Solid State Electronics, Part 1

Major: Micro and Nanosystems of the Internet of Things
Code of subject: 6.176.03.O.029
Credits: 7.00
Department: Semiconductor Electronics
Lecturer: Dr.Sc., Prof. Anatoli O. Druzhinin
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the educational discipline and the learning outcomes are the study of physical processes that determine the principle of action, properties, characteristics and parameters of various semiconductor devices in discrete and integrated execution. The material taught in this discipline is necessary for the student's practical activities when mastering future courses, as well as for a specialist, bachelor of the specialty "Micro- and nanosystem engineering.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: general competences: 1. Basic knowledge of fundamental sciences, to the extent necessary for mastering general professional disciplines; in the field of micro- and nanosystem engineering, necessary for mastering professionally oriented disciplines. 2. The ability to solve tasks and make appropriate decisions; the ability to analyze and synthesize, to apply knowledge in practice; 3. Ability to search and analyze information from various sources; have research skills; the ability to work both individually and in a team. professional competences: 1. Basic knowledge of scientific concepts, theories and methods necessary for understanding the principles of operation and functional purpose of devices and devices of micro- and nanosystem technology; basic knowledge of the main regulatory and legal acts and reference materials, current standards and technical conditions, instructions and other regulatory documents in the field of "Automation and Instrumentation"; 2. the ability to use knowledge and skills for calculation, research, selection, implementation, repair, and design of devices and devices of micro- and nanosystem technology and their components; the ability to develop methods of assessing the quality of materials of micro- and nanosystem technology, methods of testing devices and devices, metrological verification systems; the ability to argue the choice of methods for solving specialized problems, critically evaluate the obtained results and defend the decisions made.
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. Know the main stages of development of solid-state electronics; 2. Know the classification of materials according to their electrical properties; 3. Analyze electrophysical properties of conductor, semiconductor and dielectric materials; 4. Analyze physical processes in metals, semiconductors and dielectrics; 5. Know the classification of magnetic materials and their properties.
Required prior and related subjects: . Previous educational disciplines 1. Quantum mechanics and statistical physics 2. Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics, part 1 3. Quantum electronics and laser technology Accompanying and following academic disciplines: 1. Fundamentals of micro- and nanotechnology 2. Physics of semiconductors and dielectrics, part 2 3. Microcircuit engineering, part 1,2
Summary of the subject: The program of the study discipline "Solid State Electronics" is designed for students of the Institute of Telecommunications, Radio Electronics and Electronic Engineering who are studying Micro- and Nanosystem Engineering. The educational discipline is dedicated to the study of the main physical processes in semiconductor devices and devices of micro-nanosystem technology. Considerable attention is paid to the mathematical analysis of the operation of semiconductor devices and the explanation of physical phenomena. The physics of contact phenomena in semiconductors, metal-semiconductor contacts, metal-dielectric-semiconductor structures are analyzed in more detail; static characteristics and dynamic parameters of bipolar and field-effect transistors, as well as changes in the parameters and properties of semiconductor devices depending on the operating modes.
Опис: Physics of contact phenomena in semiconductors. . Charge carriers in equilibrium semiconductors. Stationary physical phenomena in p-n junctions. Physical foundations of metal-semiconductor contact. Semiconductor diodes. Stationary mode of operation of a semiconductor diode. Nonstationary physical processes in semiconductor diodes. VAH of a semiconductor diode during p-n junction breakdown. Types of semiconductor diodes. Bipolar transistors Physical basics of bipolar transistors. Dynamic parameters and static characteristics of a bipolar transistor. Equivalent circuits and characteristic parameters of transistors. Dependence of transistor parameters on operating mode and temperature. Nonstationary physical processes in bipolar transistors. Analysis of processes in transistors with a field in the base region.
Assessment methods and criteria: Description of methods for assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes Current control: completed and protected laboratory work, solving problems in the classroom, completing homework. Final control: exam.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control - 20 percent, exam control - 80 percent
Recommended books: Druzhinin, N.S. Lyakh-Kaguy, S.I. Nichkalo.– Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2017.– 64 p. 3. Druzhinin A.O., Nichkalo S.I., Lyakh-Kaguy N.S. (2018). Laboratory workshop on solid-state electronics. Part 2: Thyristors. Field-effect transistors: method. instructions for students of the basic direction 6.050801 "Micro- and nanoelectronics" and specialty 153 "Micro- and nanosystem engineering" / compiled by: A.O. Druzhinin, S.I. Nichkalo, N.S. Lyakh-Kaguy.– Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2018.– 48 p. 4. Druzhinin A.O., Lyakh-Kaguy N.S., Nichkalo S.I. (2019). Calculation and design of semiconductor diodes and transistors as elements of micro- and nanosystem engineering: methodical instructions for coursework from the course "Solid-state electronics, part 1" for students of the basic direction 6.050801 "Micro- and nanoelectronics" and specialty 153 "Micro- and nanosystem engineering » – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2019. – 46 p. 5. Druzhinin A.O., Lyakh-Kaguy N.S., Nichkalo S.I. (2020). Calculation and design of field-effect transistors as elements of micro- and nanosystem engineering: methodological instructions for completing the course work from the course "Solid-state electronics, part 1" for students of the basic direction 6.050801 "Micro- and nanoelectronics" and specialty 153 "Micro- and nanosystem engineering" - Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2020. – 40 p. 6. Druzhinin A.O., Lyakh-Kaguy N.S., Nichkalo S.I. Solid-state electronics. Part 2: electronic educational and methodological complex. – registration number No. E41-124-96/2021 dated 05/13/2021 – Certificate No. 03993. hosting address: 7. Druzhinin A.O., Lyakh-Kaguy N.S. Solid-state electronics. Part 1: electronic educational and methodological complex. – registration number No. E41-124-24/2015 dated 06.16.2015 – hosting address: =13009 8. Druzhinin A.O., Ostrovsky I.P., Hoverko Y.M., Nichkalo S.I. (2013). Devices based on MOS structures in micro- and nanoelectronics: lecture notes for masters and specialists of specialty 7.05080101 (8.05080101) "Micro- and nanoelectronic devices and devices". – Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House. - 68 p.