Master’s Thesis Preparation

Major: Business Economics
Code of subject: 7.051.05.O.015
Credits: 15.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Stetsіv I. S.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The implementation of the master's thesis and its defense is the final stage of the student's education and the condition of obtaining the educational qualification level "Master" in the specialty 051 "Economics". The master thesis should certify the level of theoretical and practical training of the student in the professional activity provided by the educational-professional program of the chosen specialty, to demonstrate the level of mastering the theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply them in solving practical problems.
Required prior and related subjects: Disciplines of the theoretical course on the specialty "Economics" (specialization Master of Economics)
Summary of the subject: The work contains an introduction, four sections and conclusions. In the first chapter the theoretical basis of the chosen problem is substantiated, the analysis of literary sources is carried out in relation to: the existing interpretation of the applied terms, approaches to the grouping of the main economic concepts and categories used in the work; typologies of factors that influence the objects and subject of research that are selected in the work; statistical information, experience of domestic and foreign firms. Theoretical studies should be substantiated by comparison of the dynamics of the development of the object of research, the generalization of world and national experience, the use of scientific achievements, etc. The second section deals with the analysis of normative-legislative acts, methodological and methodological support on the theme of work, which includes methods, methods, algorithms and formulas of calculations and models, etc., necessary for the evaluation and management of the selected objects in the work and subject of research. The result of the second section should be a certain theoretical model (graphical, tabular, verbal, mathematical) search of mechanisms for solving the problem posed in the baccalaureate work. This model should have a cross-sectional nature so that its algorithm can be used to analyze the relevant information in the analytical part and to substantiate the conclusions and suggestions. The third section gives a general description of the enterprise and analyzes the problem on the subject of the bachelor's qualification work. The advisory section of the master's qualification work should be constructive. It develops specific recommendations, proposals, business plans, strategies, projects and programs (development, restructuring, re-engineering, rehabilitation, etc.), methodologies. It should contain valid student proposals aimed at achieving the goal set out in the Master's Qualification Introduction.
Assessment methods and criteria: The quality of master's degree theses is evaluated according to the following criteria: - the existence of the relevance of the topic substantiation, its accordance to the contemporary level of development of science and technology, production; - independence in decision of the set task, execution of calculations, drawings, graphs, economic analysis; - the reality of work, the possibility of using the results obtained in production; - presence of elements of research character; - use of automated design systems, application packages, specialized software, etc .; - registration of an explanatory note, graphic materials in accordance with the requirements of design and technological documentation, DSTU; - compliance of the decisions made with contemporary norms and requirements to the protection of labor. Scale of transfer of assessments for the protection of bachelor qualification work Score on a 100-point scale Score on a national scale 94 perfectly 80 good 60 satisfactorily <50 unsatisfactorily
Recommended books: Методичні вказівки до виконання магістерських кваліфікаційних робіт для студентів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти за спеціальністю 051 «Економіка» (спеціалізацією «Економіка підприємства») галузі знань 05 «Соціальні та поведінкові науки» всіх форм навчання / Укл.: В.В. Козик, А.В. Панченко, М.Б. Жураковська, Н.Є. Селюченко, І.М. Кривцун, О.І. Гудзь, І.Є. Тимчишин. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. – 43 с.