Team Building and HR in Public Organizations

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.08.E.213
Credits: 4.50
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: -
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know: - Dominission of sufficient knowledge in areas related to public management and administration, that allows for the critically analyze the situation in the economic and political sphere and to identify key trends in its development; - obtaining knowledge for organizing communicational interaction and to solve conflict situations in the formation and implementation of administrative services through modern informational, communicational and innovative technologies; Be able to: - systematic thinking and apply creativity to the formation of innovative ideas in public administration
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: Coursework (creative) work on discipline " Technique of administrative activity " is a small-scale research of one of the pressing issues of the administrative apparatus of state enterprises, institutions, organizations, state executive authority or local government. Graduated student performing creative work for learning basic educational elements on the subject of discipline " Technique of administrative activity."
Assessment methods and criteria: Protect the course of the project, test (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Bebyk V. Informatsiyno-komunikatsiynyy menedzhment u hlobal'nomu suspil'stvi: psykholohiya, tekhnolohiyi, tekhnika pablik ryleyshnz: monohrafiya. — K.: MAUP, 2005. — 440 s. 2. Vynohrads'kyy M. D., Vynohrads'ka A. M., Shkatanova O. M. Orhanizatsiya pratsi menedzhera: navch. posib. dlya stud. ekon. vuziv. — K.: Kondor, 2003. — 414 s. 3. Dovhan' L. Ye. Pratsya kerivnyka abo praktychnyy menedzhment: navch. posib. — K.: “Eks ob”, 2002. — 384 s.

Team Building and HR in Public Organizations (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.08.E.217
Credits: 3.00
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: -
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of the objectives, principles and stages of implementing e-government. Knowledge of information infrastructure of e-government. Knowledge of the possibilities of using information technology in public organizations and public authorities; Skills of organisation of personal electronic environment for professional activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Пререквізит Кореквізит
Summary of the subject: Goals, objectives and basic principles of e-governance. Regulatory and legislative support for development of information society and e-government. Sectors and tools of e-democracy. Digital inequality in the information society and ways to overcome it. Electronic administrative services. Stages, conditions and problems of implementation of e-governance. Information infrastructure of e-government. Telecommunication and information-analytical system of government. Electronic document. Electronic signature. Internet communication in the public administration. Information security in e-government.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100%)
Recommended books: Elektronne uryaduvannya. Opornyy konspekt lektsiy / C. V. Dzyuba, I. B. Zhylyayev, S. K. Polumiyenko, I. A. Ruban, A. I. Semenchenko. Za red. A. I. Semenchenka. – Kyyiv, 2012. Dovidnyk e-vryaduvannya dlya mistsevykh orhaniv vlady ukrayiny. Praktychni vkazivky i krashchi praktyky mistsevoho e-vryaduvannya. – Akademiya elektronnoho upravlinnya, 2014. Tkachuk A. Mistseve samovryaduvannya ta detsentralizatsiya. Praktychnyy posibnyk / A. Tkachuk. – Shveytsars?ko-ukrayins?kyy proekt «Pidtrymka detsentralizatsiyi v Ukrayini – DESPRO». – K. : TOV «Sofiya». – 2012. – 120 s. Sendzyuk M. A. Informatsiyni systemy v derzhavnomu upravlinni: navchal?nyy posibnyk. / M. A. Sendzyuk. –K.: KNEU, 2004. –339 s. Matviyenko O., Tsyvin M. Osnovy orhanizatsiyi elektronnoho dokumentoobihu: Navchal?nyy posibnyk. / O. Matviyenko, M. Tsyvin – K.: Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2008. – 112 s. Domaryev V. B. Orhanizatsiya zakhystu informatsiyi na ob'yektakh derzhavnoyi ta pidpryyemnyts?koyi diyal?nosti: Navch posib. / V V. Domaryev, S. O. Skvortsov – K.: Vyd-vo Yevrop. un-tu. 2006. –102 s.