Heat and Mass Transfer (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.00.O.052
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph. D., Tetiana Rуmar
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PLO 2. To know and understand the engineering sciences underlying the specialty «Heat and Power Engineering» of the relevant specialization at the level necessary to achieve other results of the educational program, including a certain awareness of the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of heat and power engineering. PLO 9. Be able to find the necessary information in technical literature, scientific databases and other sources of information, critically evaluate and analyze it. PLO 14. Have the skills to solve complex problems and practical problems involving the implementation of engineering projects and research in accordance with the specialization. PLO 18. To be able to manage professional activities, participate in project work, and be responsible for decision-making in the field of heat and power engineering.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: - Higher mathematics, - Physics, - Technical thermodynamics; co-requisites: - Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Thermal Power Plants, - Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Industrial Enterprises, - Thermal Power Plants, - Boiler Units of Thermal Power Plants, - Boiler Units of Heat Power Engineering Units.
Summary of the subject: The course project consists of three interrelated parts (sections): - calculation of the geometric dimensions of the heat exchanger and heat losses; - calculation of heat losses by the heating main; - approximate calculation of the geometric dimensions of the boiler and heat losses.
Assessment methods and criteria: The assessment of knowledge is provided by current (written component) and final examinations. Current control involves the assessment of the following components: - timeliness of fulfillment of the course design work schedule - relevance and justification of decisions made; - correct application of analysis and calculation methods; - quality of design, compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The final control involves assessing the following components: - the degree of mastery of the material - completeness of the analysis of possible options; - degree of justification of decisions made; - ability to defend one's opinion. Assessment criteria: - written component (30 points): quality of calculations and explanatory note; - final control (70 points): defense of the course project.
Recommended books: 1. Heat-mass exchange in examples and problems: Study guide /M.M. Chepurnyi, N.V. Rezydent. – Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2011. – 128 p. 2. Heat transfer // Konstantynov S.M. – Kyiv: Politekhnika i pres, 2005. – 305 p. 3. Thermal engineering // Drahanov B.Kh., Dolinskyi A.A., Mishchenko A.V. et al. – Kyiv: Lybid, 2005. – 360 p. 4. Heat-mass exchange // Labay V.Y. College textbook. – Lviv: Triada Plius, 2004. – 260 p. 5. Heat-mass exchange (theoretical framework and basis of design) // Pohorielov A.I. Manual for graduate students. 2nd edition. – Lviv: “Novyi Svit – 2000”, 2004. – 144 p.

Heat and Mass Transfer

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.00.O.050
Credits: 6.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Associate Professor, Ph. D. Tetiana Rуmar
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PLO 2. To know and understand the engineering sciences underlying the specialty «Heat and Power Engineering» of the relevant specialization at the level necessary to achieve other results of the educational program, including a certain awareness of the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of heat and power engineering. PLO 9. Be able to find the necessary information in technical literature, scientific databases and other sources of information, critically evaluate and analyze it. PLO 15. Understand the basic properties and limitations of materials, equipment and tools, engineering technologies and processes.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: - Higher mathematics, - Physics, - Technical thermodynamics; co-requisites: - Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Thermal Power Plants, - Heat-mass Exchange Machines of Industrial Enterprises, - Thermal Power Plants, - Boiler Units of Thermal Power Plants, - Boiler Units of Heat Power Engineering Units.
Summary of the subject: The main types of heat transfer. Thermal conductivity at steady state and boundary conditions of the first kind. Processes of heat transfer. Non-stationary heat conduction. Fundamentals of the theory of convective heat transfer. Heat transfer in the case of fluid movement in channels. Heat transfer due to forced transverse washing of a pipe and a bundle of pipes. Heat transfer due to changes in the aggregate state of matter. Radiant heat transfer. Basic laws of thermal radiation. Heat exchange devices. Diffusion and mass transfer processes in two-component media.
Assessment methods and criteria: Forms of control: 1. Current control in practical and laboratory classes is carried out in order to determine the readiness of students for classes in the following forms: - selective oral survey before the start of classes. - frontal standardized survey with tests lasting 5-10 minutes. - frontal check of homework completion. - Calling individual students to the board to solve problems independently, written answers to individual questions asked during the laboratory class. - assessment of student activity in the course of classes, proposals made, original solutions, clarifications and definitions, additions to previous answers, etc. 2. Examination control is carried out in order to determine the level of students' knowledge in the following forms: - a frontal standardized survey using tests posted in the VNS of Lviv Polytechnic, lasting 20 minutes. - written examination paper lasting 70 minutes. - oral examination to assess the level of knowledge acquisition and achievement of learning outcomes. It consists in finding out the level of knowledge of students through direct contact with them during a test interview. The oral examination involves the teacher asking questions (tasks), preparing students to answer and demonstrate their knowledge, correcting and self-controlling the answers given in the process, analyzing and evaluating them. Criteria for evaluating the learning outcomes of students: - work in practical classes - 15 points; - work in laboratory classes - 15 points; - examination control - 70 points (written component - 60 points, oral component - 10 points). Total for the discipline - 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. Mysak Y.S. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer: Textbook / Y.S. Mysak, I.M. Ozarkiv, M.Y. Kuznetsova, I.A. Sokolovskyi, V.M. Kuzma - Lviv: SPF "Ukrainian Technologies", 2016. 200 p. 2. Labai V.Y. Examples and problems from the course of heat and mass transfer. Study guide. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. 228 p. 3. Labai V.Y. Heat and mass transfer: Textbook for universities. - Lviv: Triada Plus, 2004. - 260 p. 4. Pogorelov A.I. Heat and mass transfer (basics of theory and calculation): A textbook for universities. 2nd edition. - Lviv: Novyi Svit - 2000, 2004. - 144 p. 5. Budnik A.F. Heat and mass transfer in processes and materials of material design: Study guide. - Sumy: Sumy State University Publishing House, 2008. 158 p. 6. Konstantinov S.M. Heat transfer. - Kyiv: Polytechnic and Press, 2005. - 305 p. 7. Draganov B.H., Dolinsky A.A., Mishchenko A.V. et al. Heat engineering. - Kyiv: Lybid, 2005. - 360 p. 8. Vasylenko S.M., Ukrainets A.I., Olishevskyi V.V. Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer: Textbook / Edited by Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences I.S. Gulyi - K.: NUFT, 2004. - 250 p.