Mechanical Engineering Technology

Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of subject: 6.131.00.O.64
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Andrij Kuk
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: to know: - Kinds of engineering factories; - The basic patterns of production and technological processes; - Types and organizational forms of mechanical engineering production; - Methods of machining of details with cutting; - Methods to ensure the accuracy of the sizes and shapes of surfaces; - The graduality of designing the operating technology; - The main technological equipment for the manufacture of machine parts; be able to: - Choose and justify the rational way of processing of machine parts; - Adopt the basic technological equipment for processing machine parts; - Calculate the size of surfaces of details and design its construction; - Elaborate the technological processing of machine parts; - Design the working drawings for manufacture the parts.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous subjects: Technology of construction materials and materials science. Fundamentals of automation of production processes. Materials science. Related subjects: Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements. Operation and maintenance of machines. Machine parts. Equipment for processing by pressure.
Summary of the subject: The essence of the discipline and the connection with other subjects. The product and its components. Kinds of engineering plants. The official purpose of the machines. Basic concepts of production and technological processes. Classification of operations of engineering production and technically reasonable standard time. Types and organizational forms of engineering production. Methods of processing parts by plastic deformation, cutting, surface plastic deformation. The concept of precision machining. Economical and achievable accuracy. Faults of manufacture of parts and methods to ensure the accuracy given size, geometry, placement surfaces. Concepts of deployment. The surfaces of machined processing blanks. Symbol reference points on the surfaces of workpieces. The principles of permanence and combination of bases, a sequence of operations. Classification of technical processes and structure of operations. Rules of writing of operations and transitions. Types of technical documents. The order of operating procedure design technology. Concentration and differentiation of operations. Development typical and group processes. Prerequisite and procedure development of mechanical processing the workpiece. Analysis of the technological design details. Determining the type and organizational form of production. The standardization technical process. Detailed development of operations. Purpose and classification devices. Adjusting device elements and templates setting blanks. Clamping mechanisms of machine devices. Installation-clampinged devices mechanisms. Directing elements of devices. Office for milling devices, drill bushing for conductor device templates for lathes.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (25%): written reports and practical reference work. - Final control (75% differentiated test): test.
Recommended books: 1. Руденко П.О. Проектування технологічних процесів в машинобудуванні. - К.: Вища школа, 2003, 2. Божидарник В. Григорєва Н., Шабайкович В. Технологія виготовлення деталей виробів , Луцьк. „Надстиря”, 2006, 3. Сторож Б.Д., Мазур М.Л. Технологічні основи машинобудування. – Ів. Франківськ, Хмельницький. ТУП, 2003, Меліхов Р.К., Грицай І.Є. Сучасні металорізальні верстати з ЧПК та інструментальні системи. Навчальний посібник . Львів, Вид- во „Раст-7” , 2007.