Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry

Major: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
Code of subject: 6.105.00.O.005
Credits: 5.00
Department: Mathematics
Lecturer: Olga Veselovska
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Execute actions on matrices and vectors; find solutions to systems of linear algebraic equations; recognize the types of lines and be able to depict them in the Cartesian coordinate system; to study elementary functions; find bounds of functions, derivatives of functions, defined, uncertain and multiple integrals; to investigate the convergence of numerical series; to solve the studied mathematical problems with the solution of the solution to a satisfactory result. Understand and skillfully use linguistic, mathematical and numerical methods in the professional field. Be able to work independently and in a group, be able to get the result within a limited time with the emphasis on professional integrity and the impossibility of plagiarism.
Required prior and related subjects: Elementary Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Part 1, Mathematical Analysis, Part 2, Linear Algebra, Analytic Geometry.
Summary of the subject: Matrices and determinants; systems of linear equations; elements of vector algebra; analytic geometry on a plane; set theory; numerical sequences, functions, boundary theory, continuity of functions.
Assessment methods and criteria: Student knowledge testing is carried out by means of oral questioning in practical classes, control and independent work in the virtual of learning environment, the terminologicals of dictations, individual calculation and graphic works. Current control - 30 points; Examination Control - 70 points; Total for discipline - 100 points.
Recommended books: 1.Рудавський Ю.К. та ін. Лінійна алгебра та аналітична геометрія. Львів, ДУ “ЛП”,1999. 2. Понеділок Г.В. та інші. Лінійна алгебра та аналітична геометрія Львів, 2003. 3. Коваленко І.П. Вища математика, Київ, ”Слово” , 2011. 4. Рудавський Ю.К. та ін. Збірник задач з лінійної алгебри та аналітичної геометрії. ЛьвівДУ “ЛП”, 1999. 5. Коломієць В.О. та ін. Збірник задач з математичного аналізу. Част. 1, Львів, НУ “ЛП”, 2001.