Engineering Geodesy

Major: Geodesy
Code of subject: 7.193.01.O.004
Credits: 5.00
Department: Engineering Geodesy
Lecturer: assistant, Ph.D. Sergey Leonidovych Petrov
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form students' knowledge, skills and abilities for their qualified participation in the work related to geodetic support at various stages of construction. Mastering the methodology and methods of carrying out geodetic works on the construction site. Implementation of particularly important and responsible geodetic measurements in construction practice.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of higher education: integral competence: INT The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems during professional activity in the field of architecture and construction or in the learning process, which involves the application of acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of relevant professional methods, technologies and systems. general competences (CG): ZK2 The ability to learn to perceive acquired knowledge in the field of geodesy, photogrammetry, land management, cartography and geoinformatics and to integrate them with existing knowledge. ZK5 The ability to produce new ideas, to show creativity and the ability to system thinking. professional competences of the specialty (FC): FK4 Knowledge of specialized software, GIS systems and basic programming skills to solve applied professional problems. FK12 Ability to identify, classify and describe digital models by using analytical and modeling methods professional competences of a professional direction (FCPS): FKPS1.1 The ability to formulate the purpose and tasks of engineering and geodetic research, to develop projects in the field of construction and architecture. FCS2.1 Ability to model and optimize applied geodesy tasks and implement new solutions in production
Learning outcomes: РН1(ЗН5) Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the current state of affairs and the latest technologies in the field of geodesy and land management РН2(ЗН7) Formulate and improve an important research problem, to solve it collect the necessary information and formulate conclusions that can be defended in a scientific context. РН3(ЗН9) Use information resources in a scientific way, using high standards of textual analysis. PH4 (UM3) Integrate knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve professional problems, using known methods РН5(УМ4) To systematically think and apply creative abilities to the formation of fundamentally new ideas РН6(УМ6) To carry out appropriate experimental research using research skills on a professional topic РН7(УМ8) Combine theory and practice, as well as make decisions and develop an activity strategy to solve the tasks of the specialty (specialization), taking into account universal human values, public, state and industrial interests РН8(КОМ3) Ability to use a variety of methods, including information technologies, to effectively communicate at professional and social levels. РН9(КОМ4) The ability to clearly and unambiguously convey one's own well-founded conclusions and knowledge to specialists, non-specialists and people who are studying. РН10(АиВ4) Ability to independently prepare and defend a master's thesis based on one's own research.
Required prior and related subjects: Associated and subsequent academic disciplines Geodesy in nature management Geodetic reference systems Engineering geodesy (KR) Modern engineering and geodetic technologies
Summary of the subject: In the educational discipline "Engineering geodesy" issues of geodetic support at various stages of construction work are considered, namely: • Geodetic preparation of project transfer in nature. • Geodetic works with a zero construction cycle. • Geodetic maintenance of installation of buildings and technological equipment. • Executive surveying. • Geodetic observations of displacement and deformations of buildings.
Опис: Geodetic preparation of project transfer in nature. Tasks and types of geodetic work on the marking of buildings. Geodetic marking network for construction. Fixing the geodetic marking network on the construction site. Construction coordinate grid. Construction tolerances and calculations of the accuracy of marking works. Geodetic works at zero construction cycle. Classification of axes of buildings and structures. Ways of marking the main axes of buildings and structures. General requirements for marking the main axes of buildings and structures. Fixing the axes of buildings and structures on the terrain. Detailed marking of building elements at zero cycle. Geodetic maintenance of installation of buildings and technological equipment. Tasks and content of geodetic works during installation works. Methods of installation and verification of the structure in plan and height. Construction of plan and elevation marking network on the initial horizon. Design of marking axes on installation horizons. Carrying out building axes on foundations. Geodetic works during the installation of columns. Geodetic works during installation of technological equipment. Geodetic marking works during the installation of trusses. Geodetic work during the installation of large-panel and frame-panel buildings. Executive geodetic surveys. Purpose and methods of executive filming. Executive survey of underground engineering communications. Executive geodetic documentation Geodetic observations of displacement and deformations of buildings. General information about deformations of engineering structures. Methods of monitoring the subsidence of the structure. Horizontal displacements of structures and methods of their determination. Measurement of building slopes. Only hours
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of student learning in the process of current and semester monitoring: ? current control over the performance of laboratory works and their protection; ? testing in a virtual learning environment; ? protection of an individual task; ? oral survey from individual sections.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Performing tasks in laboratory classes 15 Testing in the Internal Revenue Service 55 Execution and protection of control works 30
Recommended books: 1. Войтенко С. П. Геодезичні роботи в будівництві : навчальний посібник / Войтенко С. П. – К. : ІСДО, 1993. – 144 с. 2. Кузьмін В. І. Інженерна геодезія в дорожньому будівництві / В. І. Кузьмін, О. А. Білятинський. – К. : Вища школа, 2006. – 278 с. 3. Могильний С. Г. Геодезія / С. Г. Могильний, С. П. Войтенко. – Чернігів : КП Видавництво «Чернігівські обереги», 2002. – 408 с. 4. Островський О. Л. Геодезія / О. Л. Островський та інш. – Львів, 2004. – 164 с. 5. Ратушняк Г. С. Інженерна геодезія. Практикум / Ратушняк Г. С. – К. : Вища школа , 1992. – 226 с. 6. Ратушняк Г. С. Геодезичні роботи в будівництві / Г. С. Ратушняк, О. Г. Лялюк. – Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2008. – 182 с. 7. Український тлумачний словник будівельних термінів / [Літинський О. М., Літинський М. О., Васильківський О. А. та ін.]. – К. : Українська академія наук (УАН), ?МП Леся ?, 2006. – 528 с. 8. Система забезпечення точності геометричних параметрів у будівництві. Геодезичні роботи у будівництві : ДБН В.1.3-2:2010 – [Чинний від 2010-01-21]. – К. : Мінрегіонбуд України, 2010. – 70 с. – (Національні стандарти України). 9. Субботин Н. Е. Справочник строителя по инженерной геодезии / Н. Е. Субботин, А. С. Мазницкий. – К. : Будівельник, 1989. – 248 с.

Engineering Geodesy (курсова робота)

Major: Geodesy
Code of subject: 7.193.01.O.006
Credits: 2.00
Department: Engineering Geodesy
Lecturer: assistant, Ph.D. Sergey Leonidovych Petrov
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the discipline is to form students' knowledge, skills and abilities for their qualified participation in the work related to geodetic support at various stages of construction. Mastering the methodology and methods of carrying out geodetic works on the construction site. Implementation of particularly important and responsible geodetic measurements in construction practice.
Завдання: The study of an academic discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of higher education: general competences (CG): ZK2 The ability to learn to perceive acquired knowledge in the field of geodesy, photogrammetry, land management, cartography and geoinformatics and to integrate them with existing knowledge. ZK5 The ability to produce new ideas, to show creativity and the ability to system thinking. ZK9 Ability to apply knowledge in practice professional competences of the specialty (FC): FK4 Knowledge of specialized software, GIS systems and basic programming skills to solve applied professional problems. FK12 Ability to identify, classify and describe digital models by using analytical and modeling methods. FC14 The ability to argue the choice of methods for solving specialized problems, critically evaluate the obtained results and defend the decisions made. professional competences of a professional direction (FCPS): FCS1.2 The ability to use in practice the skills and abilities to organize research and design work in the field of engineering geodesy. FCS2.2 Ability to use and apply basic decision-making skills in the field of engineering and technology.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes РН1(ЗН5) Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the current state of affairs and the latest technologies in the field of geodesy and land management РН2(ЗН9) Use information resources in a scientific way, using high standards of textual analysis РН3(УМ5) Search and analysis of information from various sources and conducting research work РН4(УМ9) Evaluate the obtained results and justify the decisions made РН5(УМ10) Identify, classify and describe robot technology in the industry РН6(КОМ2) Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and one of the foreign languages РН7(КОМ4) The ability to clearly and unambiguously communicate one's own well-founded conclusions and knowledge to specialists, non-specialists and people who are studying РН8(АиВ1) The ability to take responsibility for the work performed and achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics. РН9(АиВ2) Responsibility for the development and growth of professional knowledge and practical skills and evaluation of the team's strategic development.
Required prior and related subjects: Associated and subsequent academic disciplines Engineering geodesy Professional and civil safety
Summary of the subject: In the study discipline "Engineering Geodesy (KP)" issues of geodetic support for the design of an industrial object are considered
Опис: From the site of the course work 1. Characteristics of the industrial object and the site of works. 1.1. Description of the object and work area. 1.2. Topographical and geodetic security of the work site. 2. The project of the planning plan-elevation basis. 2.1. Construction grid project. 2.2. Analytical preparation for taking out in nature the original directions of the building grid. 2.3. Justification of the construction grid method. 2.4. Preliminary calculation of the accuracy of the construction grid. 2.4.1. Preliminary calculation of the accuracy of polygonometry. 2.4.2. The project of the height marking base. Preliminary calculation of the accuracy of the height marking base. 3. Project of vertical layout of the construction site. 3.1. Preparation of the topographic basis for the development of the vertical planning project. 3.2. The project of vertical layout under an inclined plane with observance of the balance of earthworks. 4. Preparation of the project for taking out the axes of buildings. 4.1. Analytical preparation of data for drawing the main axes of buildings. 4.2. Compilation of marking drawings. 5. Geodetic support of construction and assembly works. 5.1. Geodetic works when planning pits for foundations and communications. 5.2. Geodetic works on the initial horizon. 5.3. Transfer of heights from the initial horizon to the installation horizon. Preliminary calculation of accuracy. 6. Executive shootings. 7. Conclusions. 8. List of references.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of student learning in the process of current and semester monitoring: ? protection of course work; ? oral survey from individual sections.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Execution and defense of coursework 100
Recommended books: 1. Войтенко С. П. Геодезичні роботи в будівництві : навчальний посібник / Войтенко С. П. – К. : ІСДО, 1993. – 144 с. 2. Кузьмін В. І. Інженерна геодезія в дорожньому будівництві / В. І. Кузьмін, О. А. Білятинський. – К. : Вища школа, 2006. – 278 с. 3. Могильний С. Г. Геодезія / С. Г. Могильний, С. П. Войтенко. – Чернігів : КП Видавництво «Чернігівські обереги», 2002. – 408 с. 4. Островський О. Л. Геодезія / О. Л. Островський та інш. – Львів, 2004. – 164 с. 5. Ратушняк Г. С. Інженерна геодезія. Практикум / Ратушняк Г. С. – К. : Вища школа , 1992. – 226 с. 6. Ратушняк Г. С. Геодезичні роботи в будівництві / Г. С. Ратушняк, О. Г. Лялюк. – Вінниця : ВНТУ, 2008. – 182 с. 7. Український тлумачний словник будівельних термінів / [Літинський О. М., Літинський М. О., Васильківський О. А. та ін.]. – К. : Українська академія наук (УАН), ?МП Леся ?, 2006. – 528 с. 8. Система забезпечення точності геометричних параметрів у будівництві. Геодезичні роботи у будівництві : ДБН В.1.3-2:2010 – [Чинний від 2010-01-21]. – К. : Мінрегіонбуд України, 2010. – 70 с. – (Національні стандарти України). 9. Субботин Н. Е. Справочник строителя по инженерной геодезии / Н. Е. Субботин, А. С. Мазницкий. – К. : Будівельник, 1989. – 248 с.