
Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.01.E.102
Credits: 4.50
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Hladun T.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. understand the position of controlling in the system of modern enterprise, its essense, functions and main tasks 2. know the set of methodological tools of controlling in different business areas; 3. ablility to demonstrate knowledge and skills of the rules of protection of intellectual property rights; 4. ablility to demonstrate knowledge of the techniques and skills of control at enterprises (organizations, institutions), the ability to form a professional opinion about the construction and transformation of the system of financial and economic security for current and potential needs of management of enterprise; 5. ability to preserve and increase material and financial base of enterprises, institutions, organizations, rational and efficient use of its resources, graiting the information needed for decision-making regarding the advisability of enterprises, institutions, organizations considering detection of threats and dangers, protection of the information received that concerns the business secretof enterprises, institutions and organizations; 6. planning and management skills of diagnostics of financial and economic state of enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Required prior and related subjects: related: Strategic management; Safety of social systems
Summary of the subject: The concept of controlling, its essence and meaning. Characteristics of the object of controlling. Accounting management as a basis of controlling. Forecasting and planning of the enterprise activity. Methodical tool of operative controlling. Expert diagnostics of financial and economic condition of enterprise. Controlling of investment projects. Organizational and methodical bases of formation and functioning of controlling at the enterprise. Controlling in the system decisions making.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control (32%) verification event (68%)
Recommended books: 1. Контролінг: Навчальний посібник/ Швиданенко Г.О., Лаврененко В.В., Дерев’янко О.Г., Приходько Л.М. – К.: КНЕУ, 2009. – 264 с. 2. Давидович І.Є. Контролінг: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2008. – 552 с. 3. Портна О.В. Контролінг: Навчальний посібник. – Львів: «Магнолія-2006», 2008. – 240 с. 4. Калайтан Т.В. Контролінг: Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Новий Світ-2000, 2012. – 252 с. 5. Яковлєв Ю.П. Контролінг на базі інформаційних технологій. – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2006. – 318 с. 6. Домарадзька Г.С., Гладун Т.М., Фещур Р.В. Прогнозування і макроекономічне планування: Навчальний посібник – Львів: «Магнолія-2006», 2007. – 211 с. 7. Кузьмін О.Є., Гладун Т.М. Менеджмент: 1 001 тест: Збірник тестових завдань/ О.Є.Кузьмін, Т.М.Гладун – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 284 с.