Scientific Research in Modelling of Applied Geodetic Problems

Major: Geodesy
Code of subject: 7.193.01.E.015
Credits: 7.00
Department: Engineering Geodesy
Lecturer: Ph.D., associate professor Poliakovska Liudmila Leonidivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Professional competences of a professional direction (FCS): FCS1.1. The ability to formulate the purpose and tasks of engineering and geodetic research, to develop projects in the field of construction and architecture. FCS1.2. The ability to use in practice the skills and abilities to organize research and design work in the field of engineering geodesy. FCS1.3. Ability to professionally operate modern geodetic equipment and metrological support of precision instruments. FCS1.5. Ability to study and model processes and phenomena in the field of geodesy, geodynamics, mathematical interpretation of connections in models and processes, determination of boundaries of applied models and assumptions. FCS2.5. The ability to monitor natural resources, nature use, areas of ecological and technogenic risk.
Завдання: Professional competences of a professional direction (FCS): FCS1.1. The ability to formulate the purpose and tasks of engineering and geodetic research, to develop projects in the field of construction and architecture. FCS1.2. The ability to use in practice the skills and abilities to organize research and design work in the field of engineering geodesy. FCS1.3. Ability to professionally operate modern geodetic equipment and metrological support of precision instruments. FCS1.5. Ability to study and model processes and phenomena in the field of geodesy, geodynamics, mathematical interpretation of connections in models and processes, determination of boundaries of applied models and assumptions. FCS2.5. The ability to monitor natural resources, nature use, areas of ecological and technogenic risk.
Learning outcomes: PH01 (RP1). Have special conceptual knowledge, including modern scientific achievements in the field of geodesy and land management, sufficient for conducting research and implementing innovations. PH02 (RP2). Communicate freely orally and in writing in national and foreign languages ??on issues of professional research and innovation in the field of geodesy and land management. PH03 (RP3). Make effective decisions on solving applied, research and/or innovative tasks in the field of geodesy and land management, analyze alternatives and make forecasts, assess risks, in particular in conditions of incomplete and/or contradictory information and ambiguous requirements. PH04 (RP4). Build and research conceptual mathematical and computer models of objects and processes, apply them to create innovations in the field of geodesy and land management. PH05 (RP14). Critically consider modern problems and prospective directions of development of geodesy and land management, tangential interdisciplinary problems.
Required prior and related subjects: Geodesy in nature management, Land management design, Modern engineering and geodetic technologies, Master's qualification work.
Summary of the subject: The purpose of studying the discipline: formation of future specialists' knowledge and skills regarding methodological approaches, methods, planning. Analysis of information from various sources and requirements for the design of scientific research, as well as the formation of a system of knowledge on the methodology and tools for building mathematical models, the use of numerical methods and optimization algorithms in applied geodesy problems. The subject of the study of the discipline: planning, organization of scientific research, effective search for source information, regulatory requirements for the registration of the results of scientific research, mathematical methods, properties and regularities of the development and analysis of mathematical models, numerical methods and optimization algorithms. Content: the course includes the following topics: methodology, methods and logic of the scientific research process; the essence of the mathematical modeling method as a scientific process of cognition; one-dimensional and two-dimensional mathematical models, numerical methods for solving practical problems; optimization algorithms in applied geodesy problems.
Опис: Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the theory of scientific research Topic 1. Methodology, methods, logic of scientific research. Subject and tasks of the course. Classification of sciences. Methodology, methods and logic of the scientific research process. The main purpose, principles and stages of modeling of technological processes. The concept of a system and its properties. Types of information analysis of experiments. Topic 2. Research planning and information search organization Research planning Planning of experiments, selection of factors. Basic tasks and concepts of experiment planning. Approaches to experiment planning. Documentary sources of information. Types of documents. Information provision of scientific research. Informational and bibliographic sources of information. Techniques of working with special literature. Topic 3. Forming the results of scientific research Requirements for the order of presenting the report material. Rules for drawing up the report. Requirements for structural elements. Rules for writing scientific articles and theses of reports Total hours per chapter Chapter 2. Modeling and optimization of applied problems of geodesy Topic 4. The essence of the mathematical modeling method as a scientific process of cognition The essence, purpose, subject, task of mathematical modeling in geodesy. Concept of model. Basic characteristics of mathematical models. Algorithm for building mathematical models. Basic types of problems arising in accordance with the type of mathematical model. Topic 5. Two-dimensional mathematical models. Use of two-dimensional mathematical models. Systems of linear and non-linear equations as the basic apparatus of two-dimensional mathematical modeling. Numerical solution of systems of linear and nonlinear equations.Topic 6. Numerical optimization methods. Solving linear programming problems using the simplex method. Solving the transport problem by the method of potentials. Construction of models by the method of least squares. Topic 7. Numerical differentiation. General formulation of the problem of numerical differentiation. The geometric meaning of numerical differentiation. Limits of using numerical differentiation. Error calculation for the problem of numerical differentiation. Calculation of derivatives of higher orders. Topic 8. Numerical interpolation. General formulation of the interpolation problem. Lagrange interpolation polynomial. Linear interpolation. Quadratic interpolation. Newton's interpolation polynomials. Final differences. Topic 9. Numerical integration General formulation of the problem of numerical integration. Methods of left and right rectangles. Methods of increasing accuracy. Trapezium method. Simpson's method. Calculation of the error for the problem of numerical integration Topic 10. Use of PP Surfer, Advanced Grapher, Derive to automate the solution of optimization problems.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following methods are provided for monitoring the results of student learning in the process of ongoing monitoring: • current control over the performance of laboratory works and their protection; • testing in a virtual learning environment; • protection of an individual task; • oral survey from individual sections. Laboratory works are evaluated for 5 points. 5 points - ("excellent") is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their relationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions posed, the ability apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 4 points – (“very good”) is awarded for knowledge of the educational material above the average level, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions (a small number of inaccuracies are possible), the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 3 points – ("good") is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 2 points - ("satisfactory") is awarded for weak knowledge of the educational material of the component, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 1 point - ("unsatisfactory") is assigned for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of basic fundamental provisions. Examination control involves giving a written answer to the examination ticket, which includes 4 test questions of the 1st difficulty level, as well as 1 theoretical question of the 2nd difficulty level and 2 theoretical questions of the 3rd difficulty level.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (PC): Laboratory works - max 40 points; Laboratory works - 5 points; Examination control (EC): Level 1 (4 test questions of 5 points each) – max 20 points; Level 2 (1 theoretical question 9 points) – max 9 points; Level 3 (2 theoretical questions of 13 points each) – max 26 points. Oral component - max 5 points
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks; 70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: 1. Чумакевич В.О. Рішення контрольних завдань: Методичні вказівки з курсу „Основи наукових досліджень в інженерній геодезії” для студентів стаціонарної та заочної форми навчання кваліфікаційного рівня „магістр” спеціальності 193 „Геодезія та землеустрій” / В.О. Чумакевич. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”, 2019. – 16 с. 2. Поляковська Л.Л. Методи оберненої матриці та Крамера: Методичні рекомендації / Л.Л. Поляковська. – Львів: ЛНАУ, 2015. – 28 с. 3. Електронний навчальний комплекс з дисципліни «Планетарна та інженерна геодинаміка» для студентів спеціальності 193 Геодезія та землеустрій [Електронний ресурс] / Л.Л. Поляковська – 2024 – Режим доступу до ресурсу:[03809]. Рекомендована література Базова 1. ДСТУ 1.1:2015 Національна стандартизація. Стандартизація та суміжні види діяльності. Словник термінів (ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, MOD) [Чинний від 2015-12-20]. Київ: ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2015. 48 с. 2. ДСТУ 1.2:2015 Національний стандарт України. Національна стандартизація. Правила проведення робіт з національної стандартизації. [Чинний від 2015-12-20]. Київ: ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2015. 61 с. 3. ДСТУ 1.5:2015 Правила побудови, викладення, оформлення та вимоги до змісту нормативних документів (ISO/IEC Directives - Part.2:200, NEQ) [Чинний від 2016-04-01]. Київ: ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2016. 48 с. 4. ДСТУ 3008:2015 Інформація та документація. Звіти у сфері науки і техніки. Структура та правила оформлювання. [Чинний від 2015-06-221]. Київ: ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2016. 26 с. 5. Засименко В.М. Основи теорії планування експерименту. Навч. посібник. Львів: Видав. ДУ «ЛП», 2000. 205 с. 6. Білуха М. Н. Основи наукових досліджень. Підручник. К.: Вища школа, 1997. 271 с. 7. Сидоренко В. К., Дмитренко П. В. Основи наукових досліджень. К.: 2000 – РНКЦ «ДІШТ», 2000. 259 с. 8. Шейко В. М., Кушнаренко П. М. Організація та методика науково-дослідницької діяльності: Підручник. Київ: «Знання - Прес», 2002. 293 с.бка 9. Литвин В.В., Висоцька В.А., Досин Д.Г. Методи та засоби опрацювання інформаційних ресурсів на основі онтологій. Монографія. Львів: ЛА «Піраміда», 2016. 404 с. 10. Краскевич В.Є. Чисельні методи в інженерних досліджеинях / В.Є. Краскевич, К.Х. Зеленський, В.І. Гречко. – К.: Вища шк. Головне вид-во, 1986. – 263 с. 11. Вергасов В.А. Обчислювальна математика/ В.А. Вергасов, І.Г. Журкин, М.В. Красинова та інш. – Надра, 1976. – 230 с. 12. Демидович Б.П. Основи обчислювальної математики / Б. П. Демидович, І. А. Марон. – Держ. Вид-во фізмат літ., 1972. – 456 с. 13. Моисєєв Н.Н. Методи оптимізаціїи / Н.Н. Моисеев, Ю.П. Іванилов, Є.М. Столярова. – Наука, 1978. – 352 с. 14. Самойленко М.І. Математичне програмування: Навч. посібник. –Харків: Основа, 2002. – 424 с. 15. Зайченко Ю.П. Дослідження операцій: Учб. посібник для студентів вишів. – К.: Вища школа.,1989, - 392 с. 16. Зайченко Ю.П., Шумилова С.А. Дослідження операцій: Збірник задач. К.: Вища школа, 1990. – 239 с. 17. Рижок З.Р. Математична обробка геодезичних вимірів: Навч. посібник . / З.Р. Рижок, Л.Л. Поляковська, Р.М. Ступень, П.П. Колодій. . – Львів: Галицька видавнича спілка, 2000, - 180 с. Додаткова 1. ДСТУ-Н Б В.1.2-17:2016. Настанова щодо науково-технічного моніторингу будівель і споруд. [Чинний від 2014-08-01]. Київ: ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2016. : набув чинності 24 квітня 2016 р. 60 с. 2. ДБН А.2.1-1-20. Інженерні вишукування для будівництва. (Друга редакція). Міністерство регіонального розвитку, будівництва та житлово-комунального господарства України, Київ. 2014. 128 с. 3. Корягін М. В., Чік М. Ю. Основи наукових досліджень: Навч. посібн. 2-ге вид доп. І перероб. К.: Алерта, 2019. 492 с. 4. Філіпченко А. С. Основи наукових досліджень. Конспект лекцій: Посібник. К.: Академвидав, 2004. 208 с.
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