Special Methods of Traffic Engineering

Major: Smart transport and logistics for cities
Code of subject: 7.275.04.E.030
Credits: 4.00
Department: Transport Technologies
Lecturer: c.t.s (Ph.D.) seniour lecturer Rogalskyy R.B.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know theoretical elements of provision of special methods of traffic engineering, existing standarts; • know recommendations for traffic flows management in places of road repairs and rail crossings; • be able to organize and manage traffic, including creation and imrovement of automatic systems of traffic management; • be able to carry out projects in development of special methods of traffic engineering on the roads and streets based on most modern scientific and technical achievements.
Required prior and related subjects: • Traffic management • Technical means of traffic management • Information support of traffic management • Operating properties of lines of communication • Basics of transport research and forecasting
Summary of the subject: Means to ensure road safety at nighttime. Traffic in winter conditions. Traffic management in places of road repairs. Methods of forming the central part of the city in traffic management. Methods of designing areas of traffic calming. Methods of designing areas of traffic calming in the central part of the cities: internal and external. Traffic management in traffic jams.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports of laboratory works, spoken examination; • final control (60%, control evemt, exam): writing-spoken mode (40%)
Recommended books: 1. Systemologia na transporti. Organizatsia dorozhnogo ruhu. [Havrylov E.B., Dmytrychenko M.F., Dolya V.K. ta inshi]; za red. M.F. Dmytrychenka – K.: Znannia Ukrainy, 2007 – 452 s. – (5 kn./ Havrylov E.B., Dmytrychenko M.F., Dolya V.K. ta in; kn 4). 2. Polischuk V.P. Organizatsia ta reguluvannia dorozhniogo ruhu: Pidruchnyk/ za zag. red. V.P. Polischuka; O.O. Bakulich, O.P. Dziuba, V.I. Yeresov, O.V. Krasilnikova, O.V. Khrystenko - K.: Znannia Ukrainy, 2012 – 467 s. 3. Lobashov O.O. Praktykum z dystsypliny “Organizatsia dorozhnogo ruhu”: Navchalnyy posibnyk./ O.O. Lobashov, O.V. Prasolenko. – Kh. HNAMG, 2011. – 221 s. 4. Lobanov E.M. Transportnaya planirovka gorodov / E.M. Lobanov – M. Transport, 1990. – 240 s. 5. Kremenets Yu. A. Tehnicheskie sredstva organizatsii dorozhnego dvizhenia: Ucheb. Dlya vuzov. / Yu. A. Kremenets, M.P. Pecherskiy, M.B. Afanasiev. – M.: IKTS “Akademkniga”, 2005. – 279 c.