Master’s Thesis Internship

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.046
Credits: 6.00
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна

Master’s Thesis Internship

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.054
Credits: 6.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: М.М. Gabrel, О.V. Pokladok
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 1 To have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, to adhere to the norms of academic integrity PRN 2 Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving research and design architectural and urban planning problems PRN 4 Take into account energy efficient and other innovative technologies, promote the ideas of sustainable development, humanization and harmonization of the environment in making integrated architectural and urban planning decisions PRN 5 Initiate participation in the development of competitive projects, develop and present conceptual architectural and urban planning solutions, apply creative methods PRN 6 Understand the social role of architectural activities, provide responsibility for the effectiveness and consequences of decision-making in the field of architecture and urban planning in compliance with the principles of professional ethics PRN 7 To have knowledge of the regulatory framework of architectural and urban planning, to critically assess the socio-economic, environmental, ethical and aesthetic consequences in case of violation of state building codes PRN 8 Generate data of pre-project analysis of architectural and urban planning objects and territories allocated for construction, reconstruction or restoration PRN 13 Develop concepts of modern interior spaces, design interior elements of residential and public buildings PRN 15 Identify stages and directions of historical development of architectural phenomena, critically evaluate, study trends and processes in architectural theory and practice, reconstruction and renovation of architectural and urban planning facilities, interior design PRN 16 To develop theoretical, typological approaches to solving problems of formation and development of architectural and urban environment based on the systematization of data of natural, humanities and technical sciences.
Required prior and related subjects: Project process technology; Basics of formation of residential and public facilities (Comprehensive research); Architectural design of a public building; Modern concepts and innovations in architecture and urban planning; Comprehensive research of architectural and urban planning object; Course project on the topic of master's qualification work.
Summary of the subject: Practice on the topic of master's qualification work involves the deepening and expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during training at the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels. The student must gather theoretical and practical information on the topic of the master's thesis, summarize the information and formulate conclusions on its application in the master's thesis. In the process of practice, the use of theoretical and empirical methods of research of urban objects and the presentation of results in textual and graphical form. Practice programs should contain the following main sections: the purpose and objectives of the practice; organization of practice; content of practice; individual task; requirements for the practice report; results of practice.
Assessment methods and criteria: Ongoing control is carried out throughout the practice period. The student is allowed to defend the report and receive credit if the task is completed in full, with the response of the head of the practice from the company. Final control involves the performance of individual tasks, protection of the report, which must be submitted to the department no later than one week after the end of the internship.
Recommended books: 1. Bilokon YM, Fomin IO Science and creativity in architecture. K .: Logos, 2006. 208 p. 2. Bilokon, YM Regional planning (theory and practice). Kyiv: Logos, 2003. p. 246. 3. Bilokon Yu.M. Typology of urban planning objects: textbook. manual / ed. I.o. fomina.- K .: Ukrarhbudinform, 2001. 4. Boyko H.S. Types of houses and architectural structures: A textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. 204 p. 5. Vazhinsky SE, Scherbak TI Methods and organization of scientific research: a textbook. Sumy. Sum. DPU, 2016. 260 p. 6. Вихрущ В.О. etc. Methodology and methods of scientific research: Textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. 328 p. 7. Gabrel MM Spatial organization of urban systems. K .: Publishing House A.S.S., 2004. 400 p. 8. Gabrel, MM Spatial approach to substantiation of architectural decisions: textbook. manual. Lviv: SPOLOM, 2016. p. 284 9. Getun GV Architecture of buildings and structures. Book 1. Fundamentals of design. Kyiv: Condor, 2012. 380 p .; Book 2. Residential buildings. K., 2017. 736 p. 10. Gnes IP Apartment housing: evolutionary trends. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2013. 652 p. 11. Demin NM Management of urban development systems. K.: Budivelnyk, 1991. 184 p. 12. Zatserkovny VI, Tishaev IV, Demidov VZ Research methodology: a textbook. Nizhyn, 2017. 236 p. 13. Kolesnikov OV Fundamentals of scientific research: a textbook. K .: Center for Educational Literature (CNL), 2017. 144 p. 14. Koryagin M., Chek V. Fundamentals of scientific research: a textbook. K .: Alert. 2019. 492 p. 15. Kutsevich VV etc. Normative and methodical bases of architectural design of public buildings and constructions: textbook. way. Kyiv, 2016. 111 p. 16. Kuts ES Urbanized territories: methodology and practice of planning and management / Е.С. Corner, SV Corner. - Kyiv: NDPI of Urban Planning, 2003. - 252 p. 17. Linda SM, Morklyanik OI Typology of public buildings and structures: Textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. 348 p. 18. Urban planning. Part I: The city as an object of design: Textbook / GP Petryshyn, BS Posatsky, YI Kryvoruchko and others. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. 328 p. 19. Urban planning. Part II: Design of structural elements of the city Textbook / GP Petryshyn et al. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. 288 p. 20. Fundamentals of methodology and organization of scientific research: a textbook. Ed. A.Ye. Konversky. K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2010.352 p. 21. Panchenko, TF Urban Development. Designer's Guide. Kyiv: Ukrarkhbudinform, 2006. p. 192. 22. Panchenko, TF Landscape and recreational planning of nature reserves, monograph, Kyiv: Logos, 2015. p. 170. 23. Petrushenko VL Philosophy and methodology of science: Textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. 184 p. 24. Pleshkanovskaya AM Functional and planning optimization of the use of urban areas. - Kyiv: Institute of Urban Studies, 2005. 25. Posatsky BS etc. Architectural image of the city: A textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2019. 140 p. 26. Posatsky BS City space and urban culture (at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries). Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2007. 208 p. 27. Posatsky BS Fundamentals of urban planning. Territorial and spatial design: textbook. way. Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. Polytechnic, 2011. 368 p. 28. Posatsky BS, King EI Fundamentals of urban planning: lecture notes. - Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. Polytechnic University, 2017 29. Sushentseva LL etc. Methods of preparation of qualification work of the master Educational-methodical manual. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. 88 p. 30. Tovbich VV, Sisoilov MV Architecture: art and science. Vol. 1. Formation and development of processes and phenomena of architecture. K .: Svidler, 2007. 1020 p. 31. Ustinova, II Methodological foundations of sustainable development of ecological and urban systems: dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Architecture, Kyiv, 2016. p. 484. 32. Fomin IO Fundamentals of urban planning theory: textbook. / IO Fomin. - К.: Наук. opinion, 1997. - 191 p. 33. Холодова Л.П. Master's degree in architecture: textbook. allowance / comp. L.P. Cold. - Ekaterinburg: Architect, 2010 - 308 p .; ill. 34. Chen L.Ya. Fundamentals of Scientific Research in the Restoration of Architectural Monuments Textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. 152 p. 35. Circassian BS, Linda SM. Modern architecture: the last third of the XX - early XXI centuries: Textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2014. 384 p. 36. Chornenky Ya.Ya. etc. Fundamentals of scientific research: organization of independent and scientific work of the student: textbook. manual. K .: Professional, 2006. 199p. 37. Sheiko VM, Kushnarenko NM Organization and methods of research activities. Textbook. K .: Knowledge, 2006. 307 p.