Public Offering of Securities and Stock Tools

Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.08.E.238
Credits: 3.50
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: prof. Bilyk OI
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, students should know: - the essence, functions, structure and role of the financial market in the economy; - regulatory framework governing the financial market; - financial institutions that act as intermediaries between financial market participants; - financial market pricing and risk theory; - capital markets, derivative financial instruments, monetary, currency, stock, bank loans, features of their development; - stock exchanges and their development in the world and in Ukraine
Required prior and related subjects: Basics of finance, money and credit Financial management and analysis of non-profit organizations Management of innovation and investment activities Administration of public projects
Summary of the subject: The financial market is a special, inherent only in a market economy, the sphere of economic relations, where the sale, distribution and redistribution of financial assets of the country between sectors of the economy. The study of the discipline is especially relevant in the current economic transformation, when the state desperately needs qualified specialists in financial services, financial management, who must be able to assess all possible investment options, make the right management decisions in a rapidly changing securities market. The subject of the discipline is the financial market as an economic space, where the relations of purchase and sale of financial instruments, which are reflected in the securities, are formed and function.
Assessment methods and criteria: Work in practical and laboratory classes is estimated at 40 points. Exam - 60 points, of which 10 points - oral component
Recommended books: 1. Bandurka OM Money and credit: a textbook / О.М. Bandurka, VV Глущенко, А.С. Glushchenko. - Lviv: Magnolia-2006, 2014. - 367 p .: ill. 2. Bozhidarnik NV Currency operations [Text]: textbook / NV Божидарнік, Т.В. Bozhidarnik. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2013. - 698 p. 3. Budnik MM Financial market: textbook. way. / Budnik MM, Martyusheva LS, Sabina NV - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2009. - 334 p. 4. Vasilieva VV Financial market: textbook. way. for students. higher textbook lock / В.В. Васильєва, О.Р. Васильченко. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2008. - 368 p