Tariff Pricing in Apartment Residential Buildings

Major: Management of Residential Buildings and Their Associations
Code of subject: 7.073.16.E.037
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of project management
Lecturer: PhD, assistant Skvortsov Denys Ihorovych.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: – know the methods of implementation and procurement; – be able to develop a procurement plan for the project and make procurement management and ensure the conclusion of agreements; – understand the features of the tender for procurement of goods, works (services) and pursuant to monitor the status of the project; – use the methods and means of procurement procedures and was able to choose the form of payment for them.
Required prior and related subjects: previous subjects: – Interaction with stakeholders, – Planning projects and programs; subsequent and related subjects: – Adoption of project solutions, – Project budgeting and financial planning.
Summary of the subject: The modern experience in the purchase or acquisition of the required products, services or results that are produced outside of the project team, as well as documentary support for such activities.
Assessment methods and criteria: – written records of work, oral examination on practical (60%); – final evaluation: test (written, oral form 40%).
Recommended books: 1. Закон України вiд 25.12.2015 N 922-VIII «Про публічні закупівлі» [Електронний ресурс]. - режим доступу - http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/922-19 . 2. Морозов В. В. Основи закупівель товарів, робіт та послуг в проектах: (Тендерні процедури та контракти): навч. посіб. / В.В. Морозов ; Інститут економіки та права "КРОК". - К. : Таксон, 2003. - 741 с. 3. Бушуєв С. Д. Керівництво з питань Проектного Менеджменту : Пер. з англ. / ред.: С. Д. Бушуєв; Ін-т проект. менедж. - 2-е вид., переробл. - К. : Вид. дім "Ділова Україна", 2000. - 198 c.

Tariff Pricing in Apartment Residential Buildings (курсова робота)

Major: Management of Residential Buildings and Their Associations
Code of subject: 7.073.16.E.038
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of project management
Lecturer: PhD, assistant Skvortsov Denys Ihorovych.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: – know the features of the theory of design methodology and its organizational and procedural aspects: modern models, methods and technologies of professional project management, based on the philosophy of life cycles of projects and programs focused on outcomes and the language of professional communication project participants; – be able to apply modern tools of project management in the administrative, economic and administrative activities; – make scientifically informed decisions about project management and ensure their implementation.
Required prior and related subjects: related educational disciplines: – Project decision making, – Project budgeting and financial planning.
Summary of the subject: the modern design tools, mastering project management methodologies, such as temporal, resource, expensive, quality parameters of future product or service.
Assessment methods and criteria: – written reports on laboratory work, oral examination (30%); – final evaluation: exam (written, oral form 70%).
Recommended books: 1. Бушуев С. Д. Управление проектами: основы профессиональных знаний и система оценки компетентности проектних менеджеров / С. Бушуев. - К.: ІРІДІУМ, 2006. - 208 с. 2. Петренко Н. О. Управління проектами навчальний посібник. / Н. О. Петренко, Л. О. Кустріч, М. О. Гоменюк. – К. : «Центр учбової літератури», 2015. – 244 с. 3. Управління проектами: процеси планування проектних дій: підручник / І.В. Чумаченко, В.В. Морозов, Н.В. Доценко, А.М. Чередниченко. – К.: КРОК, 2014. – 673 с.