Business Administration

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.O.001
Credits: 5.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Lina Halaz
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • ability to demonstrate deep knowledge of regulatory support of various economic activities, its legal regulation and liability; • ability to disclose the nature of the socio - economic phenomena and processes of business organizations, to assess the impact on economic processes of external factors, trends in the global economy, to have a holistic view of the development system of the organization, to analyse and use historical experience in solving actual problems of the national economy; • the knowledge of person's valuations and valuational orientations, management of the latter using innovational staff management technologies; • the knowledge of methods, techniques, technologies, leading schools of management in the field of leads training of HR departments and management of personnel; • to use skills-building group, possession of knowledge about innovative techniques of human resource management; • to use methods of forming a stable high-quality staff, evaluating the staff turnover, development and implementation of measures to improve the stability of staff and staff mobility management of organizations; • ability to use modern information and communication technologies for effective communication on professional and social scale.
Required prior and related subjects: co-requisites: Infrastructure of small and medium enterprises; Forecasting of economic processes
Summary of the subject: System model of management. The evolution of organization. Organizational mechanism of management. Organizational engineering. Governance models. Organizational design. Governance in organization. Risk protection in organisation. Governance of performance in management. The theoretical basis of corporate governance. Standards and models of corporate governance. External environment of corporate governance
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports of laboratory works, oral quiz (45%) • final examination: written form (55%)
Recommended books: 1. Основи адміністративного менеджменту : навч. посіб. / В. Д. Бакуменко, Л. М. Усаченко, В. І. Тимцуник, О. В. Червякова; за заг. ред. Л. М. Усаченко. – К.: ТОВ «НВП «Інтерсервіс», 2013. – 148 с. 2. Осовська Г.В. Менеджмент організацій: навчальний посібник. / Г. В. Осовська, О. А. Осовський – К.: Кондор, 2009. – 860 с. 3. Бондар-Підгурська О. В. Ділове адміністрування (Корпоративне управління): навч. посіб./ О. В. Бондар-Підгурська, А. О. Глєбова. – К.: Вид-во Ліра-К, 2015. – 487 с. 4. Мальська М. П. Корпоративне управління: теорія та практика: підручник/ Мальська М. П., Мандюк Н. Л., Занько Ю. С. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2012. – 360 с. 5. Кузьмін, О.Є. Корпоративне управління: навч. посіб. / О.Є. Кузьмін, Л.І. Чернобай, А.О. Босак, О.С. Скибінський, М.В. Колісник, З.П. Гаталяк, О.В. Мукан. – Л.: Вид-во Нац. ун-ту «Львівська політехніка», 2004. – 172 с.

Business Administration (курсова робота)

Major: Management of Organizations and Administration (by economic activities)
Code of subject: 7.073.01.O.006
Credits: 2.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Lina Halaz
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to organizational management and administration (by type of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of organizational management, management decision-making process, leadership, and leadership styles, conflict resolution features tasks of professional activity; • identify the ability to use professional knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economics for effective management of economic entities in a market economy; • make sound strategic marketing decisions, combine various economic and mathematical methods and models of planning, organizing, and evaluating the effectiveness of economic activities of enterprises and organizations; • develop strategic, tactical, and operational plans for current activities, plans for providing resources of all kinds, business plans, and monitor their implementation.
Required prior and related subjects: • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of classical and modern approaches to organizational management and administration (by type of economic activity), principles, laws, technology, methods of organizational management, management decision-making process, leadership, and leadership styles, conflict resolution features tasks of professional activity; • identify the ability to use professional knowledge and practical skills in management, marketing, finance, logistics, economics for effective management of economic entities in a market economy; • make sound strategic marketing decisions, combine various economic and mathematical methods and models of planning, organizing, and evaluating the effectiveness of economic activities of enterprises and organizations; • develop strategic, tactical, and operational plans for current activities, plans for providing resources of all kinds, business plans, and monitor their implementation.
Summary of the subject: Analysis and evaluation of the existing management system effectiveness in the organization. Improving the existing management system of the organization. Improving the performance of basic (general) management functions in the organization. Improving the use of management methods in the organization. Improving the management and functioning of other management systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: • report on the results of the course work, final control (level of task performance - 70%, registration - 10%, defense - 20%)
Recommended books: 1. Карий О. І. Менеджмент та інновації: теорія і практикум: навчальний посібник / О. І. Карий, Л. С. Лісовська, І. Я. Кулиняк, Л. В. Галаз, Ю. Г. Бондаренко. – Львів: Растр-7, 2020. – 298 c. 2. Косач І. А. Ділове адміністрування: менеджмент організацій та управління змінами: навч. посібник/ І. А. Косач, Л. С. Ладонько, І. В. Калінько - К.: Кондор-Видавництво, 2015. – 217 с. 3. Віноградська О. М. Тексти лекцій з курсу «Ділове адміністрування» / О. М. Віноградська, Харк. нац. акад. міськ. госп-ва. - Х.:ХНАМГ, 2013. – 150 с. 4. Лепейко Т. І. Реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів: навч.-практ. посібник у схемах і таблицях / Т. І. Лепейко, А. В. Котлик. – Х., 2009. – 79 с. 5. Галаз Л. В. Ділове адміністрування: менеджмент організацій. Конспект лекцій для магістрів 8.03060601 «Менеджмент організацій і адміністрування (за видами економічної діяльності)» / Л. В. Галаз, К. В. Процак , №6477 від 03.07.2015, 100 с.