Innovative Information Technology

Major: Information Technology Design
Code of subject: 7.122.02.O.001
Credits: 7.00
Department: Computer-Aided Design
Lecturer: PhD. Andrushko Andriy M.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the discipline is to provide students with the in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, related to the field of information technology design. This will enable them to effectively perform appropriate professional tasks of an innovative nature; as well as tasks focused on research and complex problems solving for information systems design within the fields of science, business and enterprise operations. After the successful completion of the discipline students should be to implement complex programs for scientific researchers within the field of information technologies design.
Завдання: The main task of studying the discipline is the formation of students' knowledge about the latest development of information technologies and the principles of their application in the CALS system. Professional competences: - ability to formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions to scientific problems at an abstract level by decomposing them into components that can be investigated separately in their important aspects; - ability to build appropriate models of complex systems, research them to build information systems projects; - ability to develop and implement models of information systems by means of computer simulation; - ability to formulate (by making presentations or presenting reports) new hypotheses and scientific problems in the field of information technologies, to choose appropriate directions and appropriate methods for their solution.
Learning outcomes: Ability to analyze and evaluate a range of tasks for further development and use of information resources of automated design systems. Ability to evaluate existing technologies and, based on the analysis, form requirements for the development of promising information technologies. Ability to create mathematical models and algorithms for information technology design, using statistical modeling, artificial neural networks, methods and means automated design systems. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: Intelligent data analysis. Methods and systems of artificial intelligence. Organization of databases and knowledge. Associated and following disciplines: Decision making theory. IT project management. Design methods.
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline examines approaches to the essence and use of innovative information technologies in the modern business environment, in particular their application within the framework of the Constant Acquisition and Life Cycle Support system (CALS system). Methods of evaluating the choice of an innovative product concept of, and methods of resource planning for the creation of an innovative technological product are presented. All stages of the life cycle of an innovative product, from design and creation of a prototype to operation and disposal of the newly created product, are analyzed. Separately, the peculiarities of creative thinking in the design of innovative technological products are highlighted. The knowledge gained in the process of studying the discipline is based both on the key provisions of computer science and information technology (essence, tasks, types, elements, functions), and on modern methods and tools for processing multifaceted data: on the provisions of the ISO standards, the main principles of planning and forecasting in the environment of a business organization.
Опис: 1. Intro to the subject. IT innovations in the contemporary world. Innovative information technologies and CALS systems. 2. Evaluation method for innovative product selection. 3. Definition and grounding of resources, needed to create a new product. 4. Innovative product project: processes and resources scheduling. 5. Stages of an innovative product development: critical success factors and effectiveness measures. 6. Product development process modeling. 7. Integrating product design and assembly process planning. 8. New product operations. Methods to determine future states. 9. Innovative product launch. 10. Prototyping and testing. 11. Design for product retirement and material life-cycle. Software product retirement. 12. Optimizing the product development process: Unveiling the Role of Simulation Modeling within CALS. 13. Creative thinking as a necessary element of innovation. 14. Data security within the CALS system.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students’ knowledge takes place in the form of semester control, which is conducted at the end of the semester and includes the control results – lab works during the semester, oral examination, and answering the control test questions. The control test is a mandatory type of control and is conducted in written and oral way at the end of the semester. Control during the semester (40%): lab works results, performance of complex work, oral examination. Final control (60%, exam): testing, survey.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Assessment of students' educational achievements is carried out on a 100-point scale, which is accordingly translated into the national scale ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory") and the ECTS scale (А, B, C, D, E, FХ, F).
Recommended books: Main. 1. Вовчак І. С. Інформаційні системи та комп’ютерна техніка в менеджменті: Навч. посіб. – Тернопіль: Карт-бланш, 2002. – 354 с. 2. Єжова Л. Ф. Інформаційний маркетинг: Навч.-метод. посіб. для самост. вивч. - К.: КНЕУ, 2004. — 185 с. 3. Жежнич П. І. Технології інформаційного менеджменту : навч. посіб. / П. І. Жежнич. – Л. : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2010. – 260 с. 4. Системи автоматизованого проектування: конспект лекцій: навч. посіб. для студ. спеціальності 151 «Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології», спеціалізації «Комп’ютерно-інтегровані системи та технології в приладобудуванні» / КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського; автори: К.С. Барандич, О.О. Подолян, М.М. Гладський. – Київ: КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021. – 97 с. 5. Палеха Ю.І., Горбань Ю.І. Інформаційний бізнес : підручник / Ю.І. Палеха, Ю.І. Горбань — К.: Вид-во Ліра-К. 2015.- 492 с. Supplementary. 1. Дубовой В.М., Квєтний Р.Н. Програмування комп’ютеризованих систем управління та автоматики/ Вінниця:ВДТУ, 1997.-208с. 2. Пінчук Н.С., Галузинський Г.П., Орленко Н.С. Інформаційні системи і технології в маркетингу.-К.:КНЕУ, 1999.-328с. 3. Ситник В.Ф., Краєва О.С. Технологія автоматизованої обробки економічної інформації.-К.:КНЕУ, 1998.-200с. 4. Дибкова Л. М. Інформатика та комп'ютерна техніка : посібник [для студентів вищих навчальних закладів] / Л. М. Дибкова. – К. : Академ- видав, 2005. – 416 с. 5. Trott P. (2017). Innovation Management and New Product Development, Sixth Edition. Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh Gate, Harlow CM20 2JE, 635 pages.

Innovative Information Technology (курсова робота)

Major: Information Technology Design
Code of subject: 7.122.02.O.005
Credits: 2.00
Department: Computer-Aided Design
Lecturer: PhD. Andrushko Andriy M.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The goal of the discipline is to provide students with the in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge and skills, related to the field of information technology design. This will enable them to effectively perform appropriate professional tasks of an innovative nature; as well as tasks focused on research and complex problems solving for information systems design within the fields of science, business and enterprise operations. After the successful completion of the discipline students should be to implement complex programs for scientific researchers within the field of information technologies design.
Завдання: The main task of studying the discipline is the formation of students' knowledge about the latest development of information technologies and the principles of their application in the CALS system. Professional competences: - ability to formulate, analyze and synthesize solutions to scientific problems at an abstract level by decomposing them into components that can be investigated separately in their important aspects; - ability to build appropriate models of complex systems, research them to build information systems projects; - ability to develop and implement models of information systems by means of computer simulation; - ability to formulate (by making presentations or presenting reports) new hypotheses and scientific problems in the field of information technologies, to choose appropriate directions and appropriate methods for their solution.
Learning outcomes: Ability to analyze and evaluate a range of tasks for further development and use of information resources of automated design systems. Ability to evaluate existing technologies and, based on the analysis, form requirements for the development of promising information technologies. Ability to create mathematical models and algorithms for information technology design, using statistical modeling, artificial neural networks, methods and means automated design systems. Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: Intelligent data analysis. Methods and systems of artificial intelligence. Organization of databases and knowledge. Associated and following disciplines: Decision making theory. IT project management. Design methods.
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline examines approaches to the essence and use of innovative information technologies in the modern business environment, in particular their application within the framework of the Constant Acquisition and Life Cycle Support system (CALS system). Methods of evaluating the choice of an innovative product concept of, and methods of resource planning for the creation of an innovative technological product are presented. All stages of the life cycle of an innovative product, from design and creation of a prototype to operation and disposal of the newly created product, are analyzed. Separately, the peculiarities of creative thinking in the design of innovative technological products are highlighted. The knowledge gained in the process of studying the discipline is based both on the key provisions of computer science and information technology (essence, tasks, types, elements, functions), and on modern methods and tools for processing multifaceted data: on the provisions of the ISO standards, the main principles of planning and forecasting in the environment of a business organization.
Опис: 1. Intro to the subject. IT innovations in the contemporary world. Innovative information technologies and CALS systems. 2. Evaluation method for innovative product selection. 3. Definition and grounding of resources, needed to create a new product. 4. Innovative product project: processes and resources scheduling. 5. Stages of an innovative product development: critical success factors and effectiveness measures. 6. Product development process modeling. 7. Integrating product design and assembly process planning. 8. New product operations. Methods to determine future states. 9. Innovative product launch. 10. Prototyping and testing. 11. Design for product retirement and material life-cycle. Software product retirement. 12. Optimizing the product development process: Unveiling the Role of Simulation Modeling within CALS. 13. Creative thinking as a necessary element of innovation. 14. Data security within the CALS system.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment of students' knowledge is carried out in the form of a coursework defense in front of the commission at the end of the semester). The coursework defense is a mandatory type of control and is conducted in the form of a presentation of the course project (oral report and demonstration of slides). Final control (credit, max. 100 points).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Assessment of students' educational achievements is carried out on a 100-point scale, which is accordingly translated into the national scale ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory") and the ECTS scale (А, B, C, D, E, FХ, F).
Recommended books: Main. 1. Вовчак І. С. Інформаційні системи та комп’ютерна техніка в менеджменті: Навч. посіб. – Тернопіль: Карт-бланш, 2002. – 354 с. 2. Єжова Л. Ф. Інформаційний маркетинг: Навч.-метод. посіб. для самост. вивч. - К.: КНЕУ, 2004. — 185 с. 3. Жежнич П. І. Технології інформаційного менеджменту : навч. посіб. / П. І. Жежнич. – Л. : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2010. – 260 с. 4. Системи автоматизованого проектування: конспект лекцій: навч. посіб. для студ. спеціальності 151 «Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології», спеціалізації «Комп’ютерно-інтегровані системи та технології в приладобудуванні» / КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського; автори: К.С. Барандич, О.О. Подолян, М.М. Гладський. – Київ: КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021. – 97 с. 5. Палеха Ю.І., Горбань Ю.І. Інформаційний бізнес : підручник / Ю.І. Палеха, Ю.І. Горбань — К.: Вид-во Ліра-К. 2015.- 492 с. Supplementary. 1. Дубовой В.М., Квєтний Р.Н. Програмування комп’ютеризованих систем управління та автоматики/ Вінниця:ВДТУ, 1997.-208с. 2. Пінчук Н.С., Галузинський Г.П., Орленко Н.С. Інформаційні системи і технології в маркетингу.-К.:КНЕУ, 1999.-328с.