Nuclear Power Units

Major: Thermal Power Engineering
Code of subject: 6.144.00.O.075
Credits: 4.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Kuzyk Myron P., Ph.D.Associate Professor
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PR2. Know and understand the engineering sciences that underlie the "Heat Power" specialty of the relevant specialization at the level necessary to achieve other outcomes of the educational program, including some awareness of the latest advances in science and technology in the field of heat power. PR6. Identify, formulate and solve engineering tasks in thermal energy; understand the importance of non-technical (societal, health and safety, environmental, economic and industrial) constraints. PR7. Develop and design complex thermal energy products, processes and systems that meet established requirements, which may include awareness of technical and non-technical (society, health and safety, environment, economy and industry) aspects. PR11. Have laboratory / technical skills, plan and perform experimental research in thermal energy using modern methods and equipment, evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the results, draw reasonable conclusions. PR13. Understand the main methods of design and research in thermal energy, as well as their limitations.
Required prior and related subjects: - prerekvizyty: - Higher Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry; – korekvizyty: - Technical Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer
Summary of the subject: Schemes and warehouse equipment NPP. The physical basis of the structure and operation of a nuclear reactor. Types of nuclear reactors. Nuclear fuel. Inhibitors. Heat carriers and jobs NPP body. Thermal circuit NPP and their features. PWR, BWR, LGR, GCR and PHWR reactors. Reactors WWER - 1000. Fast breeder reactors. Poisoning reactors. Steam and deaerator. Machinery NPP. Pipelines, valves and pressure compensators NPP. Auxiliary systems NPP. Training system fluids. Modes NPP. Stationary, transitional and emergency modes. Emergency stop. Programs and control system NPP. Radiation safety.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control (30%): oral examination • Final control (70% of exam): control measures
Recommended books: • M.V.Topolnytskyy. Nuclear power plants: Textbook for universities. - Lviv: Publishing House "Beskid Bit", 2005. - 524 p. • L.S.Sterman. The heat of the nuclear power plants .- M.: - 1963. - 157 p.