Intelligent Transport and Urban Logistics

Major: Smart transport and logistics for cities
Code of subject: 7.275.04.O.001
Credits: 7.00
Department: Transport Technologies
Lecturer: Associate Professor Mykola Zhuk.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Improving approaches and methods for studying and managing the operation of integrated transport systems. 2. To analyze and substantiate the application of modern methods, have the ability to analyze and calculate the economic performance of the chain of supply and logistics centers. Using information resources to simulate supply chains. 3. To have skills in research of theoretical and experimental models of reliability management and efficiency of transport technologies by types of transport. 4. Analyze and develop transport research methods 5. To find optimal solutions for the application of intelligent transport and logistics in cities. 6. To predict and design smart city transport systems.
Required prior and related subjects: • Logistics; • Modeling of traffic flows; • Information provision of traffic participants; • Fundamentals of transport research and forecasting.
Summary of the subject: Analysis of transport networks. Functional principles of intelligent transport application. Network models and their use in urban logistics. Application of individual components of ITS. Methods of management of intelligent transport. Distribution strategies. Structure and functionality of the logistics network. The problem of arcing routing algorithms for accurate and approximate routing problems. Definition of logistic networks. Multi-level inventory management.
Assessment methods and criteria: • writing reports from practical work, oral examination (30%); • final control (65% control measure, exam); • oral form (5 %).
Recommended books: 1. Cascetta, E. (2009). Transportation Systems Analysis: Models and Applications. Springer. 2. Stock J, Lambert D (2001), Strategic Logistics Management, McGraw-Hill 3. Sussman, J. S. Perspectives on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) [Текст] / Joseph S. Sussman. – Springer, 2005. – 229 p. 4. Chopra S., Meindl P., (2010) Supply chain Management. Strategy Planning Operation” 5. Ceder, A. (2015) Public Transit Planning and Operation: Modeling, Practice and Behavior, Second Edition - CRC Press Book. 6. Mogre, R. Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Private Organizations Perspective [Текст] / Riccardo Mogre. LAP Lambert Acad. Publ., 2010. – 156 p. 7. Hyndman, R. B. and Athanasopoulos, G. (2018) Forecasting: principles and practice. 8. Support tools R - R Project for Statistical Computing MS Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).