and tasks in the development of industrial Internet of Things systems. УМ1. Choose to use means and components of Internet of Things devices for inputting data from sensors and primary processing of information. УМ2. To ensure the development of Internet of Things devices based on an integrated approach, which includes a complex combination of a hardware platform and software tools to implement the tasks of collecting, processing and transferring data to local resources and cloud services. УМ4. Use storage facilities (databases, storage and cloud services) for operational analytical and intellectual processing and visualization of data. УМ5. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve the problems of the development of industrial Internet of Things systems, using known methods and features of the architecture and problems of the corresponding systems. УМ6. Apply knowledge to solve problems of synthesis and analysis of information management systems using the industrial Internet of Things. УМ7. To think systematically and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas in information and management systems and technologies. УМ12. To combine theory and practice, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy for the development of information and management systems and technologies, taking into account universal human values, social, state and industrial interests. AiB2. The ability to realize responsibility for the development of professional knowledge and practical skills, the need for lifelong learning.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous academic disciplines: Problem-oriented and embedded systems, Innovative information technologies, Next-generation networks and data protection. Associated and following academic disciplines: cloud technologies, Models of control systems
Summary of the subject: "The Industrial Internet" discipline describes the classification and basic components of building Internet of Things devices and considers the tasks, basic structures, modern hardware, and software tools for their construction. Peculiarities of building industrial Internet of Things systems are studied. The main principles, tasks, and features of the implementation of the industrial Internet of Things as a means of implementing ACS and actual problems of production modernization through the introduction of industrial Internet of Things tools are considered. As a result of the study, a set of knowledge on theoretical aspects and applied technologies of creating Internet of Things devices is formed, based on which the specialist will be able to ensure the development, application, and operation of Internet of Things systems in production, in the scientific field, in the field of ecology. When studying the discipline of the industrial Internet of Things, the main emphasis is placed on understanding the fundamental concepts and mechanisms that underlie the functioning of the Internet of Things. The discipline describes the history and prospects of the development of the Internet of Things, aspects of its implementation in production; general characteristics of the architecture, key components of the Internet of Things and approaches to their practical implementation; basic concepts and characteristics of cloud technologies; the structure and features of information, measurement and control systems as components of the Internet of Things, taking into account the special requirements of the industrial sector. The discipline "Industrial Internet" is inherently integral, combining into a single whole the knowledge acquired in the course of training on the basics of circuitry, sensors, and interfaces of control systems, microcontrollers, software creation, and the functioning of cloud technologies.
Assessment methods and criteria: Exam, current control, essays and presentations.
Recommended books: 1. Інтернет речей для індустріальних і гуманітарних застосунків. У трьох томах. Том 1. Основи і технології / За ред. В. С. Харченка. – Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний аерокосмічний університет ХАІ, 2019. – 605 с. 2. Інтернет речей для індустріальних і гуманітарних застосунків. У трьох томах. Том 2. Моделювання і розроблення / За ред. В. С. Харченка. – Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний аерокосмічний університет ХАІ, 2019. – 547 с. 3. Інтернет речей для індустріальних і гуманітарних застосунків. У трьох томах. Том 3. Оцінювання та впровадження / За ред. В. С. Харченка. – Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний аерокосмічний університет ХАІ, 2019. – 918 с 4. Николайчук Я.М., Возна Н.Я., Пітух І.Р. Проектування спеціалізованих комп’ютерних систем / Навчальний посібник – Тернопіль: ТзОВ "Терно-граф", 2010. – 392 с. 5. Схемотехніка електронних схем: У 3 кн. Кн. 2. Цифрова схемотехніка: Підручник / В.І. Бойко, А.М. Гурджій, В.Я. Жуйков та ін. – 2-ге вид., допов. і переробл. – К.: Вища шк., 2004. – 423 с.: іл. 6. Бабич М.П., Жуков І.А. Комп’ютерна схемотехніка: Навчальний посібник.- Вища школа, 2004.-399 с.: іл.. 7. М. Бем, І. Городиський «Захист персональних даних: правове регулювання та практичні аспекти», 2021 8. Офіційний переклад General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 9. Internet of Things for Architects: Architecting IoT solutions by implementing sensors, communication infrastructure, edge computing, analytics, and security. – Publisher: Packt Publishing Limited, ISBN: 9781788470599