Social and Ecological Problems of Contemporaneity

Major: Philosophy
Code of subject: 8.033.00.M.014
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: CSc (Philosophy), Assoc. Professor Chursinova O.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Tasks of the study of discipline: As a result studying of the academic discipline study the post graduate student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - ability to systemic creative thinking, persistence in achieving the goal of professional research; - social responsibility for the results of professional decisions; - ability to find alternative solutions in professional activities; - ability to self-development and self-improvement of life implementation; - navigation analysis, evaluation and synthesis of new ideas; - skills in obtaining, storing, correcting, deepening and disseminating professional scientific and technical information; - navigation communication in dialog, interactive modes, especially with the wider scientific community; - wide philosophical view of the place and purpose of man in the world - in nature and society; - understanding of ideas, principles, methods and technologies of balanced nature management; - understanding the principles of the noosphere strategy of sustainable development and role science in it; - ability to use the principles of sustainable development in professional scientific activity; - the ability to understand the systematic contribution of different branches of science in implementation of sustainable nature management and the way to sustainable development of the world community. to know: - historical stages of understanding the global problems of today in philosophy and other humanities; - basic concepts of philosophy of global problems of today in general and social ecology in particular; - the main directions of greening of modern globalized society, including Ukrainian; to be able: - have the skills (methods) to study the global problems of today; identify and understand the main trends in the development of philosophical reflections and scientific knowledge about the ecological situation of the modern globalized world; - identify the environmental component in various areas of public life (including Ukrainian): science, technology, politics, law, medicine, business, everyday life, ethical guidelines, religious practices, art, etc.; - to work taking into account the relevant methodological principles of the work of representatives of humanitarian and natural values on socio-environmental issues; - to analyze the contribution of various branches of science to the implementation of sustainable development of the world community on the way to a socially conscious sustainable use of nature.
Required prior and related subjects: - Prerequisites: philosophy, biology, ethics - Corequisites: Actual Problems of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Summary of the subject: Philosophical aspects of modern global problems. Formation, object, subject and functions of social ecology in modern globalized society. Socio-ecological issues in the modern social development of Ukraine. The concept of sustainable development of society in the context of exacerbation of socio-environmental problems.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, individual written work. - The final test (70%): exam.
Recommended books: 1. Vernadskyi V. Y. Nauchnaia mыsl kak planetnoe yavlenye / V. Y. Vernadskyi. – M. : Nauka, 1991. – 270 s. 2. Kniazev V. Chelovek y tekhnolohyia (sotsyalno-fylosofskyi aspekt) / V. Kniazev. – K., 1990. – 176 s. 3. Melnyk V. P. Filosofiia. Nauka. Tekhnika : metodoloho-svitohliadnyi analiz : monohrafiia / V. P. Melnyk. – Lviv : Vydavn. tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2010. – 592 s. 4. Semeniuk E. P. Filosofiia suchasnoi nauky i tekhniky / E. P. Semeniuk, V. P. Melnyk. – Lviv : Svit, 2006. – 152 s.