Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Major: Micro and Nanosystems of the Internet of Things
Code of subject: 6.176.03.O.018
Credits: 4.00
Department: Theoretical Radio Engineering and Radio Measurement
Lecturer: Assoc. prof., PhD Oleksandr Shkiliuk
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Systematization of knowledge in the field of theoretical electrical engineering and facilitating the assimilation of electromagnetic phenomena in electric and magnetic circuits. Teaching students the basic concepts of electrical engineering, the laws of electric circuits, units of measurement of electric and magnetic quantities, conventional graphic and letter designations of elements in electric circuits, methods of calculating linear circuits of direct current, single-phase and three-phase alternating currents, constructions and principles of operation of electronic devices.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: general competences: • ability to system thinking (KСO05), • persistence in achieving the goal (КСO07), • concern for the quality of the work performed (КСO08); professional competences: • the ability to use mathematical methods in the chosen profession (KЗН2).
Learning outcomes: • knowledge of basic concepts and definitions of the general theory of electrical engineering and electronics, laws and methods of analysis of electric circuits, methods of analysis of stationary and transient processes in electric circuits; • basic properties, physical basis of functioning, typical characteristics and parameters, conventional graphic designations of components of electrical circuits and structural elements of electronic circuits, as well as their purpose, principles of construction and functioning; • basic properties, principles of operation, features of application of semiconductor devices, amplifiers, other typical analog components and devices.
Required prior and related subjects: • Electronic systems • Microcircuitry
Summary of the subject: Electrical engineering is a broad field of practical application of electromagnetic phenomena. Electrical engineering is a discipline that deals with the calculation and study of phenomena characterized by the concepts of electric currents, voltages, powers, magnetic fluxes, as well as the concepts of electric intensity and induction of magnetic fields. Studying the course "Fundamentals of electrical engineering" requires knowledge of physics courses, namely the section "Electricity and magnetism", and especially mathematics, primarily sections: systems of linear algebraic equations, matrix theory, derivative and integral, differential equations, functional series, integral Laplace transforms, vector algebra. The theoretical provisions of the course are thoroughly learned only when they are used to solve specific problems. Such tasks are faced not only by specialists in electrical engineering specialization, but also by engineers in other areas, because no branch of modern industry can do without the use of electrical equipment.
Опис: • Basic concepts and laws of the theory of electronic circuits. Electric current, voltage, electromotive force, power. Kirchhoff's laws. • Direct current linear electric circuits. Analysis of electrical circuits based on Kirchhoff's laws. Voltage and current sources. Power balance in a direct current circuit. • Transient processes in linear electric circuits. • Linear electrical circuits of single-phase sinusoidal current. Effective values of sinusoidal current and voltage. Power balance in a sinusoidal current circuit. • Resonance phenomena in an electrical circuit of sinusoidal current. Parameters of oscillating circles in the stable mode of harmonic oscillations. Resonance of currents and voltages • Three-phase circuits. Ways of connecting phases in three-phase circuits. Capacities in three-phase circuits. • Passive components. Diode circuits. • Four-pole. General characteristics of quadripoles. Equations, coefficients, characteristics of quadripoles. • Field-effect and bipolar transistors. • Feedback. Terms. Negative and positive feedback. • Transistor cascades with negative feedback. • Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations. Autogenerator self-excitation conditions. • Operational amplifiers. General Information. Inverting and non-inverting voltage amplifiers. • OP-based devices. Integrator and differentiator on OP. Logarithm and antilogarithm. Voltage multiplier and divider. Adder and multivibrator on OP.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control (evaluation of completed tasks) 2. Semester control (writing assessment)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Laboratory works – 30 points. Examination control – 70 points: - written component – 60 points; - oral component – 10 points.
Recommended books: 1. Основи радіоелектроніки [Текст]: [навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. техн. навч.закл.] / Ю. Я. Бобало, Р. І. Желяк, М. Д. Кіселичник та ін. ; за ред. : Б. А. Мандзія; — Львів: Львів: Вид-во Львівської. політехніки, 2007. — 544 с. 2. Основи теорії електронних кіл [Текст]: [підруч. для студ. вищ. навч. закл.]/ Ю. Я. Бобало, Б. А. Мандзій, П. Г. Стахів та ін.; за ред.: Ю. Я. Бобала. — Львів: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2008. 3. Основи аналогової мікросхемотехніки / Мандзій Б.А., Желяк Р.І. - Львів, «Тезаурус», 1993р., 186 с.