Physics of Anisotropic Media

Major: Applied Physics
Code of subject: 7.105.01.M.019
Credits: 5.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: docent, Ph.D. Laba Hanna Petrivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline the student must: - know the basics of structure and symmetry of anisotropic media; - to acquire knowledge about the effects that occur as a result of anisotropy of the substance; - know the properties of tensors of physical properties of crystals; - be able to derive non-zero components of tensors for different classes of symmetry; - know the application of elements and devices created on the basis of physical phenomena in an anisotropic environment; - be able to formulate the basic physical principles and laws that determine the appearance of physical phenomena in anisotropic media; - be able to study the physical properties of anisotropic media; - be able to determine the geometry of physical phenomena in anisotropic media and determine the components of the corresponding tensors.
Required prior and related subjects: - pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Vector and Tensor Analysis, Fundamentals of Crystal Optics, Thermo- and Photoelectric phenomena in Solids; - co-requisites: Spatial Anisotropy of Induced Optical Effects, Innovative Optical Materials Research Technologies , research practycum.
Summary of the subject: The symmetry of anisotropic matter. The tensor description of physical properties of crystals. The dielectric properties, magnetic properties. The thermal conductivity. Propagation of acoustic waves in anisotropic media. Christoffel's equation. The stresses and strains in the anisotropic crystals. The thermal distension. The elastic, piezoelectric and electrostrictive effects in crystals. Higher order effects.
Assessment methods and criteria: Differentiated test, dialogic speech, control test, differentiated test. - current control: (40 %): dialogic speech (20%), control test (10%), differentiated test (10%); - final control (60%): exam – written component (50%), oral component (10%).
Recommended books: 1. Шаскольская М. П. Кристаллография. Москва : Высшая школа, 1984. 376 с. 2. Недоля А. В. Кристалографія. Фізичні властивості кристалів. Запоріжжя : Просвіта, 2014. 138 с. 3. Сиротин Р.И., Шаскольская М.П. Основы кристаллофизики. - М.: Наука, 1985. - 680 с. 4. Най Дж. Физические свойства кристаллов. - М.: Мир, 1967. - 385 с. 5. Вустер У. Применение тензоров и теории групп дли описания Физических свойств кристаллов. - М.: Мир, 1977. 6. Переломова Н.В., Тагиеза М.М. Задачник по кристаллофизике. -М.: Наука. 1982. - 287 с. 7. Smith C.S. Macroscopic symmetry and properties of crystals. Solid State Physics.- Vol. 6, New York, 1985, p. 175.