
Major: Earth Sciences
Code of subject: 8.103.00.M.024
Credits: 3.00
Department: Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Lecturer: Head of the Department, Professor Rostyslav Sossa
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • use knowledge of the theory of cartography, geography and geographic information mapping for WEB mapping; • produce innovative scientific ideas in the field of geo-imagery on the Internet; • Use WEB mapping skills to develop satin information systems: • use knowledge of WEB-mapping to solve applied professional problems; • the ability to integrate and apply the knowledge gained in the process of solving theoretical and applied problems in a specific field of research.
Required prior and related subjects: • GIS and databases • Cartography • Statistical analysis of location data
Summary of the subject: In recent years, the development of web technologies has increasingly given users the opportunity to use new means of information delivery. Web mapping is a field of computer technology associated with the delivery of spatial data to the end user. Certainly, web mapping is one of the areas of geoinformation technology as a whole. Web Cartography is a training course that studies and develops methods and technologies for creating web maps based on modern technical solutions.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Work on practical exercises, verbal interviews, performance work (40%). • Final control (differentiated credit), written and verbal forms (60%).
Recommended books: 1. Берлянт А.М. Виртуальные геоизображения. - М: Научный мир, 2001. -55с. 2. Геоінформаційне картографування в Україні: концептуальні основи і напрями розвитку: монографія / за ред. Л.Г. Руденка, Київ. - НВП „ Видавництво „Наукова думка”, НАН України, 2011. - 102 с. 3. Стратегія формування національної інфраструктури геопросторових даних в Україні: наукове видання / Карпінський Ю., Лященко А. - К.: НДШГК, 2006. - 108 с. 4. Hussein Nasser Building Web Applications with ArcGIS.- Birmingham B3 2PB, 2015,UK, ISBN 978-1-78355-295-5 5. Matthew Sheehan Developing Mobile Web ArcGIS Applications.- Birmingham B3 2PB, UK, 2015, ISBN 978-1-78439-579-7 6. Davis Scott GIS for Web Developers - The Pragmatic Bookshelf. Dallas, Texas. 2007.