Designing of Robotic Systems, Chapter 1

Major: Applied Mechanics
Code of subject: 6.131.01.E.83
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Robotics and Integrated Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Lecturer: Volodymyr Gursky
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Master the methods of calculating the components and parts of industrial robots. 2. Use mathematical processors to calculate and model the operation of individual nodes and systems as a whole. 3. Use specialized calculation modules to calculate the parts of machines for strength, solve specialized problems of the theory of machines and mechanisms. 4. With the help of modules based on the finite element method to calculate the strength, stability, frequency, temperature, optimization and other types of analysis.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Automation of production processes, Mathematical foundations of robotic systems Co-requisites: Industrial robotics; Automated design of technological equipment; CNC systems of technological equipment.
Summary of the subject: Calculation and design of mechanisms of horizontal movements of robotic systems. Calculation and design of mechanisms for lifting robotic systems. Calculation and design of mechanisms of rotation of robotic systems. Calculation and design of transport devices.
Assessment methods and criteria: - calculation and graphic work (30%); - final control (exam): written and oral form (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Haidamaka V.F. Hruzopodjemnye mashyny. Uchebnyk. – Kyev, Vyshcha shkola, 1989. – 328 s. 2. Yampolsyi L. S., Polishchuk M.M., Tkach M.M. Elementy robototekhnichnykh system a moduli HVS.- K.: Vyshcha shk., 1992.-431s. 3. Mekhanyka promyshlennykh robotov: Ucheb. Posobye dlia vtuzom: V 3 kn./ Pod red. K.V.Frolova, E.Y. Vorobeva. Kn. 2: raschet y proektyrovanye mekhanyzmov/ E.Y. Vorobev, A.V. Babych, K.P. Zhukov y dr. – M.: Vysshaia shkola, 1988. 4. Hryhorov O. V., Petrenko N. O. Vantazhopidiomni mashyny: Navch. posibnyk. NTU «KhPI», 2005. — 304 s. 5. Robotyzyrovannye tekhnolohycheskye kompleksy y hybkye proyzvodstvennye systemy v mashynostroenyy: Albom skhem y chertezhei. Uch. posobye dlia VTUzov/ Yu.M.Solomentsev y dr. –M.: Mashynostroenye, 1989. – 192 s,: yl.