Structural, Functional Logic and Circuit Systems Design

Major: Information Technology Design
Code of subject: 7.122.02.E.016
Credits: 5.00
Department: Computer-Aided Design
Lecturer: PhD. Ivantsiv Roman D. labs - PhD. Roman D. Ivantsiv.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of theoretical bases of construction of automatic systems of structural, functional-logical and schematic engineering of REA, knowledge of methods and means of modeling based on computer models and automated methods of debugging, research of characteristics of REA objects and perform their design. Synthesis and analysis of computer models of REA objects for analog and digital circuits, to investigate the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of amplifier circuits with frequency-dependent parameters, analysis of the effect of temperature on the parameters and characteristics of electronic circuits. Main tasks and methods of automation of structural and functional-logical design; basic tasks of automation of circuit design; machine models of electronic circuits and elements; methods and algorithms for solving design problems; structure, methods of organization and peculiarities of circuit design systems; principles of development of circuit design programs, their structure, criteria for choosing methods, models and algorithms. Learning outcomes: be able to use existing electronic circuit analysis programs; to choose methods, algorithms and models for circuit design systems depending on the specificity of the object of design; to perform analysis of simple electronic circuits with nonlinear elements using methods of analysis of electronic circuits, mathematical analysis; to establish analog and digital circuits using simulation packages, to perform analysis of operation of electronic circuits on direct current, transcendental analysis, analysis of amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics, analysis of influence of temperature on parameters and characteristics of electronic circuits.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerekvizyt: Mathematical Analysis, Theoretical Foundations of CAD Theoretical Foundations of Electrical and Electronics, Circuit computers; Korekvizyty: OAPSOS, SAPKIS, ASTPV.
Summary of the subject: Basic tasks and methods for automated structural and functional logic design; Main task automation circuit design; Machine models of electronic circuits and components; methods and algorithms for solving problems of circuit design; structure, methods of organization and characteristics of circuit design; principles of software development circuit design, structure, selection criteria methods, models and algorithms, modeling the characteristics of analog and digital circuits.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (30%), current reports on laboratory work, tests, oral interviews; Final control (70% of exam): performance tests.
Recommended books: Основи теорії електронних кіл: підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів/ Ю.Я. Бобало, Б.А. Мандзій, П.Г.Стахів та інші; НУ ”ЛП” – за ред. Ю.Я. Бобала – Л.: Вид-во НУ ”ЛП”, 2008. – 332с. Автоматизация схемотехнического проектирования / Ильин В.Н., Фролкин В.Т., Бутко А.И. и др. / Под ред. В.Н.Ильина.- М.: Радио и связь, 1987.- 368с. Автоматизация схемотехнического проектирования на мини-ЭВМ / Анисимов В.И., Дмитриевич Г.Д., Ежов С.Н. и др. / Под ред. В.И.Анисимова.-Л.,1983.- 200с. Алексеенко А.Г., Зуев Б.И., Ламекин В.Ф., Романов И.А. Макромоделирование аналоговых интегральных микросхем. - М.:Радио и связь, 1983.- 248с. Гехер К. Теория чувствительности и допусков электронных цепей. - М., 1973. - 199с. Глориозов Е.Л., Ссорин В.Г., Сыпчук П.П. Введение в автоматизацию схемотехнического проектирования. - М.: Советское радио, 1976.- 224с. Угрюмов У.П. Цифровая схемотехника: Учеб. Пособие для вузов. – 2-е изд., переработ. и доп. – СПб.: БХВ – Петербург, 2004. – 800 с.