General Physics (Part 1)

Major: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
Code of subject: 6.105.00.O.002
Credits: 10.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: Associate Professor Venhryn Bohdan Yaroslavovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • study the basic physical phenomena and laws of classical and modern physics; • provide a basis for theoretical training in physics that allow students to focus on the flow of scientific and technical information and was able to use the physical laws in their future specialization; • formation of students' scientific thinking and outlook, understanding the physical picture of the world as a whole, understanding the limits of applicability of various physical concepts, laws and theories; • exploring methods of physical research and scientific equipment available; • formation of students' skills of solving problems within the course.
Required prior and related subjects: co-requisites: • linear algebra and analytic geometry; • mathematical analysis, part 1.
Summary of the subject: Kinematics of a point and forth motion of a solid body. Dynamics of a point and forth motion of a solid body. Work and mechanical energy. Kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion. Conservation laws in mechanics. Movement neinertsialnyh frames. Fundamentals of special relativity. Strain. The elastic properties of bodies. Fundamentals of hydrodynamics. Mechanical vibrations: free, fading and forced. Adding fluctuations. Mechanical waves. Sound. Doppler effect.
Assessment methods and criteria: - current control (40 %): dialogic speech, control test; - final control (60%): exam – written component (50%), oral component (10%).
Recommended books: 1. Кучерук І.М., Дущенко В.П. Загальна фізика. Механіка. Молекулярна фізика. Т.1. Київ.: Вища школа, 1991. – 463 с. 2. Курс фізики. / Під редакцією Лопатинського І. Є. Львів, «Бескит Біт», 2002 — 326 с. 3. Пастушенко С.М. Загальна фізика. Механіка. - Київ: Видавництво НАУ, 2002. – 284 с.