Home/ Majors directory/Technologies of Orthopedic And Rehabilitation Products For Medical Purposes/Foreign Language for a Professional Purpose, Part 3
Foreign Language for a Professional Purpose, Part 3
Major: Technologies of Orthopedic And Rehabilitation Products For Medical Purposes
Code of subject: 6.163.04.O.017
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Foreign Languages for Engineering
Lecturer: Kushka B.H., Pukaliak M.M.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Завдання: General competences:
GC5 - the ability to operate in international environment
GC6 - the ability to generate new ideas (creativity)
GC7 - the ability to apply knowledge in practice
GC8 - abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis
GC9 - the ability to use information and communicatio technologies
GC11 - the ability to communicate in a foreign language
GC12 - to ability to search, process and analyze information from different sources
GC14 - interpersonal interaction and respect for cultural diversity
GC15 - the ability to work individually and in a team.
Professional competences:
- linguistic, which represents the level of knowledge of language norms and the ability to demonstrate language skills;
- socio-linguistic, which presupposes the ability of a learner to produce and identify language styles according to a particular communicative situation;
- pragmatic, which shows the ability to use acquired knowledge to influence an interlocutor while communicating in a foreign language.
Learning outcomes: Learning outcomes: By the end of the study learners are expected to be able to:
-use the conceptual apparatus of sociology in educational, research and other areas of professional activity.
-apply the provisions of sociological theories and concepts to the study of social change in Ukraine and the world.
-communicate fluently in state and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional matters.
-effectively perform various roles (including organizer, communicator, critic, idea generator, performer, etc.) in the team in the process of solving professional problems.
-be able to use information and communication technologies in the process of searching, collecting and analyzing sociological information.
-be able to develop a program of sociological research.
-have the skills to collect social information using quantitative and qualitative methods.
-present the results of their own research to professionals and non-specialists.
-conceptual scientific and practical knowledge.
-in-depth cognitive and practical skills, mastery and innovation at the level required to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or training.
-communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions, personal experience and arguments to specialists and non-specialists.
-data collection, interpretation and application.
-communication on professional issues, including in a foreign language, orally and in writing
-ability to take responsibility for making and making decisions in unpredictable work and / or learning contexts.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Corequisite: Foreign language for professional purposes, p.2
Corequisite: Professional foreign language
Summary of the subject: Тhe curriculum for the descipline "English for Specific Purposes" is aimed at the 1st year students of all specialities who possess level B1 according to the general European recommendations on learning and teaching modern languages.
At the end of the course students are supposed to acquire level B1+В2 which is an intermediary one between lower-intermediate and upper-intermadiate levels.
The course is practically oriented and thus enables students to get communicative competence in a foreign language. Learning process is based on integration of language knowledge and skills in situational context according to a major students have chosen. Selfstuding and individual studying are considered to be an essential part of the curriculum.
Опис: Summary of the discipline:
Scientific research methods. Research ethics. Academic integrity. Culture of professional communication. Social interaction. Social control. Social institutions. Selfidentification.
Assessment methods and criteria: Assessment methods:
- oral and direct questioning;
- questioning in writing;
- random oral questioning;
- presentations during practical classes;
- tests;
- activity assessment;
- evaluation of proposals, original decisions, suggestions, etc.
- Oral component
- Written test
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: * Assessment criteria for the practical session
Listening – Full understanding of audio materials; the student demonstrates independence and the ability to adequately perceive information and the ability to reproduce, translate, remember this material, and complete accompanying oral or written tasks.
Reading - the student demonstrates knowledge of a significant part of the material read; facts are used correctly, terminological correctness is present, small inaccuracies are possible; the student demonstrates understanding of the text, independent and critical thinking, ability to analyze, argue his position, logically and consistently present the material. The student understands and can explain in a foreign language the meaning of most words in the text, knows their translation, can use an active dictionary when discussing the information read.
Speech - the student demonstrates the ability to express himself on the chosen topic, using appropriate lexical and grammatical constructions, communicate freely and prove his point of view using linguistic means, engage in thematic discussions.
Writing - the student has a sufficient level of knowledge of grammar and has a sufficient lexical base to correctly express his opinion in writing. Logic, brevity, correctness of the presentation are important in accordance with the requirements for writing one or another type of written work (essay, letter, extended abstract, etc.).
** Evaluation criteria for oral speech (presentation)
The presentation is prepared in accordance with the proposed topic and according to the plan developed independently by the student, in compliance with the technical requirements for presentation design. Demonstrates deep and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the material, information is presented clearly, comprehensively using an analytical approach and additional factual and conceptual material to the chosen topic;
The report is complete, comprehensive, with a comprehensive coverage of the issues proposed in the plan, comprehensive, clear, logical, well-argued, with a consistent presentation of the content, one's own vision of solving the problem.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: listening, monologic and dialogic speech, reading, writing.
Final control: exam 55.
The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Total for the discipline 100
Classroom work 45
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Listening - Complete comprehension of the listening material. Students have to demonstrate the ability to comprehend and reproduce, interpret, memorise the material and perform oral and written tasks.
Reading - students demonstrate the knowledge of the reading material; they are able to reproduce all the facts correctly; certain inconsistencies are allowed, however, students should demonstrate critical thinking, the ability to analyze and lay out the material consecutively. Students understand and can explain most of the words in a text, can translate and use them participating in a discussion.
Speaking - students are able to express themselves on a given topic using lexical and grammar constructions, speak fluently and support their point of view by the help of language means and participate in discussions.
Writing - students possess an appropriate level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. A written paper should be concise, coherent, logical (an essay, a letter, a summary, etc.)
Recommended books: Англійська мова:
1. Behning, A. Intercultural communication: An Overview. – Berlin, 2017.
2. Stone Philip, Hartmann Rudi, Seaton Tony (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of dark tourism studies. – New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. — 806 p.
3. Кострицька С.І., Зуєнок І.І., Швець О.Д, Поперечна Н.В. Англійська мова для навчання і роботи: підручник для студ. вищ. навч. закл.: у 4 т. Т. 1. Спілкування в соціальному, академічному та професійному середовищах = English for Study and Work: Coursebook in 4 books.Book 1 Socialising in Academic and Professional Environment/ С.І. Кострицька, І.І. 2.Зуєнок, О.Д. Швець, Н.В. Поперечна; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. гірн. ун-т. – Дніпропетровськ : НГУ, 2015. – 162 с.
4. Azar, B.S (1999) Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education – 437p.
5. Comfort, J. (1996) Effective Telephoning. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press. – 126 p.
6. Convery I., Corsane G., Davis P. Making Sense of Place, Multidisciplinary Perspectives. – Boydell & Brewer, 2012. — 350 p.
7. Ellis, M. and Nina O’Driscoll (1992) Socialising. Longmann. – 129 p.
8. Evans, V. (2005) Round Up 6. English Grammar Book.Longman.
9. Getting on in English (Upper Intermediate). За ред. І.Байбакової, О.Гасько, М.Федоришина, Львів – 2009.
10. Murphy R., English Grammar in Use. CEF Level: B1 Intermediate - B2 High Intermediate. Cambridge University Press.
11 Quick Placement Test (2001) Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press. – 26 p.
12. British Association of Social Workers . The Code of Ethics for Social Work. Birmingham, 2014. – 14 p
13. Social Work : An introductory Textbook / ed. by Y. Roland. – New Dehli, 2013. - 172 p.
15. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням, ч.3», Сертифікат №04043. Укладачі Шайнер А.І., Кушка Б.Г., Цимбрило С.М., Дмитрук В.А.
Адреса розміщення:https://vns.lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=12118
Адреса розміщення: http://lpnu.ua/course/view.php?id=3277
Номер та дата реєстрації: Е41-185-191/2017 від 20.11.2017 р.
16. Dictionaries.
Німецька мова:
1. Збірник вправ і завдань з німецької мови (базовий рівень А2) = Aufgaben und Ubungen zum Wortschatz und zur Grammatik der Deutschen Sprache (Grundstufe A2) : навч. посіб. / С. В. Дружбяк [та ін.] ; Нац. ун-т "Львів. політехніка". - Львів : Вид-во Львів. політехніки, 2018. - 267 с.
2. Німецька мова: для студентів ф-тів інозем. мов : навч. посіб. / С. Солдатова, І. Гоштанар ; [Херсон. держ. ун-т] = Deutsch : Lehrwerk fur Studenten der Fremdsprachenfakultaten / S. Soldatova, I. Goshtanar. - Херсон : ХДУ, 2013. - 208 с.
3. Німецька мова для початківців: навч. посіб. для студентів ВНЗ / О. Кудіна, Т. Феклістова. - 4-е вид. - Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2018. - 517 с.
4. Німецька мова для початківців: навч. посіб. для студентів ВНЗ / О. Кудіна, Т. Феклістова. - 2-е вид., допов., доопрац. - Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2014. - 517 с.
5. KommunikativesDeutsch. RedaktionelleLeitung: Dr. V. Sadoroshnyj, Dr. Th. Seifert, Dr. F. Spitzner, M. Vesna. Lviv, 1998.
6. ВеснаМ. Українсько-німецькийрозмовник. Растр-7, Львів – 2010.
7. Sprich richtig aus- Практичнізавдання з розвиткуфонетичнихнавичок з німецькоїмовидлястудентів І-ІІ курсівусіхспеціальностей, Львів 2004.
8. Lernziel Deutsch- Deutsch alsFremdsprache- MaxHueber Verlag- 1998
9. Becker, Braunert, Eisfeld. Dialog Beruf I. Max Hueber- Verlag, 1997.
10. Netzwerk. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (A1, A2) / Stefanie Dengler, Paul Rusch, Helen Schmitz, Tanja Sieber. – Munchen: Klett-Langenscheidt Verlag, 2018. - 168 c.
11. Sicher Aktuell. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (B1,B2) / Michaela Perlmann-Balme, Susanne Schwalb, Magdalena Matussek. – Muncehn: Hueber Verlag, 2019. – 118 c.
12. Stalb H. Deutsch fur Studenten. Verlag fur Deutsch, 1995.
13. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням (німецька), ч.1» Сертифікат № 00816 Укладачі Смеречинська О. В., Драпалюк Г. С., Пиндик Н. І.
Адреса розміщення: http://lp.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=11222
Номер та дата реєстрації: Е41-185-84/2014 від 03.06.2014 р.
14. Dictionaries.
Французька мова:
1. Бабкіна М.І. Збірник граматичних завдань з французької мови: Навчальний посібник для студентів вищих технічних навчальних закладів / М.І.Бабкіна. – 3-тє вид., переробл. і доповн. Львів: – ЗУКЦ, 2015. – 260 с.
2. Бабкіна М.І. Ділова кореспонденція: Навчальний посібник з французької мови для студентів вищих технічний навчальних закладів / М.І. Бабкіна. – Львів: ЗУКЦ, ПП НВФ БІАРП, 2012. – 152 с.
3. Попова И.Н., Козакова Ж.О. Французькамова- 21-ше вид., виправлене. Х,: ТОВ « Нестор АкадемікПаблішерз», 2008.- 576 с.
4. Даутель К. Французька граматика коротко і легко . К.: Методика,2011. – 192с
5.ДучинС. English+Le fran?ais.- Суми: ИТД « Университетская книга», 2006.-508с.
6.Boular?s M., Grand-Cl?ment O. Conjugaison progressive du fran?ais. CLE Internatonal, 2000-223p.
7.Gr?goire M, Thi?venaz O. Grammaire progressive du fran?ais. CLE International, 2002-255p.
8. Mes pas vers la France. Мої кроки до Франції: підручник з французької мови для розвитку розмовних навичок (В1, В2) / М.І.Бабкіна, О.С.Білик, М.З.Джура, І.М.Ключковська, Б.Г.Кушка; за ред. І.М.Ключковської. – Львів: ВД “Панорама”, 2017. – 252 c.
9.Miquel C. Vocabulaire progressif du fran?ais. CLE International, 2001-192p.
10. Parizet M.-L. DELF B2 : 200 exercices / Marie-Louise Parizet. – CLE international, 2013. – 192 p.
11. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс “Збірник граматичних завдань з французької мови” Укладач: Бабкіна М.І. – Адреса розміщення: http: // vns.lp.edu.ua / modle / course / view.php?id=10768.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University guarantees the protection of the rights of learners with special educational needs. Inclusive education services are provided by "No Limits" Service, the one providing educational opportunities and continuous individual accompaniment for the disabled and those with chronical diseases. An essential means of implementing inclusive education policy in the University is Professional Development Program for teaqchers and technical staff in the sphere of social inclusion and inclusive education.
Postal address: Karpinskoho St., 2/4, teaching building 1, room 112
E-mail: nolimits@lpnu.ua
Websites: https://lpnu.ua/nolimits https://lpnu.ua/integration
Академічна доброчесність: The policy of academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is based on the academic integrity principles taking into account the norms of the "Regulation about Academic Integrity at Lviv Polytechnic National University (approved by the Academic Board of the University on 20 June, 2017, minutes 35)