Argumentation Theory and Heuristics

Major: Philosophy
Code of subject: 8.033.00.O.004
Credits: 4.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: DSc (Philosophy), prof. Povtoreva S.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Tasks of the study of discipline: - knowledge of linguistic concepts of prominent representatives of Western European and Ukrainian philosophy and methodological foundations of structural linguistics as the core of the formation of structuralism and postmodernism and the corresponding changes in the discourse of modern science and culture; - the ability to synthesize historical, subject and personal aspects of the material, as well as to give their own assessment of innovations in modern humanities; - acquisition of skills to work with primary sources on relevant topics; - basic knowledge of theoretical linguistics and the development of linguistic philosophy to the extent necessary for professional activity. As a result studying of the academic discipline study the post graduate student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: to know: • features of the genesis of the linguistic turn in philosophy, which led to the emergence of structural linguistics, structuralism and poststructuralism; historical stages of formation of structural methodology; • basic concepts of modern linguistic philosophy (structuralism and poststructuralism; • the main directions of humanities knowledge, created or changed as a result of the application of the principles of structural linguistics. to be able: - have structural methods of researching problems in the humanities; identify the discursive (linguistic) component in philosophical and scientific reflections; - to distinguish structural and linguistic principles in different areas of public consciousness: political, legal, medical, business, moral, religious, literary and artistic, etc.; - to work taking into account methodological bases of structural linguistics of work of representatives of humanitarian knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerequіsites: Logic, Philosophy. - Corequisites: Actual Problems of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Summary of the subject: Genetic and epistemological aspects of the linguistic aspect of the turn in philosophy. Structural linguistics; basic schools. Its influence on the development of philosophy and other areas of humanities. Linguistic discourse of structuralism. Language, text, intertextuality in the context of the philosophy of postmodernism. Postmodernism and modern globalized society.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, individual written work. - The final test (70%): exam.
Recommended books: 1. Petrushenko V.L. Filosofiia. Lviv: «Mahnoliia 2006», 2011. – 506 s. 2. Povtoreva S.M. Strukturnyi pidkhid – strukturalizm – poststrukturalizm (evoliutsiia metodolohii ta yii poshyrennia v humanitarnykh studiiakh): Monohrafiia. Lviv: Vyd-vo Natsionalnoho un-tu «Lvivska politekhnika», 2010, 336 s. 3. Hapon N.P. Mova ta hender : retrospektyva poststrukturalistskykh dyskusii u filosofii” // Naukovi zapysky Ternopilskoho derzh. ped. un-tu im. V.Hnatiuka. – 2003. – Vyp.11. – S.94-100.