Economic Safety (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.07.E.203
Credits: 3.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Danylovych-Kropvnytska M. L.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Forming of tools for the problem resolution in the sphere of an economic safety and the mechanism of implementation of an economic safety of the entity. 2. Cooperation of security service of the entities and law enforcement agencies at all levels, prevention of economic crimes. 3. Prevention of action of threats at all public levels and forming of the appropriate legal means and measures of counteraction. 4. Manifestations of an unfair competition, information security about all types of activity of the entity.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: anti-monopoly regulation Co-requisites: competitiveness of the national producer
Summary of the subject: - Ability to apply theoretic-methodological methods to the solution of urgent non-standard problems of an economic safety; - Identification and investigation with use of special knowledge of crimes and illegal acts; - Development of a technique of safety of the entity by means of creation of the relevant divisions and security service; - Ability to check correctness of display of information about production, intermediary, trade, investment and other types of activity of the entity; - Identification by means of indicators of an economic safety of negative sides in activities of the entity; - Ability to create the concept of safety of the entity; - Ability to select personnel for work in security service and its structural divisions; - Ability to reveal manifestations of an unfair competition from competitors; - Ability to provide the proper level of safety at the entity; - Knowledge of basic provisions of protection of information resources and databases of information and communication systems based on special program and technical means of information security taking into account requirements of system of standard and legal and organizational actions.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (oral poll, individual works, test tasks, cases and situational exercises) (40%); Total control (60%, examination): written and oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1.Ekonomichna bezpeka: Navch. posibnyk / za red. Z.S.Varnaliya. – K.: Znannya, 2009. – 647 s. 2. Ekonomichna bezpeka: Navch.posibnyk / [V.I.Franchuk, L.V.Herasymenko, V.O.Honcharova, Z.B.Zhyvko ta in.]; za red. V.I.Franchuka. - L?viv: Vyd-vo L?vDUVS, 2010. - 244 s. 3. Ekonomichna bezpeka pidpryyemstv: pidruchnyk /V.L.Ortyns?kyy, I.S.Kernyts?kyy, Z.B.Zhyvko ta in. - K.: Alerta, 2011. – 704 s. 4.Danylovych–Kropyvnyts?ka M.L. Sertyfikovane yak elektronne navchal?ne vydannya elektronnyy navchal?no–metodychnyy kompleks z dystsypliny «Ekonomichna bezpeka natsional?noho vyrobnyka ta bezpeka informatsiynykh ta komunikatsiynykh system» № E41–233–330\2014 vid 05.03.2014 r.

Economic Safety

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.07.E.200
Credits: 4.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Economics
Lecturer: Danylovych-Kropvnytska M. L.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Forming of tools for the problem resolution in the sphere of an economic safety and the mechanism of implementation of an economic safety of the entity. 2. Cooperation of security service of the entities and law enforcement agencies at all levels, prevention of economic crimes. 3. Prevention of action of threats at all public levels and forming of the appropriate legal means and measures of counteraction. 4. Manifestations of an unfair competition, information security about all types of activity of the entity.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: anti-monopoly regulation Co-requisites: competitiveness of the national producer
Summary of the subject: - Ability to apply theoretic-methodological methods to the solution of urgent non-standard problems of an economic safety; - Identification and investigation with use of special knowledge of crimes and illegal acts; - Development of a technique of safety of the entity by means of creation of the relevant divisions and security service; - Ability to check correctness of display of information about production, intermediary, trade, investment and other types of activity of the entity; - Identification by means of indicators of an economic safety of negative sides in activities of the entity; - Ability to create the concept of safety of the entity; - Ability to select personnel for work in security service and its structural divisions; - Ability to reveal manifestations of an unfair competition from competitors; - Ability to provide the proper level of safety at the entity; - Knowledge of basic provisions of protection of information resources and databases of information and communication systems based on special program and technical means of information security taking into account requirements of system of standard and legal and organizational actions.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (oral poll, individual works, test tasks, cases and situational exercises) (40%); Total control (60%, examination): written and oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1.Ekonomichna bezpeka: Navch. posibnyk / za red. Z.S.Varnaliya. – K.: Znannya, 2009. – 647 s. 2. Ekonomichna bezpeka: Navch.posibnyk / [V.I.Franchuk, L.V.Herasymenko, V.O.Honcharova, Z.B.Zhyvko ta in.]; za red. V.I.Franchuka. - L?viv: Vyd-vo L?vDUVS, 2010. - 244 s. 3. Ekonomichna bezpeka pidpryyemstv: pidruchnyk /V.L.Ortyns?kyy, I.S.Kernyts?kyy, Z.B.Zhyvko ta in. - K.: Alerta, 2011. – 704 s. 4.Danylovych–Kropyvnyts?ka M.L. Sertyfikovane yak elektronne navchal?ne vydannya elektronnyy navchal?no–metodychnyy kompleks z dystsypliny «Ekonomichna bezpeka natsional?noho vyrobnyka ta bezpeka informatsiynykh ta komunikatsiynykh system» № E41–233–330\2014 vid 05.03.2014 r.