Actual Problems of Socio-Humanitarian Sciences

Major: Philosophy
Code of subject: 8.033.00.M.008
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: DSc (Philosophy), prof. Povtoreva S.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: LEARNING OUTCOMES: - to promote students' understanding of the value of modern humanistic theories for the improving of the science efficiency; - to orient the students in the urgent problems of modern methodology in socio-humanitarian cognition. As a result of studying of the academic discipline study the post graduate student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: to know: - the place of social and humanitarian knowledge in modern science, - the basic modern conceptions and theories of social and humanitarian fields; - the ideas of prominent representatives of world and Ukrainian humanitarian studies; to be able to: - compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of certain concepts and theories of social and humanitarian directions; - apply the apparatus of these teachings and theories for understanding of the phenomena of real life; - identify the impact of these teachings and concepts over modern ideology, social programs, and the life practice.
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerequest: history of world and Ukrainian culture. - Corequest: sociology.
Summary of the subject: Socio-humanitarian knowledge in modern science. Substantive definiteness of Humanities and social sciences. Essence and paradigmatic features of the socio-humanitarian cognition. Sciences that determine the formation and functioning of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Society as an object of social cognition and basic concepts that interpret its essence. The anthropocentrism of contemporary humanistic, its peculiarities in the sphere of methodology. Socio-psychological component of social and humanitarian knowledge. Cultural studies in the content of socio-humanitarian cognition. Cognitive and epistemological studies in contemporary socio-humanitarian knowledge. Axiological aspects of the modern socio-humanitarian researches.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (40%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, colloquium. - Final control (60%): module work, examination.
Recommended books: 1.Gadamer H.-G. Truth and method. M., 1989. 2.Erina A. M., Zahodjai V. B., Erin, D. L. Methodology of scientific research. K., 2004. 3.Kemerov V.E. Introduction in social philosophy. M., 2001. 4.Crymsky S.B Requests philosophical meanings. K., 2003. 5.Lukianets, V. S., Kravchenko A. M., Ozadowska L. V., etc. The world-view implications of science. K., 2004. 6.Lukmann N. Society as a social system. M., 2004. 7.Petrushenko, V. L., The Philosophy of knowledge: ontology, epistemology, axiology. Lviv, 2005. 8. Petrushenko V.L. Psychological ontology (Experience of building untraditional ontology). Lviv, 2020. 116 p.