Home/ Majors directory/Earth Sciences/Geodesy and Topography, Part 2
Geodesy and Topography, Part 2
Major: Earth Sciences
Code of subject: 6.103.00.O.010
Credits: 6.00
Department: Geodesy
Lecturer: Ph.D., Asoc. Prof. Serhii Perii
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know
• the nature of geometric leveling; Classification and designation of state geodetic leveling network; the principle of optical and digital levels; basic requirements for leveling III and IV classes; classification of leveling errors; leveling networks balancing methods; methods of creating plane geodetic networks; to project polygonometric traverses; classification of theodolites; angular measurement estimation accuracy; creation bases for topographic distance measurement; types and snap tasks; balancing polygon traverses estimation accuracy; mapping on the computer electronic topographic survey results .
To be able:
• to perform leveling; inspection and adjustments of optical and digital levels; work at the station during the geometric leveling III and IV classes; define geometric precision leveling; balance leveling network; to project the polygonometrical survey; to find sources horizontal angles measurement error; evaluate the angular measurement accuracy; perform tasks in polygonometry snap; to balance polygonometric survey; station work and process measurement results.
Required prior and related subjects: physics, geography, geometry, math,
higher mathematics, physics, higher geodesy, computer topography
Summary of the subject: Leveling. Instruments used for geometric leveling III and IV classes. Leveling III and IV classes. Accuracy and precision leveling III and IV classes. Balancing results. Balancing level survey and networks. The plane network. Polygonometric traverse. Angle measurement in polygonometry 4 cells. 1 and 2 digits. Linear measurement in polygonometry 4 cl. 1, 2 category. Attachable work in polygonometrycal survey. Balancing polygonometrycal traverse. Electronic topographical survey.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Written reports on laboratory work, vocal examination - 40 points
• Examination control: writing component - 50 points; vocal component - 10 points.
Recommended books: 1. Ostrovsky A.L. Moroz O.I. Tarnavskyy V.L. Geodesy, part II: Textbook for universities. Lviv. "Lviv polithnika", 2007. - 508 p.
2. Litinskiy V., Vashchenko V., Perry C. Geodetic in topography. Part One. Tutorial. - Lviv: Yevrosvit, 2013. - 268 p.
3. Ostrovsky A.L. Moroz O.I. Tartachynska Z.R., IF Harasymchuk Geodesy. Part One. Topography. Tutorial. Lviv: publishing house Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2011, 440 p.