Design of Equipment for Water Treatment Plants and Radioactive Waste

Major: Nuclear Рower Еngineering
Code of subject: 7.143.01.E.026
Credits: 5.00
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: associate professor, Ph.D. Kovalenko Tetiana Pavlivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The student which studied module must: – to know the scientific and mathematical principles underlying of the heat and power engineering; the bases of the professionally-oriented courses in the theory of the heat exchangers apparatus; the theoretical basis of thermal power systems and networks; design methodology, the relevant normative documents, the efficient standards, and technical conditions. – be able to use the knowing and understanding for identification, formulating and solving technical tasks of specialty using known methods; to use the knowing and understanding for solving the tasks of synthesis and analysis in the systems which are close to the chosen specialization; to use the knowing in technical characteristics, structural features, the appointment and the rules of using of equipment and accessories for solving technical tasks of specialty; to calculate, to construct, to design typical for chosen specialty heat and power engineering equipment and accessories; to identify, to classify and to describe the work of systems and their parts; to evaluate the got results and argumentatively defend the taken decisions.
Required prior and related subjects: – pre-requisites: chemistry, physics, technical thermodynamics, thermal processes and units, systems for nature protection in the power engineering; – co-requisites: thermal engines of industrial companies, the boilers of industrial companies.
Summary of the subject: The use of water as heat-carrying agent and its loss in the circuits of the NPP of different types. The technological indices of quality of the natural water and the water in contour. The methods of pretreatment of the water. The technology of purification the natural water and the water in the contour by ion exchanging. The technology of purification the natural high mineralized water and the waste water. The technology of the water purification from dissolved gases. The stabilizing treatment of the water. The technology purification of radioactive water.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Running check (30%): the written reports of laboratory work and practical classes, the oral examination. • Final control (70%): the exam.
Recommended books: 1. Topolnytskyi M.V. Atomni elektrychni stantsii: Pidruchnyk dlia VUZiv. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo “Beskyd Bit”, 2005. – 524 s. 2. Karelin V.A. Vodopodgotovka dlya AES. Proyektirovaniye i raschet vodopodgotovitelnoy ustanovki: uchebnoye posobiye / V.A. Karelin. – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo universiteta. 2012. – 98 s. 3. Chizh V.A. i dr. Vodopodgotovka i i vodno-khimicheskiye rezhimy TES i AES: Uchebnoye posobiye / V.A. Chizh i dr. – M.: Izdat. dom MEI. 2010. – 351 s. 4. Mysak Y.S., Tymofieiev I.L., Zaiats M.F. Vodopidhotovka, vodno-khimichnyi rezhym ta konservatsiia teploenerhetychnoho ustatkuvannia elektrostantsii: Navch. posibnyk (rukopys). – 2009. – 183 s.