Design of Residential and Public Buildings Interior Elements (Architectural Design)

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.004
Credits: 4.00
Lecturer: PhD Hrytsyuk Larysa
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 1 To have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, to observe the norms of academic integrity; PRN 2 Apply software tools, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving research and design architectural and urban planning tasks; PRN 4 Take into account energy-efficient and other innovative technologies, promote the ideas of sustainable development, humanization and harmonization of the environment in the adoption of complex architectural and urban planning decisions; PRN 5 Initiate participation in the development of competitive projects, develop and present conceptual architectural and urban planning solutions, apply creative methods of activity; PRN 6 Understand the social role of architectural activity, assume responsibility for the effectiveness and consequences of decision-making in the field of architecture and urban planning in compliance with the basics of professional ethics; PRN 10 Make informed decisions taking into account safety, sanitary-hygienic, environmental, engineering-technical and technical-economic regulatory requirements and indicators in architectural and urban planning; PRN 13 Develop concepts of modern interior spaces, design interior elements of residential and public buildings; PRN 15 Determine the stages and directions of the historical development of architectural phenomena, critically evaluate, research trends and processes in architectural theory and practice, reconstruction and renovation of architectural and urban planning objects, interior design
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: interior design of residential and public buildings, architectural design prerequisites: course project on the subject of the master's qualification thesis
Summary of the subject: The content of the discipline allows you to master the latest trends in interior design of residential and public buildings and the basic skills of professional creation of design projects. The discipline is designed to train a modern highly qualified specialist in the field of architecture and design. In the basis of the discipline, auxiliary topics of practical provisions that reveal the main regularities of the design process are consistently laid. This practical course provides an opportunity to see the common features of the methodology of project activity based on the knowledge gained from special and additional disciplines. The place of an educational discipline in the system of professional knowledge is determined by the knowledge and ability to develop an artistic image and constructive elements, in particular, to draw up project documentation at the stages: "sketch", "design concept", "project". In the course of designing interior elements, the methods and ways of organizing the interiors of residential premises and the main types of public institutions using four groups of interior elements are clearly outlined, tasks for performing graphic tasks are formulated, namely: to aesthetically design individual components of space; create and execute sketch projects of public interior elements, use properties, qualities and means of composition; to be able to plan and organize the interior space of public and residential buildings. Already at the very initial stage of the design, the interior is modeled, the social order is understood, initial data is accumulated for the selection of one or another internal spatial scheme, taking into account the purpose, technical capabilities and stylistic features of the architecture.
Assessment methods and criteria: Ongoing supervision: Assessment of individual assignments, assessment of micro-research presentations for the workshop Final control: test control at the National Security Service of Ukraine, exam.
Recommended books: 1. Interior architecture: 20+: guide book./ Incl.: Hrytsyuk L.S., Chernyaeva V.M., Babyak V.I. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. - 109 p. 2. Interior [Text]: an album-guide to the lecture course "Designing interiors of residential and public spaces" / L. Hrytsyuk, O. Pekarchuk; National Lviv University. polytechnic". — L.: Lviv Publishing House. polytechnics, 2011. Ch. 1. - 2011. - 108 p. 3. Interior [Text]: an album-guide to the lecture courses "Modern decoration materials and accessories in the interior", "Design of interior elements" / L. Hrytsyuk, O. Pekarchuk; National Lviv University. polytechnic". – L.: View-vo Lviv. polytechnics, 2011 -. Ch. 2. - L., 2011. - 76 p. 4. Designing public catering establishments; manual. / Inc.: Hrytsyuk L.S., Linda S.M., Yakubovsky V.B. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2012. - 181 p.

Design of Residential and Public Buildings Interior Elements (Architectural Design) (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.011
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Ph. D., Associate Professor Bazylevych V. V, assistant Verkhola Yu. V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 1. Have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, adhere to the norms of academic integrity. PRN 2. Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving research and design architectural and urban planning problems. PRN 3.To organize and carry out effective communications within the team, to combine independent and collective work on complex architectural and town-planning projects. PRN 4. Take into account energy efficient and other innovative technologies, promote the ideas of sustainable development, humanization and harmonization of the environment in making integrated architectural and urban planning decisions. PRN 7. Possess knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, critically assess the socio-economic, environmental, ethical and aesthetic consequences in case of violation of state building codes. PRN 8. Generate data of pre-design analysis of architectural and urban planning objects and territories allocated for construction, reconstruction or restoration. PRN 9. Identify the specifics of designing complex architectural and urban planning objects, develop complex projects of planning of territories, buildings and interiors taking into account modern world trends and innovations.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: The Architectural Design of a Public Buildings and Structures, Computer Modeling and Animation of the Architectural Environment Corequisites: Comprehensive Research of Architectural and Urban Planning Object, Modern Concepts and Innovations in Architecture and Urban Planning, Fundamentals of Forming Residental and Public Object (Complex Investigation).
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Interior Design of Residential and Public Buildings (Architectural Design)" allows you to master the basic skills in the design of complex long-range objects. While studying the discipline, students apply in practice the basic methods of pre-project analysis and architectural design in compliance with the following main stages - sketch-idea, sketch, project drawings. Initially, students work on the implementation of pre-project research in small groups (3-4 students). At the next stage, the concept of a large-scale structure is developed individually. Using modern architectural-planning, compositional and constructive techniques, students acquire skills of forming high-quality architecture using long-span structures. The development of the concept of a large-scale structure is provided taking into account modern world trends in architecture.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: rating of two clauses and their protections, preliminary presentation of completed KP drawings. Final control: check of the course project, differentiated credit.
Recommended books: 1. Habrel M.M. Prostorova orhanizatsiia mistobudivnykh system. K.: Vydavnychyi dim A.S.S., 2004. - 400 s. 2. Linda S. M., Morklianyk O. I. Typolohiia hromadskykh budivel i sporud : pidruchnyk / S. M. Linda, O. I. Morklianyk; Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika". - Lviv : Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky, 2015. - 346 c. 3. Cherkes, B. S., Linda S. M. Arkhitektura suchasnosti. Ostannia tretyna KhKh - pochatok KhKhI stolit : navch. posib. / B. S. Cherkes, S. M. Linda. - Lviv : Lvivska politekhnika, 2010. - 384 s. : il., tabl. 4. Pryiomy metonimii ta metafory v arkhitekturno-predmetnomu seredovyshchi. Chastyna I. Pryiom metonimii. Metodychni vkazivky / Ukl.: Kramarchuk Kh. P., Bazylevych V.V., – Lviv: Natsionalnyi universytet «Lvivska politekhnika», 2015. – 15 s. 5. «Pryiomy metonimii ta metafory v arkhitekturno-predmetnomu seredovyshchi. Chastyna II. Pryiom metafory». Metodychni vkazivky / Ukl.: Kramarchuk Kh. P., Bazylevych V.V., – Lviv: Natsionalnyi universytet «Lvivska politekhnika», 2015. – 16 s. 6. Hnes I. P. Bahatokvartyrne zhytlo: tendentsii evoliutsii [Tekst] : monohrafiia / Ihor Hnes ; Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika". - L. : Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky, 2013. - 650 s. 7. Iurchyshyn O. M. Hnes I. P., Luchko L. I. Proektuvannia dytiachykh doshkilnykh zakladiv [Tekst] : navch. posib. / O. M. Yurchyshyn, I. P. Hnes, L. I. Luchko; Nats. un-t "Lviv. politekhnika". - L. : Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky, 2011. - 150 s. : kolor. il., tabl., fotohr. 8. Hrytsiuk L. S., Linda S. M., Yakubovskyi V. B. Proektuvannia zakladiv kharchuvannia: Navchalnyi posibnyk / L. S. Hrytsiuk, S. M. Linda, V. B. Yakubovskyi. - Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2012. 184 s. 9. Ofisna budivlia: metod. vkazivky do kursovoho proektu «Ofisna budivlia z parkinhom» dlia studentiv bazovoho napriamu «Arkhitektura» 6.06010201 «Arkhitektura budivel ta sporud» ta 6.06010203 «Dyzain arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha» / Uklad.: Yu.A. Rochniak, A. D. Smaliichuk, A. V. Kolomieitsev. – Lviv, Vydavnytstvo «Lvivskoi politekhniky», 2015. - 44 s. 10. Proektuvannia torhovykh tsentriv: metodychni vkazivky do vykonannia kursovoho proektu dlia studentiv bazovoho napriamu 60102«Arkhitektura» spetsialnostei 6.06010201 «Arkhitektura budivel ta sporud» ta 6.06010203 «Dyzain arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha»Uklad.: O. I, Morklianyk, O. M. Yurchyshyn, Yu. V. Idak, O. Yu. Lysenko. – Lviv, Vydavnytstvo «Lvivskoi politekhniky», 2011. – 36 s. 11. Derzhavni budivelni normy Ukrainy. DBN B.2.2-12:2019 Planuvannia ta zabudova terytorii. 12. Chyn Fransys D. K. Arkhytektura: forma, prostranstvo, kompozytsyia / Fransys D. K. Chyn; per. s anhl. E. Netesovoi. – M.: Ast: Astrel, 2005. – 399 s. 13. E. Neufert. Podrencznik proektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego. - Warszawa «Arkady»: 2000. – 552 s., il. 14. Vse dlia studenta [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: 15. ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide [Elektronnyi resurs]. –Rezhym dostupu: 16. 17.

Design of Residential and Public Buildings Interior Elements (Architectural Design) (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.012
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: Senior Lect. Ivan Bardetskyi C.Arch, Assoc. prof. Olha Kryvoruchko
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PH02. Use software, IT technologies and Internet resources for information support of architectural and urban planning research and design. PH03. To use the results of creative communication with specialists of related specialties, to combine independent and collective work on complex architectural and town-planning projects in order to increase their efficiency and professional qualities. PH04. Have knowledge of energy efficiency and other innovative technologies in conducting scientific architectural and urban planning research and making comprehensive architectural and urban planning decisions. PH08. To form data of the pre-project analysis of architectural and town-planning objects and the territories allocated for building, reconstruction or restoration on the basis of results of scientific researches. РН09. Develop complex architectural and town-planning projects of new construction and projects of reconstruction and restoration of existing objects. PH10. Carry out substantiation of safety, sanitary-hygienic, ecological, engineering-technical and technical-economic decisions and indicators in complex architectural and town-planning designing.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Architectural design of the environment (ecologically oriented (sustainable) housing group); The evolution of housing. Co-requisites: Basics of formation of residential and public facilities (comprehensive research); Energy saving architecture.
Summary of the subject: RECONSTRUCTION (sustainable) OF THE RESIDENTIAL QUARTER. Object of design "in the masses" in the context (structural levels "Residential quarter - Residential group - Residential yard"), in aspects: compositional and urban; functional and urban. Design materials: layout of the projected area in the settlement; schemes of pre-design (system) analysis (natural-aesthetic; compositional-urban; natural-climatic; functional-urban); schemes of housing education systems [compositional-town-planning and functional-town-planning structure; life support (nature-friendly solutions in water supply and sewerage, supply of materials, products and collection of housing waste; use of renewable energy sources)]; general plan of housing education; sections on the projected object on the site; 3D image of the project object (from a bird's eye view). Designed object "in detail" on the site (structural levels "Residential yard - Residential building - Residential unit"), in aspects: compositional and spatial; functional and communication. Design materials: schemes of systems of the designed object [compositional-spatial and functional-communication structure; life support (nature-friendly solutions in heat supply-ventilation, water supply-drainage, supply of materials, products and collection of housing waste; use of renewable energy sources)]; general plan of housing education; level plans, cross-sections of the projected object, 3D images of the projected object (from a human point of view).
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (3 clauses, review) - with 30 points; Course project (at the rate of 1 sheet A0 per student in a working group with a joint exposition of the project) - with 70 points; Differentiated test (in total) - with 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. Боднар О. Я. Золотий переріз і неевклідова геометрія у науці та мистецтві: Монографія. / О. Я. Боднар. – Львів: НВФ «Українські технології», 2005. – 198 с. 2. Гейл Я. Города для людей / Я. Гейл; Изд. На русском языке – Концерн «КРОСТ», пер. с англ.. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2012. – 276 с. 3. Державні будівельні норми України. Планування і забудова територій. ДБН Б.2.2-12:2018 – К.: Мінрегіон України, 2018. 4. Державні будівельні норми України. Житлові будинки. Основні положення. ДБН В.2.2-15:2019 – К.: Мінрегіон України, 2019. 5. Bellin P.-G. L’auto – ecoconstruction / P.-G. Bellin. – Paris: Eyrolles, 2009. – 207 p. 6. In Detail Solar Architecture: Strategies, Visions, Concepts / Christian Schittich (Ed.). – Munchen: Edition Detail; Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhauser, 2003. – 176 s. 7. Moughtin C. Urban Design: green dimensions / C. Moughtin, P. Shirley. – Oxford: Elsevier, Architectural Press, 2005. – 254 s. 8. Ecology and architecture. Architecture by Georg W. Reinberg. – Firenze: ALINEA International, 1998. – 204 s. 9. Neufert E. Podrencznik proektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego / E. Neufert. – Warszawa: «Arkady», 2005. 10. Krygiel E. Green BIM: successful sustainable design with building information modeling / E. Krygiel, B. Nies. – Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2008. – 241s. 11. Natterer J., Herzog T., Volz M. Holzbau Atlas Zwei. Studienausgabe / J. Natterer, T. Herzog, M. Volz. – Munchen: Institut fur internationale Architektur-Dokumentation und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Holz e.V., Dusseldorf, 1996. – 348 s. 12. Lewis S. Front to back: a design agenda for urban housing / S. Lewis. – Oxford: Architectural Press, 2005. – 174 s. 13. Siedlungsmodelle – Neue Wege zu preiswertem, okologischem und sozialem Wohnen in Bayern: Stadtebauliche Wettbewerbe 1996/1997. – Munchen: Wettbewerbe aktuell, – 91 s. 14. Building for Life. Evaluating housing proposals step by step / CABE - 2008. - Режим доступу: