Internship According to the Bachelor's Thesis

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.00.O.081
Credits: 3.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Kravets Taras Galyanchuk Igor
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of practice, students must obtain such program learning outcomes, which are provided for by the professional-practical component of the OPP of the specialty. • Program learning outcomes (PL): PL 4 - Analyze and use modern engineering technologies, processes, systems and equipment in the field of heat energy. PL 16 - Understand the non-technical (society, health and safety, environment, economy and industry) consequences of engineering practice. • Autonomy and responsibility (AaR) AaR -1 - Ability to adapt to new situations and make decisions.
Required prior and related subjects: • Industrial Thermal Power Plants; • Operating Modes of Heat Power Engineering Units; • Thermal Power Plants; • Operating Modes of Thermal Power Plants Units.
Summary of the subject: Study of regulatory documentation on labor protection and fire safety. Training on labor protection and fire safety with registration in the relevant journal. Acquaintance of students with the structure and problems of the scientific work of the practice base and its main results. Collection, study and generalization of information from literary sources related to the subject of the bachelor's qualification work. Determination of the state of the scientific problem of research. Specifying and justifying the relevance of solving the problem of BKR research. Mastering the principles of equipment operation and research methods. Study of methods of processing research results using modern software. Conducting theoretical and experimental research in the specialty according to the topic of the master's qualification work. Preparation of a written report on the completion of practice and the fulfillment of its tasks.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Final control (100% test): protection of written reports from practice oral form (100%).
Recommended books: 1. Y.S. Mysak, Ya.F. Ivasyk, P.O. Hut, N.M. Lashkovska. Obiekty teplovykh elektrychnykh stantsii. Rezhymy roboty ta ekspluatatsii. — Lviv: NU «Lvivska politekhnika», 2007. - 256 s. 2. P.I. Yanko, Y.S. Mysak. Rezhymy ekspluatatsii enerhetychnykh kotliv. — Lviv: Ukrainski tekhnolohii, 2004, - 272 s. 3. Mysak Y.S., Hnatyshyn Ya.M., Ivasyk Ya.F. Palyvni prystroi dlia spaliuvannia nyzkosortnykh palyv. — Lviv — Lvivska politekhnika, — 2002. — 136s. 4. Teplova enerhetyka. Novi vyklyky chasu. Za zah. redaktsiieiu P.Omelianovskoho, Y.Mysaka. – Lviv: NVF «Ukrainski tekhnolohii», 2009. – 660s. 5. V.Ia.Ryzhkin. „Teplovi elektrychni stantsii”. Enerhovydavn, M., 1987. 6. Atomni elektrychni stantsii. T.Kh. Marhulova - M.: Vyshcha shkola, 1974, 359s. 7. Parovi i hazovi turbiny atomnykh elektrostantsii. B.M. Troianovskyi, H.A. Fylypov, A.E. Bulkyn - M.: Elektroatomvydavn, 1985, 256s. 8. Turbiny teplovykh i atomnykh elektrychnykh stantsii. A.H. Kostiuk, V.V. Frolov – M.: Vydavnytstvo MEI, 2001. – 488s. Informatsiini resursy