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Philosophy and Methodology of Science
Major: Journalism
Code of subject: 8.061.00.O.002
Credits: 3.00
Department: Philosophy
Lecturer: DcS., Assoc. Prof. Ihor Karivets
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: Tasks of the study of discipline:
- elaboration of theoretical and methodological particularities and philosophical approaches to understanding of contemporary science, its structure, types and perspectives of development;
- acquaintance with the main categories and concepts of contemporary philosophy of science, criteria, standards of scientific knowledge and particularities of scientific and cognitive activities.
As a result studying of the academic discipline study the post graduate student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
to know:
- the place of science in social life;
- the peculiarities and essential features of science and scientifical cognition , its structure, classification, scientifical methods;
- the differences between historical types of science, its connections with subjects of scientific cognition, culture and ethics;
- the most important criteria of scientific knowledge.
to be able:
- to compare and analyze different types of sciences and humanities, historical types of science.
- to apply philosophical and methodological apparatus of different scientific theories in own post-graduated researches;
- to evaluate the moral and ethical aspects of scientific activities.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge:
A student of the third level of education (Doctor of Philosophy) must orient himself at the end of the course in the historical and modern development of science, its prospects and achievements, understand methodological approaches.
- to acquire methodological competence sufficient to develop scientifically in one's field.
- apply theories and scientific concepts according to their meaning in their field of study.
- formulate epistemological, methodological and moral problems and solve them
- to navigate the general topic of the philosophy of science and be able to argue one's position regarding problems in this area.
-achieve an appropriate level of presentation, both written and oral, of one's scientific research in practical classes.
At the end of the course, a student of the third level of education (doctor of philosophy) can:
- apply the acquired knowledge to relevant problems of one's specialty.
- to choose the appropriate methodology for carrying out own scientific research
- distinguish science from pseudoscience and non-science.
- evaluate the scientific project and predict its results.
- evaluate a scientific project from a moral point of view
- communicate in English with colleagues to share knowledge and present research results
Required prior and related subjects:
- Prerequіsites: Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy.
- Corequisites: Analytical and Calculus methods of Research, Actual Problems of Social Sciences and Humanities; Professional Pedagogy.
Summary of the subject: The content of the program is aimed at an in-depth study of the essence, state and prospects of the development of sciences, scientific knowledge, its features, the logical and methodological component of the forms and levels of scientific knowledge, its place in modern society and its relationship to man, culture; special attention of the program is focused on the study of methodological tools of science
Опис: The philosophy and methodology of science: General definition and problem field. Science as a socio-historical phenomenon. The methodological component of science: the method – methodology – methodic. The methodological component of science: the basic methods of scientific cognition in different levels of science functioning. The problem of quality assessment of scientific knowledge: criteria, standards and ideals of science. Peculiarities of historical development of science. The most influential methodological science projects of the twentieth century. Features and paradigmatic characteristics of socially-humanitarian scientific knowledge. Social, organizational, moral and personal-existential aspects of science and scientific activities. Science in the context of the modern technological revolution.
Assessment methods and criteria: - Current control (30%): oral questioning, presentations at seminars, tests, individual written work.
- The final test (70%): exam.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Exam - 70 points, Current control - 30 points. Of them, 15 points - reports in practical classes, 10 points - individual written work, 05 points - test
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Attending practical classes is mandatory. A student must attend at least 80% of practical classes to receive a positive grade. All individual written works are checked for plagiarism. Plagiarized works are not counted.
Recommended books: 1. Єріна А.М., Захожай В.Б., Єрін Д.Л. Методологія наукових досліджень. – К., 2004. – 202 с.
2. Жигилій Н.В та ін. Філософія науки і техніки. – Полтава, 2006. – 106 с.
3. Карамишева Н.В. Евристика: навчальний посібник. – Львів, 2013. – 272 с.
4. Крушельницька О.В. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень. – К., 2006. - 206 с.
5. Максюта М. Філософія науки: гуманітарно-педагогічний синтез. – Херсон, 2020. – 307 с.
6. Петрушенко В. Епістемологія як філософська теорія знання. – Львів, 2000. – 296 с.
7. Петрушенко В.Л. Філософія і методологія науки. – Львів, 2016. – 184 с.
8. Соціокультурні передумови трансформації методології науки. За ред. М. Савельєвої, Т. Суходуб. – К., 2020. – 378 с.
9. Карівець І, Кадикало А. Сучасна філософія науки: теми й проблеми. Львів: В-во ПП "Новий Світ-2000", 2023. - 141 с.