Software for Research in Micro- and Nanoelectronics

Major: Micro and Nanosystems of the Internet of Things
Code of subject: 6.176.03.E.043
Credits: 4.00
Department: Semiconductor Electronics
Lecturer: Orest Malyk, Ph.D., Professor
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the discipline: The purpose of studying the educational discipline is to get acquainted with modern software products used in scientific and engineering calculations. The material taught in this discipline is necessary for the practical activities of both a student, when mastering future courses, and a bachelor's specialist in the specialty "Micro- and Nanosystem Engineering".
Завдання: Tasks: Formation and development of competencies: General: basic knowledge in the field of micro- and nanosystem technology, necessary for mastering professionally oriented disciplines; ability to apply knowledge in practice; the ability to solve tasks and make appropriate decisions; potential for further learning. Specialists: knowledge of computer technology and programming, mastery of computer skills to solve specialty tasks; the ability to design systems and their elements taking into account all aspects of the task, including creation, debugging, operation, maintenance and disposal; the ability to issue technical tasks for the development of devices and devices of micro- and nanosystem technology; the ability to carry out schematic and structural design, using appropriate packages of applied computer programs; the ability to apply the methodology of scientific research at the theoretical and practical levels.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes in accordance with the educational program, learning and teaching methods, methods of evaluating the achievement of learning outcomes. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the main classes of computational problems encountered in the study of micro- and nanosystem engineering materials and devices based on them; the ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in conducting experiments, collecting data and modeling devices and devices of micro- and nanosystem technology; perform appropriate experimental research and apply research skills on professional topics; evaluate the obtained results and justify the decisions made. As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: - the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic physical processes and phenomena in semiconductors, dielectrics, as well as magnetic and optical materials for micro- and nanosystem technology devices; - the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the basics of professionally oriented disciplines in the field of micro- and nano-system engineering, the basics of automation, information technologies of system analysis, efficient energy use; – the ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in conducting experiments, data collection and modeling devices and devices of micro- and nanosystem technology; – the ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in conducting experiments, data collection and modeling devices and devices of micro- and nanosystem technology; - the ability to demonstrate knowledge of modern languages and programming environments and computer tools; - apply knowledge and understanding to solve problems of synthesis and analysis in devices and devices of micro- and nano system technology; - apply knowledge of technical characteristics, design features, purpose and rules of operation of equipment and equipment to solve technical problems of micro- and nano system technology; – to identify, classify and describe the operation of systems and their components; – combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop an activity strategy to solve the problems of micro- and nanosystem technology, taking into account universal human values, public, state and industrial interests; - perform appropriate experimental research and apply research skills on professional topics; - the ability to use various methods, in particular information technologies, for effective communication at the professional and social levels.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous courses: Engineering programming, part 1 and 2. Accompanying and subsequent courses: solid-state electronics, part 1 and 2.
Summary of the subject: Brief content of the educational program: The educational discipline considers the software packages MathCAD, Maple, Microcal Origin and Graph2Digit, which are used in the study of materials of micro- and nanosystem technology and devices based on them.
Опис: Brief description of the educational discipline: MathCad environment: 1. Operations with vectors and matrices. Solving a system of linear equations using MathCAD. Linear interpolation of functions, spline interpolation. Linear and polynomial regression. 2. Numerical and symbolic differentiation and integration using MathCAD. Solving nonlinear and algebraic equations. Programming in MathCAD. Solving ordinary differential and systems of differential equations using MathCAD. 3. Symbolic calculations with MathCAD tools. Graphical capabilities of MathCAD. 4. Maple environment: 4. Operations with vectors and matrices using Maple. Symbolic differentiation and integration, calculation of products and sums. 5. Operations on polynomials and rational functions, factorization of polynomials. Interpolation of functions using splines and orthogonal polynomials. 6. Analytical and numerical solution of equations. Organization of external files. Transition to calculations in the numerical programming languages Fortran, C. Graphical capabilities of Maple. Microcal Origin and Graph2Digi environment: 7. Construction of graphs using Microcal Origin. Digital processing of graphs using Graph2Digit .
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of assessing the level of achievement of learning outcomes. Current control - performance and defense of laboratory work, oral and frontal examination. Assessment - written survey, test control.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Evaluation criteria for learning outcomes: Evaluation methods and criteria: - current control (written reports on laboratory work), 10%; - assessment (written and oral form), 90%. Assignments that require the ability to apply the acquired knowledge of computer technology and programming to solve specialty problems are assigned to the credit. Current control is carried out by the method of knowledge control during the performance and protection of laboratory work.
Recommended books: Recommended literature: 1. M. Harhager, H. Pargoll. MathCad 2000: the complete guide. Kyiv. BHV Publishing Group, 2001. 2. A.V. Matrosov Maple 6.- Pittsburgh, BHV- Pittsburgh, 2001.-528 p.