Network Information Technologies

Major: System Programming
Code of subject: 7.123.02.O.003
Credits: 5.00
Department: Electronic Computing Machines
Lecturer: Nakonechnyy Rostyslav Adrianovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the discipline is to get acquainted with modern network information technologies, means of construction and functioning of network information technologies. acquisition of knowledge, practical skills in the field of development and operation of computerized systems and data transmission networks, administration and programming of relevant components of network information systems.
Завдання: The task of the course is to teach students to correctly apply theoretical knowledge of the construction of network information systems and used technologies in practice, to competently and competently use technological means of creation, the principles of interaction of components and general approaches related to network information systems.
Learning outcomes: • be able to classify computer networks. Develop the architecture of computer networks; • be able to classify the modern technology of local networks. Identify methods to access local area networks; • develop the structure of local computer networks, using the necessary communication systems and data link layer protocols, using active or passive means; • develop the structure of global computer networks, using the necessary communication systems and protocols such TCP / IP, using the router and other techniques combining computer networks; • be able to analyze and process network traffic using Wireshark. needed to determine the number of identifiers and network nodes; • be able to determine the IP protocol functions and understand the process of fragmentation of datagrams. • project records data in information systems. Understand the principles of interaction of the user terminal information systems; • analyze contemporary international technology and data transfer protocols in distribution networks.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Computer networks Administration computer "Books of systems and networks Global information networks Network Operating System Programming kom'yuternyh networks
Summary of the subject: In the academic discipline of theoretical and practical aspects of the existing network of modern information technology tools for building and operation of network information systems. Learning technologies and construction, administration and computer programming appropriate "Books component of network information systems.
Опис: Introduction. Purpose and objectives of the course. Basic concepts and terminology. Computer systems and networks, their characteristics, properties and differences. Basic documents of network information technologies. Technologies of local networks (LAN). LLC logical channel control protocol. A set of TCP/IP protocols, features and characteristics. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). The TCP/IP model and the OSI ISO 7-layer open systems interoperability reference model. Characteristics of TCP/IP model levels. Addressing in IPv4. Classes of IP addresses. Subnet mask. Division into subnets (subnetting). Combining subnets (supernetting). Routing in TCP/IP: static routing. Dynamic routing: RIP and OSPF protocols. IPv6 protocol, features and characteristics. Protocols TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, their characteristics and formats. Global networks (WAN). WAN topologies, features and characteristics. Technologies of global networks, features and characteristics, personnel structure, criteria for choosing specific technologies: Switched telephone lines; SLIP and PPP protocols. Dedicated (leased) telephone lines (T-technologies) Switched 56, ISDN, broadband ISDN, SMDS, X.25, FRAME RELAY, SONET, ATM, XDSL. Wireless data transmission networks. Wireless LANs and WANs, their features and characteristics. Radio networks. Satellite communication. Mallat analysis, filters, direct and inverse wavelet transformation. Fast calculation of the wavelet transform: the pyramidal algorithm.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written reports by laboratory works, verbal questioning, control work (30%) Exam: written and verbal form (70%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The semester grade is issued on the condition that the student completes the study plan. The semester grade is formed from the results of current monitoring of laboratory work and semester testing. The result of the semester test is the product of the result of the semester test in the virtual learning environment and the coefficient of the lecture tests in the virtual learning environment.
Recommended books: 1. Буров Є. Комп‘ютерні мережі. Львів: БаК, 2012. – 584 с., іл. 2. UNIX: разработка сетевых приложений / У. Стивенс. – СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 1088 с.: ил. – (Серия «Мастер-класс»). 3. Компьютерные сети. Принципы, технологии, протоколы: Учебник для вузов. 2-е изд. / В.Г. Олифер, Н.А. Олифер. – СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 864 с.:ил.

Network Information Technologies (курсова робота)

Major: System Programming
Code of subject: 7.123.02.O.006
Credits: 2.00
Department: Electronic Computing Machines
Lecturer: Nakonechnyy Rostyslav Adrianovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of the discipline is to get acquainted with modern network information technologies, means of building and functioning of network information technologies, mastering knowledge, practical skills in the field of development and operation of computerized systems and data transmission networks, administration and programming of relevant components of network information systems.
Завдання: The task of the course is to teach students to correctly apply theoretical knowledge of the construction of network information systems and used technologies in practice, to competently and competently use technological means of creation, the principles of interaction of components and general approaches related to network information systems.
Learning outcomes: be able to design the architecture of computer networks; be able to develop the structure of global computer networks, using the necessary communication systems using the router and other techniques combining computer networks; develop the structure of local computer networks, using the necessary communication systems and protocols using active or passive means; be able to analyze and process network traffic; be able to determine the required number of identifiers for networks and nodes;
Required prior and related subjects: Computer networks Administration computer "Books of systems and networks Global information networks
Summary of the subject: The choice of setting goals and objectives. Develop computer architecture "computer network. Select technology for building LAN and WAN. Develop IP routing and -adresatsiyu comp "computer network. Develop cost estimates developed comp "computer network and choose a provider.
Опис: Introduction. Purpose and objectives of the course. Basic concepts and terminology. Computer systems and networks, their characteristics, properties and differences. Basic documents of network information technologies. Technologies of local networks (LAN). LLC logical channel control protocol. A set of TCP/IP protocols, features and characteristics. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). The TCP/IP model and the OSI ISO 7-layer open systems interoperability reference model. Characteristics of TCP/IP model levels. Addressing in IPv4. Classes of IP addresses. Subnet mask. Division into subnets (subnetting). Combining subnets (supernetting). Routing in TCP/IP: static routing. Dynamic routing: RIP and OSPF protocols. IPv6 protocol, features and characteristics. Protocols TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, their characteristics and formats. Global networks (WAN). WAN topologies, features and characteristics. Technologies of global networks, features and characteristics, personnel structure, criteria for choosing specific technologies: Switched telephone lines; SLIP and PPP protocols. Dedicated (leased) telephone lines (T-technologies) Switched 56, ISDN, broadband ISDN, SMDS, X.25, FRAME RELAY, SONET, ATM, XDSL. Wireless data transmission networks. Wireless LANs and WANs, their features and characteristics. Radio networks. Satellite communication. Mallat analysis, filters, direct and inverse wavelet transformation. Fast calculation of the wavelet transform: the pyramidal algorithm.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written reports on coursework, oral examination (100%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: The semester grade is issued on the condition that the student completes the study plan. The semester evaluation is formed from the results of the course project, its design and defense.
Recommended books: 1. Буров Є. Комп‘ютерні мережі. Львів: БаК, 2012. – 584 с., іл. 2. Компьютерные сети. Принципы, технологии, протоколы: Учебник для вузов. 2-е изд. / В.Г. Олифер, Н.А. Олифер. – СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 864 с.:ил. 3. Камер, Дуглас Э. Сети TCP/IP, том 1. Принципы, протоколы и структура, 4-е изд.:Пер. с англ. – М.: Издательский дом «Вильямс», 2008. – 880 с.: ил. – Парал. тит. англ.